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Clan of Sand

Ah, The Clan of sand. They Divided off a year or two after Duana formed her clan to the north. These People are led by a good friend of Duana and I's. They are a sturdy and steadfast warrior, with strong levels of Honor and Bravery.   This clan prides itself for being slow to anger and never start a fight. However once it has been started they are liable to end it and feel no shame in doing so. This clan collects and protects the knowledge of great battles, weapons and fighting styles. Every time they hear of a new weapon or fighting style a small group is dispatched to learn and then bring the knowlage back to teach the rest of the clan.
--Aindrea Karsen, Cleric of Rilnja and Thakmos


This clan is currently ruled by a Mother of Magic, who is supported by and Advised by a group of elders. The clan tries to otherwise keep everyone equal and and on even footing with everyone having their own role within the clan/city.


This Selkie clan has a wealth of knowledge, old "lost" Artifacts, and foods that cant grow else where.


This clan was founded a few years after Duana left The Clan of Stone forming the clan of Snow. This branch was led by Beitris as she wished to learn about the fighting styles of the world and led other like minded Selkies.


While the clan follow the Adra and the Dadra, The Clan of Sand tend to follow Ytriss the Goddess of War & Oaths and Rilnja, Goddess of Death as their Adra.

Foreign Relations

This Clan as with the other Selkie clans have good but distant relations with all but the Zerrirus Elves choosing to stay neutral in most if not all conflicts but otherwise happy to trade and visit and may act as advisors.

Like the Sand we Adapt and Change

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
While the Selkie prefer to barter or trade they will accept Cassar, Cannar, Kittar, and Kissar.
Legislative Body
The Current Magic Mother and Elders create the laws
Judicial Body
The Elders deal with the all of the day to day disputes calling on their Magic Mother when needed.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles


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