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Session Report: First Eighteen Days

"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun." - Winnie the Pooh

General Summary

The following is a combination of notes from The Party comprising of the first eighteen days in-campaign.

0 A.C.
Calamity begins and beasts are released.

~35 A.C.
School: Eldin Sol + Matthew note passing. Beau of Ironclaw and Maarra Nightfinder meet through sparring, Beau is sent to detention. Principle Krease is dressed in witch gear like the creatures with his own horse skull mask. (Cult Leader mayhaps?) Group had 1 shared history class, year 35 A.C.

37 A.C.
S1: Mycia 12th / Day One: Graduation day in Aeris! Group is assigned to the Military District out of: Agriculture, Medicine, Industrial and Military. The group is given condolences in the courtyard for being assigned Military. Group walks into the castle halls with big glowing orbs for light. The King and Queen on pedestals with the four employers dressed in black. Each gives a speech, all non military assignments rejoice. Cassandra (MILF) sadly talks to Maara. Eldin gets bitchslapped by his mother. Az talks to his mother. Beau and Quinn chill. Sigmund leads the group to the barracks. Octavia? a goblin from the medical district is healing injured people. Group must go south into the forest for a 4ft tall blue plant called the Big Deku Baba, a carnivorous plant with numbing agents in its saliva. Group fights their first 3 beasts and obtains the bulb. Quinn carries it back and the group gives it to Clover. Bulb is used on injured people for healing. Group retires back to the barracks. Eldin has a one-night stand with a random person (woman, so not Matthew ;)). Quinn gets into a drinking contest. Beau ? Az ?. Maara talks to some veterans. The further out the tougher the beasts become, won’t find stuff for about 50 miles, watch the skies, go slow and steady. Nighttime: The Midnight Knocker Strikes. Eldin asks ♥️ Amaranth ♥️ about if he saw anyone. Beau and Quinn conspire with Maara? about The Midnight Knocker.
S2: Mycia 13th / Day Two: Group heads to Sigmund for next assignment, Raylin intercepts. Group goes through the Opus Trade Route in the agricultural underground. Druids? Needed help because she hadn’t heard from them? Tunnel has a hatch that locks from outside, with a ladder going down. The group first finds a destroyed cart. A druid, Ambassador and swordsman are dead. Quinn takes hair for Raylin to identify and some jewelry piece? as well. Maara shoots an arrow into a ceiling hole, Eldin walks under it. Group fights a beast. Further on, the group finds a hole in the wall ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) that leads upwards from the side. We look up in it, then cover it and mark it in it’s position in case… something comes out ;). Group digs through a cave in, there are no footprints on the other side. Group reports back to Raylin. Then to Peepaw’s, and he’s mad. :( He says the only other employer we can trust is Clover. Uh-oh, Raylin is now a sussy baka.
  ~End of Harvest Festival~
  S3: Mycia 14th / Day Three: Continued into the tunnel. Vague things happen. Smoke out the hole with fertilizer. The boards were moved, and guards on the surface marked the general smoke location.
Mycia 15th / Day Four: Quinn and Beau take watch while the group sleeps. Wood blocking hole has been moved during the night? ~~~ It sounds like something is copying the group's movements, hears whispering in common and another language. Two tortured looking beasts chase the group out of the tunnel, and they are running from something deeper in the tunnel. Group goes to Raylin’s office, “Don’t tell anyone what you saw”. Raylin gives the group a crystal rock for communication in emergencies with her. Sigmund scolds the group. Sigmund gives the group money to get fancy food and clothes to be security detail at The Ball for the town’s higher ups. Az, Quinn, and Beau each try to knock on Eldin’s door.
Mycia 16th / Day Five: Eldin hears that The Midnight Knocker struck again. Group gets paychecks, Maara brings Eldin his. (Idk sulking or smh)
