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Humans have always been very stubborn and steady refusing to let the harshness or new dangers of this combined realm wear them down or destroy them. While this is most true with the Country of Fearojan and with their Queen known mostly as The Eagle, one cannot forget the country of Prilum. Prilum is Fearojan's opposite in many ways. While Fearojan is defined by the wide open fields, close knit society and deep connection to magic, Prilum is defined by the large factories, the impressive technology and the extreme devotion to ones self, then King, and their "God", Shaeos.   The land quickly turns from green and living on the boarders, teeming with live and magic to dead and barren within two days time. When you finally reach one of the towns, villages, or cities as large factories rise from the ground and the feeling of magic grows very weak. Those with sensitive noses may feel sick or light headed at the thick smoke that blankets the sky.   These people are highly devoted to their God and treat any non-believer as a pariah if they are a native. If you are a visitor they will often treat you as a poor lost soul in need of saving. they are also highly militarized and well trained in the art of battle however due to their lack of connection to magic births are lower and they do die sooner than most of the beings of the realm.   They are truly a sad set of people in the eyes of us Selkie as we weep for the sicknesses they have created in their people.
--Legh Dollam the Selkie


The Kingdom is lead by a "Divinely appointed" King who directs and leads his people as their God commands.


These people rule the land of Prilum which they took from the Ajaba during the War of flowing bloods which spanned the years 2635 to 2643 when they fully drove the remaining Ajaba to the section of those lands known to them as The Wild lands as no human could ever survive there without help from one of the Ajaba.

Technological Level

They have a high level of technology and science compared to the world around them however this is at a steep cost to their land and the people.

Agriculture & Industry

This land is completely industrialized with many many mining projects in all areas which has slowly stripped life and magic from the lands. These people mine and drill of oil and build machines both for their own lives in an attempt to extend their lives and for war as they try to spread their religion.

Trade & Transport

These people sell large amounts of metal to the Zerrirus elves and also to the people of Fearojan; in return they buy large amounts of food, crops and animals. Working always to sustain themselves especially as they cannot grow enough of anything in order to survive.


Unless one is a noble you are not likely to have a strong education only what you can learn by the time you reach the age of 14. Few are completely literate and fewer still understand more complicated math.


They have large and sturdy roads, the upper class often have large and impressive homes while those of the lower class often live in small compact houses and apartments. They have many many factories, mining camps and drilling sites.

Divine Origins

This is an off shoot of a belief from one of the other worlds that was pulled into the creation of Eoccioryon.

Cosmological Views

Their God saw the nature of the world and decided to remake it to give his faithful few the chance to spread his word and belief to all people.

Tenets of Faith

Thou shalt have no other gods before me Honour   thy father and thy mother   Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy   Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image   Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain   Thou shalt not kill   Thou shalt not commit adultery   Thou shalt not steal   Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour   Thou shalt not covet


They will do all they can to advance and bring glory and honor to their King and God and to convert as many people as possible.


The King of the realm Leads his people as a "Divinely appointed person."

Nos Autem Non Cadunt

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Home of a Dead God
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Cassar, Cannar, Kittar, and Kissar
Major Exports
Metal, Oil, and Weapons
Major Imports
Food crops, Animals for butchering, Industry crops such as cotton, and wool.
Legislative Body
The Monarch writes the laws and the rules of the land based on "Prophetic dreams" given to them by their God.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations


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