
Carter Assad Levahn

Carter is a young man with a relaxed, friendly personality. He works as head chef at Decadence Soul Food Kitchen, with a secondary employment at Royal Footwear, a luxury shoe store. He's been cooking basically his whole life and absolutely loves doing it. He's honed his skills quite well over all those years under the watchful eyes of both tutors and family. Outside of this, he loves spending time with his family, most notably his older brother Catastrophe and their mother, Manila. His bond with them has grown much deeper over the years as a result of his and Cat's father disappearing when they were teens.   He is a dilligent person, but he can very easily lose sight of what he wants in life when he achieves his goals. He is currently experiencing such a situation, and he can't help but envy those who know what they want, though he's far from malicious about it.

Physical Description

Body Features

At first glance, Carter looks entirely Hueme, taking after his mother. However, beyond that, one will notice his musculature is more indicative of and pertaining to a Flatfoot Taurvros, with his physique being toned to a decent degree. As such, he has a high metabolism and eats quite a bit at every meal. To keep himself in shape, he does work out when he can, maintaining a light regimen that helps keep the extra pounds off while not going into heavier workout territory. His skin is quite light in comparison to the other members of his family, as well, light enough for many to confuse him with being Magnesian or Abilonian because of it.   Carter's hair is on the shorter side, and he keeps it parted over on the right. It's black in color, and he gets it from his father, much like his brother gets his colors from their mother.

Facial Features

In terms of facial hair, Carter always has it shaven. His face is extremely smooth, and it's beyond exceedingly rare to see him with even a bit of peach fuzz. His eyes are a magnificent deep blue, again coming from his father, and are extremely calming and pleasant to look at.

Special abilities

Whereas his brother inherited ice and space magic, Carter instead inherited time. He didn't always have control over this ability. In fact, it didn't actually kick in until after he nearly drowned. It started small, with him sometimes seeing the world in slow motion for a fraction of a second, or perhaps seeming to run a little faster in school. This evolved over the years into being able to slow time to a crawl and speed it up, eventually even allowing him to freeze it altogether and skip entire days if he so desires. He very rarely has to use his abilities for anything important, as he isn't in a dangerous profession, though he still uses them regularly to keep them sharp for if he does have to do something important or serious.

Apparel & Accessories

Carter tends to wear very casual, masculine clothing, often including red and black in his outfits. The easiest way for him to do this is wearing his trademark red jacket with some black pants. He's not too picky with material, and so he can shop at just about any store that offers apparel. Outside of that, he has a key that he wears around his neck at all times, with the lone exception of when he's sleeping. This is a piece of jewelry given to him by his mother when his father disappeared, as it was something that he had worn himself and she wanted him to have it. For this reason, he treasures it and refuses to take it off, again with the exception of when he sleeps.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Carter's life, for the most part, has been relatively smooth and pleasant. He was the second-born child to Walter and Manila Levahn, two years after the birth of his older brother, Damian (Catastrophe). For much of the kids' lives, the family has lived in Magnesia, though there was a period of time during which they lived in Hefunet. At one point, when he was about eight, he almost drowned in a public pool. During this incident, he found himself in a black void, lit up only by a fantastic flash in the distance. It felt cold and slow, and he had no idea what was going on at all. Before he could figure anything out, he was dragged out of this space and woke up to an Anisu woman resucitating him.   When Carter was thirteen, he experienced a major life-changing hardship, and it came in a most dramatic and unpleasant event. This event was his family, as well as Calamity's, being attacked by a terrible Daevah. Walter defended both families, but, in the hazy aftermath, he was abducted. The Daevah had been destroyed, but the realization that Ollie was gone shook everyone to their cores. This event caused Carter and his family to become reclusive for a time, mourning their lost member. Carter himself went into a depression which lasted months, eventually coming out of it after realizing he had to be there for his family.   From this point on, he would do his best to support them in any way he could. Even in his teenage years, he was doing as much around the house as he possibly could, including a big chunk of the cooking. He supported Damian when he expressed interest in being a bounty hunter like their father had been, and encouraged him to give it everything he had. At the same time, he also began to think of pursuing his own interests, specifically food and cooking. This led him to look into going to college for cooking, which he ended up doing while his brother continued to excel in his bounty hunting.   After graduating college, Carter worked several jobs in various smaller restaurants. While he enjoyed being there, none of them really stuck out to him as a place he wanted to stay. Eventually, he landed a job in one of Beelzebub's restaurants, a soul food restaurant in Dross. It's here that he found himself enjoying the work the most, and he's been working there ever since. Not content with just that, however, he decided to get a second job at a luxury shoe store also located in Dross, one which donates twenty percent of all sales to a charity dedicated to funding safe housing for anyone in a crisis situation.

Gender Identity

Carter identifies as a man.