Mycia 17th / Day Six: Sussy baka blue outfit group (not sussy in conclusion). They were wallflowers. Maara asked Isralli ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to dance. (Guess Maara’s a teacher’s pet ;)). Eldin dances / keeps an eye out. Beau tries to dance with Octavia, dips her and she steps on his feet because of ~height difference~. Az chills? with Quinn, the bartender who talks to Eldin’s mom (ilf). Probably. 8 pedestrians are turned into beasts, the Cultists don masks and cast spells. Fight breaks out, the group kills three out of five cultists and brings the other two to jail after interrogation. Dire Wolf Quinn identified the fifth cultist, Amanda (girlboss). Maarra apprehends her (also girlboss). Oh yeah, Beau almost fucking dies. Quinn sees Sigmund yell? At Raylin about the deaths on her hands (obv relays to party). Amanda - Fox mask.
Mycia 18th / Day Seven: I think it's the next day at this point lmao. Group visits the prison to talk to Ian and Amanda. The Cult is based upon their dissatisfaction with the town, and wanting society to be free from the walls. Currently, the Cults seem to only be able to temporarily turn people into beasts from their research. Note: flame spells.
Mycia 19th / Day Eight: A large white beam of light emerges from the hospital, waking the group up. The beam damaged the barrier, but was immediately restored. Evocation magic was used on the machine. From our investigation, we learn that 5 people had access to the room: Clover <3, Crin, Baler, Allea, and Galen. The morning workers were with Clover when the beam went off. Sigmund said we can trust Clover so….. Clover <3. Galen and Allea are morning. Crin and Baler are at night. We investigate all day, talk to Grac and visit his house. Az slinks off and finds a skull necklace, we bring it to Sigmund so Grac can be brought in for questioning. When the group visits Sigmund, there are the sounds of a struggle, then we see he has a man pinned at sword point. He was one of the injured men we retrieved the Big Deku Baba for. (Amanda was jailbroken on this date?) Night?: Group goes to the school, Spider Quinn investigates the principal's office.
Mycia 20th / Day Nine: Sigmund tells the party that Grac’s family is being taken into custody. Party learns about the poisonous vial in the necklaces (a la cyanide pill). Group questions Grac, we do not think he set the evocation spell. Group uses tea on Grac. Eldin is upsetti over us using tea on Grac. Grac lies about having access to the machine. Didn’t see the face of the person he was with. But he was helping the raven mask. Group regroups at Sigmunds office, then heads beyond the wall with Amaranth. Fights a group of four beasts, relaxes by the river. On the way back, a solitary beast avoids the party. We relay this to Sigmund.
Mycia 21st / Day Ten: Group gets permission to investigate Grac’s house. Maarra takes first bit of day off, Quinn, Az and Beau investigate Grac’s house. We find a ceremonial sword in the bottom of Orduck’s and Christians dresser. (In Dwarvish, says Prosperity). “When you have been wronged, some seek justice.” We find a note mentioning going to dinner (unsigned). Find thieves cant outside the house, Amaranth translates it to, “Learn a secret gibberish and speak it at the brothel when you find the moonlight’s light.” Gibberish = thieves cant, brothel = a place that thieves look down upon. We go back to the prison, no major info from Orduck. We talk to Christian, she mentions an “Ian” that Grac has talked to. We look through Christians notes, nothing out of the ordinary? Cream puffs. We go to Ian’s cell, learn that Amanda’s cell is empty. Find out she escaped on the day of the explosion while the guards were knocked out. Learn that Ian and Grac had a falling out in HS over something non-beast related. Ian’s parents were killed for talking about the beasts. He has a court date set, doesn’t care about it because he’s about to die anyways.
S9: Mycia 22nd / Day Eleven: Sigmund sends the group to Clover, they give us a paper with a symbol similar to Troy’s notes. Sigmund tells us that “The group targets gullible people about freedom.” One of the symbols is similar to blinding smite, mixed with eldritch blast. Quinn mentions not finding anything in Ian’s house, and her dire wolf investigation the previous night. Group talks to Raylin, goes through the tunnel and the owl+spider combo scouts out the town. Group heads back through the tunnel, and the beasts chase us back.
Mycia 23rd / Day Twelve: Group meets up outside of Sigmund’s office, gets permission to go to Firbolg town so we start walking to Clover’s. Zormus approaches the group and tells Beau about Arris. Group goes to Clover, then to the firbolg town (~20 miles north of Aeris) with a gift basket. Daisy helps situate the group. Spider-Quinn sees Ezekiel and RMP enter their hut, reports back.
