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Jeanne Quincy, Paladin of Draena

Paladin of Draena Jeanne Quincy (a.k.a. Jean)

There's more than meets the eye in the case of Jeanne Quincy, but two things you'll never forget are that she's persuasive and intelligent. Of course she's also courteous, punctual and orderly, but those traits are less prominent and often intertwined with being argumentative as well.   Her persuasive nature though, this is what she's most well-liked for. Friends tend to count on this and her daring nature whenever they need cheering up. Never mind the fact that there is no one I'd rather have at my back in a fight.   Rather devoted to her people and Goddess, it's rather admirable.
-Guies Halley, Captain of the Town Guard

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well muscled and toned. Rather graceful especially when in battle.

Body Features

She has a large scar on her side from an Ancient Flame Spear stabbing her in the side.

Facial Features

Scar on right cheek from a blade

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of Draena's symbol on her left arm with a band of holly encircling her arm just above and below it.

Physical quirks

Always puts her back to a wall when standing or sitting and talking with someone.

Special abilities

Jeanne can create small sparks of cold electricity on her fingertips, and can create some small ice shards on her fingertips.

Apparel & Accessories

An Ancient lightning Spear and Special Shield imbued with magic from Draena.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Jeanne found her fist job as an assistant in a smithy in a Temple of Vestus, eventually learning of all the old Gods and Goddesses. Eventually she worked her way through all of the Temples of the Nature deities, before returning to the Temple of Draena; Slowly working her way through the ranks of her Paladins and eventually becoming High Paladin at forty years of age.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Master of the Short-blade
  • Journeyman Smith
  • Lady of the Shield Maidens
  • High Paladin


Harming Innocents   Gambling   Over hunting   Lying

Personality Characteristics


  • Protecting the Sacred Sapling
  • Training the new generations of Paladins for Draena
  • Protecting the city of Ebonwell

Likes & Dislikes

  • Forging
  • Snow/Ice
  • Owls
  • Venison
  • Apple Cider
  • Hot Weather
  • Prilum Ambassadors
  • Undead
  • Tea
  • Mutton

Vices & Personality flaws

Can be convinced into a drinking game relatively easily if off the clock.(Most often winning)


She prefers to to be clean, though she doesn't mind sweat and blood when after a spar or battle.


Family Ties

  • Eudes Quincy - Father
  • Suzanne Quincy nee Séguier - Mother
  • Mathie Quincy - Twin

Religious Views

Jeanne is a devout follower of the old ways, specifically Draena the Goddess of winter. However, Jeanne is not one to push religion on anyone and only gives knowledge when it is asked for, which often makes it so that she gets pissed off at the ambassadors of Prillum that frequently try to convert any they come across- Especially followers of the old ways.

Hobbies & Pets

Dire Winter Wolf - Ré (Means Moon) Female Dire Winter Wolf - Grian (Means Sun)


Calm and low but firm and commanding when called to lead.
Lawful Good/ Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Paladin of Draena
  • Master of the Short Blade
  • Master of the Spear
  • Journeyman Smith
  • Lady of the Shield Maidens
  • High Paladin
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
9925 ATC 60 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to single mother two weeks early, as a twin, on Yule
Current Residence
Hazel and stern
Long blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale cream tones
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • Spirits watch over us.
  • We will persevere.
  • None shall be left behind.
  • Endure and overcome.
  • Honor, duty, valor.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Sylven, Selkish, Eviya
Ruled Locations


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