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Deep in the woods of Iasapia there is often the sound of flutes, laughter and dancing feet. At least until the inhabitants notice your presence. If you should be passive and mean no harm they may welcome you into their midst where days and nights pass in joy and bliss, and sometimes without your knowing.   However, Should you approach with dark or evil intent, and weapon in hand you will be greeted by the growls of large wolves, the hiss and howl of large predatory cats, the stomping of hooves and the screeches of birds. Should you wander those forests with a fight on your mind you will not live to tell the tale. These graceful and elegant beings do not suffer fools among them and will not suffer murderers to live. They prefer peace and even the animals of their lands will not attack unless provoked by you.   But Pity the fool who earns the ire of their Captain as for their Captain, All Analea would go to war, regardless of clan.
-Aímhníon the Selkie
Elves had long been a myth of those who lived Deep in the forests and woods. Like the Fae they were mysterious and to be treated with caution. As such when the Collision happened the humans of the realm were happy to let the elves take the forests and only fell the outermost trees that were young and easily regrown. These Elves split from the main group becoming a more wild version of their ancestors in the year 1243 due to a large and strong fight between two of the main Elven families of the time due to a difference of belief and a betrayal.

Basic Information


Analea Elves look rather like humans in many ways. However when one looks closer they will notice that they are taller than the average human with more elegant features and gently pointed ears. While they often do appear more flawless than even human nobles, these elves have a more down to earth quality to them and slightly more rugged features than those of their Zerrirus cousins.

Genetics and Reproduction

While they do tend to conceive more often than their cousins, the Zerrirus, they do have fewer births over the years than mortals do due to their extended lifetimes. Each elf may have twins at most each pregnancy and typically only conceives four or five times in their life time. Pregnancy lasts roughly 9 to 10 months and females have a period roughly once in an one and a half to two month time span.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves mature rather like humans but extended over time. Thus childhood is usually between 0-75 years old becoming a full adult at 150 years of age. typically they don't search for a mate for another 150 years after they reach their age of majority and can typically live between 7,000 to 9,000 years old, the closer they are to sources of magic the longer they typically live.

Ecology and Habitats

Analea Elves are found nearly exclusively in the forests of The Island Iasapia. While they will venture out for trade and to learn of recent events they prefer to stay in their home island where they use their magic to sing the trees into homes and where they bond with a chosen animal at 25 years of age without the judgment of mortals or their cousins. Analea Elves thrive most where they can hunt and hide among trees and and brush.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Analea elves eat a mixture of meat and cultivated vegetables. They also often have special breads that keep well for traveling long distances without knowledge of what may be in the area. Typically with meat they will hunt and track an animal then use the entire creature, bones for tools and ornements, guts and sinews for ropes fat for candles and lamps, all meat is seasoned and smoked so that none is lost. They believe in honoring the life of the animal that lost its life to sustain them, especially if it belongs to one of the clans. For plant life most have a garden room in their home where plants like wheat, carrots, potato's and beets are grown and can be preserved so nothing is lost. They take what they need from their lands and nothing more.

Additional Information

Social Structure

These elves are usually led by whichever is proven to be the strongest and wisest of their clans and are divided into eleven clans. The clans will fall under one leader in times of war which is the Head Captain decided by whichever clan Captain is proven to be the wisest and steadfast of the eleven leaders.

Facial characteristics

Soft but strong features often seemingly graceful. Males have a distinct lack of facial hair in most cases helping them be distinguished from humans if their height doesn't alert you first.

Average Intelligence

Analea Elves tend to have high intelligence especially due to their long lives.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Analea elves have much stronger than normal hearing and the ability to see in the dark up to 70 feet in variations of grey and in dim light as though it is normal. They also tend to smell things a little better than most.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Each clan has one animal for which they are named that the children often bond with when it comes time to choose and they use in life to hunt or gather knowledge.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

  • Wolf Clan
  • Horse Clan
  • Tiger Clan
  • Lion Clan
  • Raven Clan
  • Crow Clan
  • Hyena Clan
  • Hawk Clan
  • Snake Clan
  • Ferret Clan
  • Sea Serpent Clan
Current Captain of the clans is Horse clan Leader Ilyana with her Kelpie mate Brevik.

