
Faunstones are a species of humanoids with animal features. Originating from Niflheim, the most noticeable feature about them - aside from the fact that they can have the features of just about any animal one might be able to envision - is the organic gemstone that typically makes up their hair, ears, and tails. They are also one of the most successful species on the entirety of Eon, managing to branch out into literally every single other realm, including Helheim, which is otherwise inhospitable. They are very resilient and adaptive, which helps them fit into every gap of society, especially in Midgard.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Every single Faunstone in existence has features of an animal while possessing a humanoid body. This typically manifests in the form of ears, tails, and horns. They also have a variety of different heights, which is dependent on the kind of animal whose features they possess. For example, a rodent-based Faunstone will be quite short, often not getting much taller than 4', whereas an elephant-based Faunstone may reach a height of 8-9'.   It should also be noted that Faunstones conceived by two different species of Faunstone will result in a hybrid, possessing animal features from each parent. Though technically considered hybrids, they still remain "pure" in the sense that they came from two Faunstone parents.   Most notably, however, every single pure Faunstone (ie, not hybrid) features a kind of organic gemstone on their body. This organic gemstone will always make up their hair and ears, and often their tails and, if applicable, horns. There are even instances where their limbs may be made of the gemstone, though this is incredibly rare and should not be taken as a regular occurrence. This organic gemstone gives them the ability to cast magic, which typically corresponds to the kind/color of stone. For example, a Faunstone featuring aquamarine will be more likely to have access to ice and space magic, whereas one with amethyst will likely have lightning, jade may have wind and/or earth, and so on and so forth. This organic gemstone typically falls off within a couple of generations of interbreeding with any non-Faunstone species (with the exception of Shimmers, who are also gemstone-based), though the offspring still retain their animal features.   Faunstones are also extremely adaptive and resilient, allowing them to acclimate to new environments with incredible ease. This also allows them to remain extremely healthy, with illness hardly ever afflicting them in any capacity. This is not to say it's impossible for them to become sick; it can still very much so happen. However, it's a rather rare occurrence, and they typically tend to recover much faster than most other species.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most species of Faunstone go through a period of heat/rut, with the men entering rut anywhere from two to six times a year and the women going into heat at least once every three months. During these time periods, the individual in question will experience heightened arousal and desire to reproduce, being much more fertile. Some may also experience increased aggression or grumpiness. Female Faunstones gestate their young for anywhere from six to eighteen months, depending on the species.

Ecology and Habitats

Due to the adaptive nature of Faunstones as a whole, they can survive and thrive in any environment. There is nothing that can keep any of them from living wherever they like, aside from pure personal preference.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Other than strictly following the diet of the animals they have the features of, Faunstones in general determine their own diets. While some do like to go off of their presumed diets, this is actually more rare than a Faunstone simply eating whatever they like.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Faunstones originate from the misty realm of Niflheim. They were confined here until the discovery of the other realms, and then wasted no time in branching out into them. Their highly adaptive nature has allowed them to settle in the other realms quite comfortably, even granting them access to the otherwise uninhabitable Helheim through means of their formidable magic.

Average Intelligence

As with species like Huemes, the average intelligence of a Faunstone depends entirely on the individual. There is no surefire way of determining the level of intelligence without speaking to one at great lengths, and it is ill-advised to make assumptions based on which animal one may have features from.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Faunstones have "normal" names, for the most part, usually being very appropriate for the country and culture they're inhabiting. The one notable quirk about this, however, is that pure Faunstones always have their gemstone as their middle name. An example of this would be something like Anthony Onyx Randall or Mary Aquamarine Hammond. This also translates to other languages, as well, with gemstone names taking on the names they have in the language in question.

Major Organizations

While many Faunstones have settled into various places throughout the entirety of Eon and taken on the customs of these areas, one corner of Midgard features a kingdom comprised entirely of Faunstones. Known as the Crystarium Monarchy, it is housed on the massive continent of Leslave and is the second largest kingdom on the continent, right behind Taurequies, the Taurvros kingdom founded by Taurus. Currently, it is ruled by Queen Andrea Obsidian Larkin, with the next in line being Prince Rhett Moonstone Larkin and followed by Prince Dexter Moonstone Larkin. The Crystarium Monarchy is on very amicable terms with Taurequies, and the two work closely to fend off all threats to their people, both native to Eon/Midgard and those who come from outside worlds.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Faunstones are capable of speaking any and every possible language. It simply depends on where they live as to which ones they speak.


Faunstones originated in the land of Niflheim. It is said they were born when the powerful, magic-laden mists dispersed by the crystals there suddenly condensed into living creatures. They looked like Huemes, but had the features of various animals, and possessed a kind of organic gemstone on their bodies which made up certain parts, such as their hair, ears, and tails. They joined the Shimmers in populating the realm, getting along and building a civilization with them. As denizens of Niflheim, they also revered Queen Mab as their ruler and did everything in their power to please her.   Upon the discovery that other realms existed, many Faunstones took this as an opportunity to explore. This led to them successfully settling in all of them, even in Asgard (which is extremely difficult for mortals to access) and eventually Helheim (inhabited otherwise only by vicious spirits of the dead called Malvirta). Their unique appearance quickly made them a popular favorite to mingle with and court, and soon there were many hybrids all across Eon which featured the Faunstones' animal parts.   Faunstones were widely prevalent in many battles during Ragnarok, helping to turn the tide against the Voidseeds on several occasions with their impressive magical abilities. Though their own casualties were great as a result of their involvement, their tenacity and resilience ensured that they recovered far quicker than most other species on Eon. Since then, they have flourished to a staggering degree, and continue to be seen across all the realms in abundance.
(Alpha, a VANGUARD agent, is a Wolf Faunstone.)
Scientific Name
Bestia crystallina
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
The average physique of a Faunstone largely depends on the species of animal they have features of. For example, a gorilla Faunstone may be more likely to be quite muscular with a bit of a gut, while a giraffe Faunstone may be tall and lanky, and a hippo Faustone may have a much more curvaceous figure.