
**Destiny belongs to Opeitos

Astraea Marian Newton

Destiny is a member of VANGUARD, a group affiliated with the Queen's Lance. She's a very polite, sweet young woman, having always been a shining beacon of positivity for those around her. She has a massive interest in history, having heavily focused on it since middle school. She's also adopted, and absolutely adores her adoptive parents and siblings.

Physical Description

Body Features

Destiny is tall for a woman, given the fact that she's half Taurvros. She also possesses the curvaceous figure and ample assets that Taur tend to have, though this is offset somewhat slightly by her Moodlet Elf half. Her Moodlet Elf half also contributes to her eyes being grey, and her ears and hair fading to the same grey. These so-called Moodlet Bits change colors depending on her mood, such as being green when she's happy, blue when she's sad, purple when she's playful, and so on.   Being Lochdonian makes her a Highland Taurvros, specifically. This means that her dark red hair is extremely fluffy, and, were she not to style it, it would cover her eyes.

Special abilities

Destiny has access to dark magic, a form of magic which allows her to buff herself. This largely goes for physical defenses, but it does bolster her magical defenses by a considerable amount, as well. She uses these abilities to defend both herself and others to a much higher degree in the heat of battle.

Apparel & Accessories

Destiny's wardrobe contains many articles of clothing, most of which are inherently feminine. She has dresses, skirts, short shorts, halter tops, crop tops, high heels, and flats, as well as some basic t-shirts and graphic tees, and some pairs of pants. She also has some sneakers and boots, especially wearing the latter when the colder months come around. She likes to wear two pairs of rings on her horns, as wearing horn jewelry is quite common for Taurs.   Her VANGUARD uniform is very largely inspired by what Lochdonian warriors used to wear during combat. It features armored padding to help her absorb blows in battle, while also having enough flexibility to it to make sure she can maneuver comfortably.

Specialized Equipment

When out on missions for the VANGUARD, Destiny employs a massive war hammer that she uses as a weapon. It, like her uniform, is based on something that would be used by Lochdonian warriors to engage in combat. She calls this hammer Eternity, and she has been trained to use it with great proficiency.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Destiny didn't have a formal name at birth, as she was almost immediately surrendered to an orphanage. The only thing that is known about her birth parents is that one was a Moodlet Elf, while the other was a Taurvros. Destiny herself has never been able to track either of them down, and that certainly isn't for lack of trying. Whatever the case may have been, she was cared for by the orphanage staff (all of whom referred to her as Freya while in their care) for roughly five months before she was adopted by Hal and Erin Newton, a Hueme couple from Dross. They had previously had three other children naturally, and were looking to add a fourth bundle of joy to their family. They decided to give an orphaned child a loving family this time around, and fell in love with little Destiny immediately. Not long after meeting her, she was officially a member of their family, being dubbed Astraea Marian Newton.   Since she was from Lochdonia, Hal and Erin decided to expose her to various forms of Lochdonian media to ensure that she had a bond to her heritage from birth. This resulted in her picking up the accent when she began to speak as a toddler. She was also made aware of the fact that she was adopted from an early age, but reassured all the same that she was still very much so a member of the family regardless. She got along very well with her adoptive siblings, brothers Jason and Brian and sister Kelly, and they were very protective of their baby sister.   Destiny had a relatively easy school life and found herself getting along with most everyone she met. She would be very involved in her day-to-day class activities and it was very common to see her with green on her ears and hair, and in her eyes. She eventually came to have a serious interest in history near the end of middle school, and this continued into her high school years. She would take every chance she got to indulge in this interest, to the point where she was always over 100% in her history classes. She also frequented the various museums available to her in Dross.   She would eventually, after graduating, go on to apply to the VANGUARD when they opened up for it. She was drawn in by the prospect of seeing places all over Eon. To her inner history buff, the idea of being able to see historical sites and artists was definitely an extremely enticing idea. She would be accepted due to her high grades and ability to use dark magic, which had manifested itself in high school, and underwent training to help her become a full-fledged, capable field agent. Since then, she has achieved a considerable amount, to the extent of being elevated to the role of second lieutenant.

Gender Identity

Destiny identifies as a woman.


Destiny is a biromantic bisexual, and she has a heavy preference for men.


Destiny is very well-educated. She took her studies very seriously all throughout her school career, and, though she didn't go to college, she still has quite a bit to show for the schooling she did go through. Her extensive knowledge of history helps make her an asset to the VANGUARD when dealing with things with historical roots. She does have aspirations to go to Ironfalls Academy and learn even more at some point.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Excelled in school, especially in classes regarding history.
  • Joined the VANGUARD at 19, becoming a second lieutenant in a matter of two and a half years after extensive training and proving herself on various missions.
  • Learned how to speak several languages throughout both high school and her employment in the VANGUARD.

Morality & Philosophy

Destiny is a very good-hearted individual and likes to see the right thing being done. She doesn't like unnecessary cruelty for any reason, and will be one of the first people to speak out against it. She will always do her best to make sure everyone is okay and do what she needs to ensure that they are.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • History of all kinds
  • Hanging out with her friends in the VANGUARD
  • Spending time with her family
  • Learning more about her heritage
  • Visiting other countries/continents on Eon
  • Kind people
  • Watching movies with family and/or friends
  • Meeting like-minded people


  • Cruelty to others
  • People who are historically ignorant
  • Bigotry towards non-Huemes
  • Being unable to see her loved ones
  • Feeling listless
  • Being made to feel stupid
  • The destruction of historical sites or artifacts
  • Historical whitewashing

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Extremely kind to others
  • Highly knowledgeable about history
  • Has a tight bond with her friends and family
  • Advocates for the preservation of history
  • Very open to new ideas
Virtue: Kindness

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Doesn't deal with cruelty or meanness well
  • Can be obsessive with her passion for history
  • Terrified of Voidseeds
  • Can't handle pressure from multiple angles
  • Can sometimes have difficulty controlling her libido
Vice: Lust


Social Aptitude

Destiny is a very social person, willing to talk to people and socialize at any point. She's very polite, as well, always letting others finish talking before speaking up herself. She loves to meet new people and can get along with them very well, usually able to find something she can connect to with them. The only time she has any issues maintaining a conversation or staying in a social situation is when someone is being cruel to others, which is when she will either become confrontational or put distance between them and herself.
Current Location
Current Residence
VANGUARD Headquarters
Grey, can change depending on mood
Dark red fading to grey at the end, fluffy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
1.87m (6'2")
85.28kg (188lbs.)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Lochdonian (Scottish)
  • Hiberish (Irish)
  • Banvalian (French)
  • Ilkathan (Italian)
  • Nimescian (German)