Gender Ideals

While they tend to be rather fluid and accepting of any and all Men tend to more laid back and interested in history and lore while Females tend to be a little more hot headed and stronger hunters and fighters. They are treated as equals no matter what and each clan of Analea are led by the strongest and wisest Elf among them.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is both drawn out and fast. Analea elves have a tendency for knowing who their intended is upon meeting them due to the tradition of visiting a seer upon their 300th birthday. Once they have found them they will then spend a few years getting to know each other, testing each others strength and knowledge, often hunting a weaving magic together to see if they are indeed compatible. this will often happen over two years at which point if they decide to the couple or group will take some "Alone time in the Forest" before returning to their chosen clan village and singing their new tree-home into shape. Once the new tree is Finished the courtship is done, mating cemented and family will often bring them new starter plants for their home.

Relationship Ideals

It is said that a bonded couple or group of Analea Elves can move and respond as one to any situation this is due to the connection of magic done during the courting process leading them to be able to sense and feel each others location and emotions. The couple or group is expected to be balanced and in-sync with each other at all times even if arguments do occur and this mental connection greatly helps with this endeavor.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ancient Elvish(The language of their ancestors)   Niati Elvish   Niati- Wolf   Niati- Horse   Niati- Tiger   Niati- Lion   Niati- Raven   Niati- Crow   Niati- Hyena   Niati- Hawk   Niati- Snake   Niati- Ferret   Niati- Sea Serpent

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect is a Big deal among the Analea Elves with younger elves often referring to their elders as Eldar, Mentor, or teacher depending on relation to them.   One Always refers to an Analea's bonded companion as an sentient being as they share a mind and soul link with their elf thus making them an intelligent being with some even able to use minor magics and communicate into the minds of people even outside that of their bonded.   A respectful greeting is "Les vents favorisent notre rencontre" Or "May the winds favor our meeting."   While the traditional goodbye is "Que les étoiles vous guident, vous et votre ennemi, tremblent à vos pieds" Or "May the stars guide you and your enemy tremble at your feet."

Common Dress Code

Analea Elves dress often differs between clan with those of the Snake and Ferret clans tending towards more loose and flowing clothes to allow their bonded to hide among the layers clothing should the situation call for it. The Avian clans(Hawk, Crow and Raven) tend to wear thick leather bracers and shoulder pads so that their bonded can perch safely upon them. All the while the remaining clans have a tendency to close fitting breaches, well worn boots and comfortable tunics ideal for hunting, riding and running without becoming entangled in the brush.   No matter clan its nearly impossible to differentiate between male and female based on clothing however as it is all made to be functional and many Females have a tendency to bind their breasts unless actively with or nursing child simply for convenience.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

At 25 years of age each Elf child is guided to chose one animal to which they will be bonded to for the rest of their life, unless something were to kill the animal. They then share a small piece of their soul with said animal and are taken in by an older Elf, that has the same kind of Animal, who will be their mentor until they should reach adult hood at 150 years old. Should their companion die the soul piece is returned to them and after a six to ten months of mourning they may return to the place of choosing to find and bond with a new companion should they wish, at which point if the species of animal has changed they will be mentored by a new mentor for 50 years. This animal will be sustained by the magic of the elf and so live as long as their elf does.   At 300 years of age each elf is given directions to the eldest seer elf of the clan to be given a vision of their intended partner/s. They must work together with their bonded companion in order to reach the seer and should the match prove to be wrong may return to the seer five years after finding their intended partner/s.   Once they have decided on who they wish to "marry" they will leave to a place deep in the woods alone with their partner/s for three to five days before returning to the clan village of choice and singing their joint home into shape finalizing the sharing of magic and life between them.   Should one Elf greatly dishonor or steal from another the Offended Elf may appeal to their Captain to right the wrong by trial by combat or Deal of Equal Return to right the wrong doing should other methods not prevail.

Common Taboos

Forced bonding   The murder or harming of another Elfs bonded animal   Forced "Marriage"   Rape, Theft and Attacking of others no matter clan or age.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Analea elves tend to have rather peaceful relations with all but their cousins of the Onyx Forest the Zerrirus elves. They even accept outsiders to join them and occasionally inter marry with all but the vampires. Should a Zarrirus elf choose to disown their family and kind swearing it on their very magic they may under go a ritual to become one of the Analea forevermore.   Analea elves are seen as wild and flighty by their cousins and looked down upon by them for their more down to earth natures.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Pulchra Quidam Nobilissimus
7,000 to 9,000 years
Average Height
Males: 7 foot 6 inches tall Female: 6 foot 5 inches tall
Average Weight
Male: 220 - 270 lbs. Female: 160 - 200 lbs.
Average Physique
Typically lean, and lithe beings.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They often have lightly tanned skin from long days hunting and foraging and celebrating their lives. They typically have Red, Brown, or Black hair and Eyes may be any hue from more common Greens and Browns to rare Blues and startling Purple.


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