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Ao - The God of All

Ao is the god above all and creator of the multiverse and dragonkind. Ao is often knownby many names depending on the culture that speaks of him. Generally opting to not involve himself in the affairs of mortals or his children, he keeps to his own section of the upper plans and watches from afar. Io is not often worshiped directly, as he encompasses all things, and true devotion to him is difficult. He is both evil and good, chaotic an lawful. He is said to play a certian part in the fate of all mortals and is at times theorized to manipulate fate itself from his place of watch in order to maintain balance. Ao is said to have created Enrakon, as he create all things, and left it to his children to shape. Though he was not involved in plunging the world into darkness, it is no doubt that he watched the events unfold. Ao is not often represented in physical form, but on the rare occasion he does menifest himself, it is usually as an unfathomably large dragon of ever shifting color. It was said that he was so immense, a single one of his scales was larger than any greatwyrm that has ever existed. Io is above considerations of alignment, holding in himelf the best of Bahamut's ideals and the worst of Timat's sins. Followers of only Ao are rare, for it is more likley that he is worshiped secondary to one of his draconic children. Clerics of Ao are usually very diffrent in presentation, each having their own interpretation of Ao. A red dragon worshiper may revere him as a being of destruction and hatred, while a gold dragon may choose to follow his ideals of creation and charity.    During the creation of the multiverse Ao saw it fit to sunder himself into multiple pieces to create dragonkind. Those pieces became Bahamut, Tiamat, Sardior, Gruaghlothor and a now forgotten secondary chromatic queen. The forgotten child was almost immediatly consumed by Tiamat in an attempt to gain the power of Ao for herself. At some point after, Ao reformed himself and shuffled away to his own domain.
Notible Articles:   Bahamut - God of Justice    Tiamat - Queen of Chromatic Dragons    Sardior - God of Gem Dragons and Psionics    Gruaghlothor - God of Ferrous Dragons
Other Names:
  • Io
  • Asgorath
  • The World Shaper
  • The World Wyrm
  • The Concordant Dragon
  • The Great Eternal Wheel
  • Lord of the Gods
  • The One Above All
Alignment: Neutral, though varied
  • Creation
  • Dragons
  • Knowladge
  • History
  • Balance
  • Peace
  • Destruction


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