Mycia 24th / Day Thirteen: Quinn is scared this morning. Group goes to breakfast. Group sees Amanda, she avoids them. Ezekiel sits with the group, brings Beau, Quinn and Az food. Learn that the firbolgs and the Serpents help each other. Group meets Clover’s family, and agrees to bring a letter from them to them.
Mycia 25th / Day Fourteen: Daisy gives everyone a pouch of herbs. Group returns to Aeris safely, Raylin was worried and trying to contact us yesterday. Group delivers the letter to Clover, then reports back to Sigmund. Sigmund asks Eldin to stay behind. Group goes to Amaranth's room with tea cakes and meets Trukad (who is also a prison guard), and plays strip poker. The Midnight Knocker strikes again.
S10: Mycia 25th / Day Fourteen (I think I got the above date wrong, double check): Werelion Beau happens during the night; Quinn is the only injured. Amaranth gives us polymorph tea, turns Beau into a rabbit and brings him to the hospital. Group meets up with Eldin at the school, hangs out with Cally. Maarra plays the ocarina. Emma is planning on adopting her. Group heads to Az’s room, where he has tea and dinner set up. Beau received a letter, so the group heads to a bar. Beau and Aeris get into an argument. Group agrees to tell Sigmund about Aeris soliciting Beau. Guy in a turtleneck follows us between bars.
Mycia 26th / Day Fifteen: Amaranath asks us to check out a place as a favor (to repay him). Amaranth is on fishing duty, so we go with him. Group fights off three beasts on the way. Group arrives at the manor, there are dead bodies out front. Starling holding a Cobra with blood dripping symbol. Group enters the manor, a doll rings a bell. Group explores the manor, it's well stocked. One of the doors has a knight's armor outside of it. Group finds a letter. Group learns that the owners of the manor have the last name of Mekhi. Group runs out of the house, door slams behind us. Group tests if time passes differently in the manor vs. outside. It does. Helios gets kentucky fried murdered. Group takes a short rest behind the manor. There is a pond, and the trees have carvings. Fish in the pond, but they’re sus. Then goes and fishes with Amaranth. After dropping off fish, Sigmund tells Amaranth to stay behind. Group then waits outside Amaranth's room for him. Quinn translates Goliath book for Maarra.
Mycia 27th / Day Sixteen: Sigmund gives us a letter from Clover to give to their family. Raylin tells us about the connector stones. Group talks in the tunnel (Beau & Maarra, and Eldin & Quinn get into arguments), then make their way to the firbolg town. We help out with making dinner, Quinn is getting increasingly nervous. Once the party gets to their divided rooms, Az says something to Maarra and Quinn storms out.
S11: Mycia 28th / Day Seventeen: Eldin apologizes to Amanda and gives her hand a lil’ kissy kiss. Eldin lets Beau’s furry little secret slip to Ezekiel. Group does laundry with Ezekiel. Clover is no longer a concern of Iris. Jasmine tells the group that she wants to meet Clover. Group leaves town, enters the tunnel. Hears footsteps. Group meets a guard named Sylthiel Ashmoon. Group talks. Learns that Opus is underground. Eldin takes the crystal back to Raylin. Group follows Sylthiel to Sigmund's office, he gives the group a couple of days off. Eldin tells and shows the group a letter from Ian to Krinoa. Eldin tells group he needs to talk to someone in Wishvine.
Mycia 29th / Day Eighteen: Eldin has a group confessional <3 Group tells Clover that Jasmine wanted to meet them. Maarra looks through a goliath book at the library. Eldin tells group about his letters with Ian/Ezekiel. Group goes to Sigmunds, freaked out and tell him to cover the hole to Wishvine. Az goes with Eldin to look at letters. Amaranth tells the group that Eldin was taking thieves cant lessons. (The group later learns) That Eldin tried to join the Serpents and had RMP deny him (because of Az). Amaranth mentions to Maarra that he knew her father. He tells the group a bit about his past, and how long he and Trukad have known each other. Az mentions how he’s been looking up articles involving Quinn.
Report Date
19 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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