
Daisy Eileen Levahn- Ormond (a.k.a. Daiz)

Part Jötunn, Daisy is a muscular woman with a penchant for exercise and working out.
Daisy is closest friends with Jennifer , and the two are usually seen at each other’s hips most times than not. Jen even helps out and participates whenever Daisy is working at her gym, though she refuses to work out as she hates getting sweaty and the sensation is too daunting on her. Daisy still appreciates the help that her friend gives her.
Daisy is also the mother to twin girls; one is named Tulip, and the other is named Blossom. They're both part Taurvros due their biological father, Carter.
Besides taking care of her daughters and helping her father around the house, Daisy owns a gym that’s specialty is training brashurs - Daisy hates admitting it but she has a thing for them. So she invested in a gym to help with building up status and training for them, with her equipment so tough, one wouldn’t need to worry about breaking it. She loves being social and seeing the various faces visit her shop, where she can discuss and talk with them about exercise routines, and even diets if they want to lose weight.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daisy came from a loving relationship her mother, Lily Dybdahl (Married name now being Ormond), had got into with her future husband, Pangaea. After a successful mission apart of the Queen's Lance, he met Jeanne at a bar and the two hit it off rather quickly with sassy quips and heavy flirting. A year later, they were married, and almost a year afterwards, Daisy was born.   Daisy grew up in a household with no pressure, something both her parents, especially her mother, didn't want. Because of her father's own muscular physiology, Daisy herself took on his very sportish nature and played almost most of the sports offered throughout her mainstream schooling curriculum. While volleyball and soccer were her favorite to ay offered for young girls, Daisy found herself struggling to figure out her potential with sports in general. She enjoys physical activity (at least much more than her friend Jen does). Her play in sports were becoming more of a hobby even if Daisy felt herself to be super energetic enough to accept scholarships to play in college.   This definitely cam to a head when she was being bullied in middle school by a popular group of kids. Jen so happened to be apart of this group and got sick of the constant bullying. She defended Daisy and didn't care her popularity took a hit by associating with a "sports loser". Daisy sat with Jen at lunch that day and the two got to talk to each other and know each other more than just names. Coming home to talk to her dad about her savior, Pangaea was so impressed he bought tickets to a famed amusement park for the two girls. Ever since then, Daisy and Jen have been inseparable and their families know each other very well.   The only time they separated was Jen's pursuit to college. Daisy was happy for her but for her own thoughts on college, she was teetering on the edge of it. After talking with her parents about it, and asking for tips from her friend's family, she figured out her passion - opening up a gym to help with training for individuals, and specifically a Brashur-based gym so the equipment could take the damage Brashur could inflict.   Pangaea was all for the idea and put down a down payment for Daisy's new gym immediately, surprising her with the deal locked in, sealed and the gym belonging to her. Her newfound excitement only made her diligence strong with maintaining the gym. Only taking a few years, Daisy's gym became the talk of the city and even reached Ni'Avan, with some soldiers deciding to take their reprieve there for low-key training and good vibes from the positivity in the air.
Date of Birth
13th of Octubrum
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, with claw scars over her left cheek
6'10 (2.1m)