Carter is heteroromantic bisexual, with a strong preference for women sexually. The exact ratio is 80F/20M. He was slow to start being sexual, but has blossomed into having a healthy, steady sex life. During his ruts, he's especially voracious, and can see as many as fifteen partners in that time period (though this is on the higher end; the average number is closer to seven). At one point, he and Calamity even dated for a while, but ended things amicably when they realized they were going different directions in life. They still remain very good friends (with benefits) to this day.


Carter is a very intelligent individual. He always has been ever since childhood, as his parents both encouraged learning and research from an early age. He has been to both high school and college, specifically for cooking in the latter.


Carter is currently employed at Decadence Soul Food Kitchen as head chef, and at Elite Footwear as a lead CSR.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Graduated from high school with honors and in the top 5% of his class. This was the result of many long, hard hours of studying and paying attention to everything he could in class.
  • Won a cooking competition in college sponsored by some of Eon's best chefs. Among those were Royal Attenborough, Mariana Cross, and Beelzebub herself.
  • Beat out every other potential candidate in a pool of 200 to earn the spot as head chef at Decadence.

Mental Trauma

Carter doesn't like to burden people with his issues. He's always of the opinion that they have more important things to worry about. Despite this, he has experienced some hardships, such as:
  • The traumatic disappearance of his father, which he only found out was an abduction later after his brother uncovered it. This event still bothers him, even if he doesn't talk about it very often outside the family.
  • All throughout his childhood, he would be teased and tormented by other children of all varieties of species about his lack of Taurvros features. Because he took largely after his mother, he doesn't display any prominent outward features of a Taurvros, and this made him a frequent target for bullies. Other Taurvros children were especially prone to being his tormentors, many of whom would mock him and tell him he'd never be a real Taur.
  • His near-death experience with drowning sometimes comes back to him. He's never been able to figure out just what or where that void was, and it deeply troubles him when he remembers it.

Morality & Philosophy

Carter's morality is relatively white. He believes in doing the right thing and ensuring that the people around him are safe and taken care of. Despite this, however, he has no objections to people of differing moralities or opinions doing as they themselves see fit, within reason. He has no qualms, for example, to someone being rude to someone else over something small, or having a selfish moment, but he will take issue with someone harming another person or cheating them out of something important or valuable. He tries not to step on any toes and keeps to himself unless he absolutely has to do something about a situation.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Being around his family in any capacity
  • Cooking
  • Eating
  • Getting the chance to experience a new place
  • Going out and having fun with his brother
  • Shooting games, one of which he has the high score at at Out of Bounds, an arcade he and his older brother frequent
  • Learning new things
  • Being able to relax once in a while


  • Being ridiculed by others for his lack of Taurvros features
  • Falling into depressive spells
  • Going too long without physical contact with others
  • Unnecessary cruelty
  • Not knowing where else to go with his life
  • Being unable to see his family for extended periods of time
  • Daevahs
  • Being ignored/left on read

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Perseveres to reach his goals
  • Extremely close to his family, and unquestionably loyal to them
  • Very easy to get along with
  • Incredibly slow to anger
  • Charismatic and funny
Virtue: Diligence

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Prone to depressive spells
  • Has lost his sense of direction in life
  • Dependent on social connections
  • Can let his ruts get the better of him
  • Wishes he could be completely happy with his life
Vice: Acedia/Envy


Contacts & Relations

Carter is single, having had several relationships in the past but none lasting longer than a couple of years at most. As time goes on, it continues to look as if this will be the case. Despite this, he does still have a very healthy sex life, especially during his ruts, and it's not uncommon to see him with a new girl every week or so, with the occasional guy mixed in there at points.

Family Ties

  • Walter - Father. Currently missing, abducted.
  • Manila - Mother. Living in Magnesia.
  • Catastrophe - Older brother. Bounty hunter for the HELIX, living in Magnesia.
  • Catalina and Hesdane - His grandparents, Ollie's parents. Living in Espasol, Sur'Dahl.

Religious Views

Carter isn't super religious, but he's still a believer in the Divine Light, considering the fact that he's descended directly from Coraxol. He has small areas of worship dedicated to each Divine located in different areas of his apartment.

Hobbies & Pets

Carter loves to cook, having learned from both parents from an early age, and especially from his mother after his father went missing. He's learned how to cook various different dishes and styles, which makes him very flexible in the kitchen. He's also very fond of video games, particularly shooters and fighting games. He's put a good amount of time into playing them, which has led to him holding the record on one of the shooting games at Out of Bounds. He also greatly enjoys playing platformer games with his older brother, something they've shared since they were little children.



Brother (Vital)

Towards Carter




Brother (Vital)

Towards Catastrophe




Father (Vital)

Towards Carter




Son (Vital)

Towards Walter



Current Location
Catastrophe (Brother)
Current Residence
Shining Meadow Apartments
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very lightly tanned
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Al-Abarakian (Arabic)
  • Espasolian (Spanish)
  • Kangsunese (Japanese) [conversational levels only]
  • Skaalsborgian (Norwegian) [can speak and understand some of it]
  • Nimescian (German) [can understand some of it]