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Duana Verileth, Cleric of Vevdite

Cleric of Vevdite / Magic Mother of The Clan of Snow Duana Verileth (a.k.a. Saínn, Wiskers, Aunty Snow)

  • There's a Changing in the past
  • A Quivered breath until you're back
  • The Quiet grief found within
  • With answers never found
  • Where am I now
  • With Cries unanswered
  • Bubbling deep within my Soul
  • I am Lost
  • I am Alone
  • Finding Trust again
  • Finding Family and Love again
  • Only to lose it
  • Then the Grief returns
  • Why then to ever try again
  • Now only to Lead and Heal
  • Now to Keep away and Cold
  • The Broken Hearted
  • Close off after time if not healed

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Duana is surprisingly fit for her age due to being not only a cleric but a druid. However she is starting to slow slightly and is slightly painful on rainy mornings.

Identifying Characteristics

A long scar down her back and over her left hip, a scar on her forehead, small scar on throat, and her red-Rosewood staff

Physical quirks

Duana often feigns a limp to make her less of a target and to hid the hip injury that often acts up.

Apparel & Accessories

Duana wears a soft furred cloak with her seal pelt around the shoulders and wears a loose but nice blue tunic and tan breeches and soft leather boots. She will occasionally wear a soft green dress and foot wraps when she is in warmer climates.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Duana while a pan-sexual disaster is terrified of commitment after the betrayal of someone she was courting.


Duana is a highly highly educated girl happy to teach others and a sort of historian for The Clan of Snow due to how long she has been around


Duana went from student to teacher to Magic Mother for her clan as the previous Magic Mother taught her and took her in to be her student.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Clan Leader-Magic Mother

Failures & Embarrassments

Accidentally causing a Siren ship to crash because she was sunning in the nude on a "hidden out cropping" of one of the Eldar Isles.

Mental Trauma

Loosing Mauve and all her friends after being thrown into this realm   Death of Flame   Betrayal by a love interest   Death of adoptive son and loss of adoptive daughter   Death of her Mentor

Morality & Philosophy

Duana believes in giving two chances the third chance is her smacking you hard with her staff. She is a calm and loving person who prefers to heal anyone she can who deserves it even if she does snark at them. But foremost her loyalty lays with her people and protecting them.


Hurting Innocents, Children and Pregnant mothers.   The stealing of a Selkies pelts.   Forcing of a mating.   Faking Soul bond.   Fighting other peoples battles.

Personality Characteristics


To protect and guide her people. To bring peace and calm to the realm.


Religious Views

Duana follows Vevdite, The Goddess of Healing, Pregnancy and Child Birth, due to this she believes that one should heal anyone she can and who morally deserves it.

Social Aptitude

Duana tends to be both endearing and frustrating to be as shes has a tendency to act like an old healing lady mixed with someones grandmother, Soft and sweet but Snarky and Sassy as all get out. She can be incredibly polite when times call for it but due to her age many tolerate her snarky behavior even when "Above" her because they appreciate her wisdom and Blunt behavior.

Hobbies & Pets

Verdent- A Highly venomous snake that was given to her by her old friend Maeve just before the Collision happened, Is treated almost like a son and she is very protective of him   Shadow- a Black Tressym-Fox the son of her first Tressym Flame.


Duana tends to speak calmly and firmly but with a slight drawl and with a large amount of Sass and sarcasm. Will often subtly insult when she truly gets annoyed by someone. Her tone gets clipped and faster when she is embroiled in a medical concern.
Chaotic Good/Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Cleric of Vevdite   Magic Mother of The Clan of Snow   Druid of the North
Date of Birth
2985/5/26 BtC
Year of Birth
80 BTC 10065 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Duana was an unwanted pregnancy and so abandoned
Green with a ring of brown around the outside
Long bright ginger hair with a few silver streaks.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale cream tones with a ton of freackles
Quotes & Catchphrases
Hush now. Rest   I never rest   The light is fading.   My spirit is not lost.   I will not be broken.   I hate everyone today!   Drop a heart, break a name.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Selkish, Aelkada, Srelvin, Deep Srelvin, Zasar, Assassna, Tyievun, Vathrin, and Druidic.
Ruled Locations


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