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Eldin Sol

Eldin Krind Sol

Eldin Krind Sol is the son of Krinoa Sol and Eldiwin Sol. He is a cleric dedicated to Corellon, and recently Gruumsh after the death of his half-orc Grandmother Rashi.

Physical Description

Body Features

Eldin has a metal arm that has been magically enchanted to move just like his actual one. Despite this, he has no sensory input from it.

Facial Features

Due to being out in the sun more recently, faint freckles have begun appearing on Eldin's face.

Identifying Characteristics

The metal arm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eldin was raised as an only child in an off branch of the Sol noble family.

Gender Identity

Eldin presents androgenously to most humans but counts himself as very masculine as he enjoys following elven culture in his looks. As a curious person, he is willing to push gender sterotypes and experience the other gender in polymorph but dislikes the idea of being female or being seen as female.


Eldin is pansexual and has been with men, women, and many in between. Since being with Ian he has leaned towards finding men more attractive, but he thinks that is purely because of his attraction to his fiance.


Eldin had a good track record in school with fairly passing grades. He was held back for a few years due to "the accident" which claimed both his arm and his father. He had tutors but was still required to make up missed years of school. Eldin spent a few extra years in education in hopes to go into the medical district. He graduated at 22 years old instead of the usual 17. For his extracurriculars, he took blacksmithing and draconic as a language course (to impress Ocena). Since Raylin became King, he has been working in the medical district in an apprentice position.


Once he graduated, Eldin was put into the military district. After the change in King he switched to the medical district. Eldin takes hours in the hospital when he can but has been busy with his main job recently, being an envoy for the ambassador of Aeris - his fiance - Ian.

Accomplishments & Achievements

With the help of his friends Eldin helped stop two-hundred people from dying by a machine affiliated with the Serpents. He killed the previous tryant King Drovsel, and aided in freeing another town from a cult. Eldin has also written and published research on changelings in an effort to give Aerites a better outlook on the race.

Mental Trauma

At 14 years old Eldin went with his dad to his work in the industrial district. His father Eldiwin had been working on making indoor heaters and had believed to perfected it. He wanted to show Eldin his work as that was part of the experience of bringing ones kid to work. Unfortunately the machine had exploded, killing Eldiwin in the blast and charring Eldin's arm to the point it had to be amputated. Eldin still has nightmares about the incident. Eldin's mother was completely distraught after the death of his father. She became overbearing and protective but also unable to be emotionally there for her son. As Eldin got older he started sleeping around to fill in that gap of attention he needed. He has completely kept this from his mother as she continued treating him like a child that needed to be coddled.

Morality & Philosophy

Eldin believes he is a good person. He is dedicated and loyal to his loved ones and he is not afraid to sacrifice others for the people he cares about.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Although he tries to keep it on the down low, Eldin has had an obsession with dragons since he was a child. He loves to cook and enjoys creative things even though he's only really good at cooking. Eldin also has a deep interest in biology, especially of humanoids, which is why he so heavily wanted to go into the medical district. Eldin also enjoys animals, he likes dogs more than cats but has no real hate towards any pet like creature.


Eldin can be a bit of a clean freak. He tries to keep his house pristine and tidy even with his tornado of a fiance. He also makes sure to not leave his house looking less than perfect himself. He makes sure his hair is done without a strand out of place, his face is clean shaven, his clothes are crisp and clean, and he always smells of a nice floral and fruity cologne.


Contacts & Relations

Eldin is fiances' with Ian Griswold. He has previously dated a dragonborn named Ocena. Former unofficial partners include but are not limited to; a human named Matthew.

Family Ties

Eldin is close with his aunt and cousins although he doesn't much like his uncle. His relationship with his mother is strained but caring. He strives to bring his father back from the dead for his mothers sake.

Religious Views

Eldin is devoted to Corellon Laritheian. He pays some homage to Gruummsh out of respect for his adoptive grandmother, Rashi. He is neutral towards most gods but hates Lolth and Cthulhu.

Hobbies & Pets

Eldin and Ian have a small plant servant living with them, named Petunia. They see her as more of a daughter than a pet. They also have a blink dog puppy, named Aster, they got from Aftonen and Mordon.


Eldin Sol

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Ian Griswold



Ian Griswold

Fiance (Vital)

Towards Eldin Sol




Eldin and Ian started dating after meeting each other in jail.

Yerrow Griswold

Adoptive Son (Vital)

Towards Eldin Sol



Eldin Sol

Adoptive Father (Important)

Towards Yerrow Griswold



Relationship Reasoning

Eldin saw an abused child and couldn't stand for it.

Ocena Belhime

Ex-Girlfriend, Bestfriend (Important)

Towards Eldin Sol



Eldin Sol

Ex-Boyfriend, Bestfriend (Important)

Towards Ocena Belhime



Eldin Sol

Son (Vital)

Towards Krinoa Sol



Krinoa Sol

Mother (Vital)

Towards Eldin Sol



Wealth & Financial state

Eldin comes from a noble background as his aunt is head of the Sol family. He has very close ties to her due to his mother being her twin. He also is becoming his own noble family with Ian, the ambassador of Aeris. They own two houses, the larger one they are currently living in, and a smaller one they have kept for the stragglers they bring home.
True Neutral
Current Status
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Fraushund 13th
Date of Death
6th of Pluma
14 39 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Ian Griswold (Fiance)
He / Him
Azure blue
Long blonde hair often worn in a high bun or in 8 braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
6' 3"
approx 180 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Draconic, Orcish


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