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Humans have always been very stubborn and steady refusing to let the harshness or new dangers of this combined realm wear them down or destroy them. No where is this more true than with the Country of Fearojan and with their Queen known mostly as The Eagle to her people. They have dealt with wandering raids of elves on the edges of their land only ending a few hundred years ago and the unfortunate assassination of the previous King and the husband of the current ruling Queen in recent enough memory. These particular humans have a great respect for magic and some have even proven to be able to use it in small amounts mostly showing itself in something they call Grace. These Graces are usually simple such as the inability to get lost or the ability to make plants grow in any soil. A few however prove to be able to use it to larger extents. Those that have these abilities have the tendency to have Heterochromia, with the eye colors often giving a clue to what their Grace is.   One thing is for certain though. These people are extremely close knit and while very friendly to outsiders happily welcoming them in their midst, If someone were to threaten them the whole country of Fearojan would respond and with their will to keep living and numbers that is a truly terrifying thought.
--Aímhníon the Selkie


While Fearojan is Ruled usually by a King and Queen there are elected people from each region of of the country to help with decisions about each particular region so as to be fair to the people living within. Currently they are ruled by a Queen known as The Eagle.


Fearojan is a rather peaceful land with bright celebrations and a certain cheerfulness that prevails with most villages, towns, and cities. The people are open and welcoming to all outsiders so long as they come in peace. The people are also tight knit seemingly always banding together should any one of them be attacked or harmed by another. They have many festivals for harvests and planting and the different solstices and equinoxes. To all of them respect is to always be given to the land and to magic for what it gives and takes away with many following older pagan beliefs from before the collision. Flower language is highly important and one must always be careful what flowers they give to whom.


They have four Cities, three towns and and four small villages. There is plenty of space for new towns villages and cities and while they rarely have an active military all people are taught how to fight once they reach fourteen summers leading to one of the largest armies when they are roused to war.

Demography and Population

Fearojan is large land with easily over 1,000 people in the cities with closer to 300 to 400 people in the towns and 200 or fewer people in the villages. Manny families have five or more children and often grandparents live with their children, most often those that are married first. These lands are mostly fertile plains and mountains. There are two large lakes within the land and with a few large and wide rivers bordering the lands helping to provide natural boundaries and barriers to those wishing harm. There is one volcano within the mountains at the border to The Conjured Sanctum of Lufinet.


Fearojan does not typically have an active military and is always on a volunteer bases and even then every soldier is given wages. there are a few active guards and soldiers in the countries capital and each city, town, and village also often has a few active guards and soldiers. The people of Fearojan are taught to fight either with a sword or bow usually starting around fourteen years of age.

Foreign Relations

Fearojan is a rather friendly country and has great relations with the Vampires to the north in the country of Strunearon and have good relations with the Selki, and Sirens and the country of Feogathaer past the forests of the elves. However relations are rather tense with the Zerrirus elves on their eastern border and with the Vampires of Lufinet to the south. They are aware of the Analae elves but haven't interacted as much.

Agriculture & Industry

These people tend to be great hunters, farmers, and horsemen. Utilizing the natural magics of the ground they trade freely among themselves and other countries due to always having an excess of food grown. They also breed horses and dogs to help with life both around the farm and in the cities, along with help in hunting. While the people could use more automated things rather like the Feogathan people but they prefer a simpler life away from machines and factories however that does not make them any less of a threat in battle.

Trade & Transport

Roads are solid and most trade is done with horses and carriages or carts. Most trade is things like wheat and other food items to the elves of Suyedas, the Selkies, and the Sirens. They also trade live animals to the Vampires of Strunearon. They also occasionally have people journey to their capital to commission their different weapon smiths as these weapons always have unusual properties.

Our blades rise as one, or Fall as one.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Calm Lands by the Selkie, Mortal Fear by the Zerrirus
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Economic System
Mixed economy
When one is not trading items for other items they can use a currency that is universal in the realm mostly used in Prilum. With 20 Cassar(Cs) to one Cannar(Cn), 40 Cannar(Cn) to Kittar(Kt) and 60 Kittar(Kt) to a Kissar(Ks).
Major Imports
Few things are imported in besides special and hard to acquire ingredients and a few magical items such as scrying mirrors and sending stones.
Legislative Body
The current King or Queen leads with advice from an elective body which is chosen by their respective region.
Judicial Body
An Impartial elected group is set in the Capital with a few of the people from the group traveling through the different villages, towns, and cities settling smaller disputes or writing references to the capital for larger or more concerning occurrences.
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories


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