
**Hearken belongs to Opeitos

Reagan Sinclair Nakamura

Hearken is a member of VANGUARD, a group affiliated with the Queen's Lance. She's a very informal, chaotic individual, possessing no filter whatsoever and not being afraid of telling someone off if it's needed. She was once a gymnast throughout her early life up through high school, having been pressed into the sport by her overbearing parents, and still retains the training to this day. She likes to ride motorcycles and dabbles in music on the side.   Hearken is the same age as and best friends with Calamity, having known her since their high school days. She joined the organization at the same time as Cal, and the two often go on missions together, typically stealth. The two of them can constantly be seen together more often than not, hanging out in all manner of places from the mall to sushi restaurants to just lounging about VANGUARD headquarters.   She is currently in a relationship with Calamity, in a poly with her and Zioda.

Physical Description

Body Features

Hearken's many years of gymnastics have given her a toned figure. She's not overly muscular by any means, though it's very easy to see that she's been very active in her life when one looks at her thighs. She also has a bit of an hourglass figure, with average-sized breasts and a larger than average rear. Her legs are on the longer side, as well, which always assisted her greatly in her athletic endeavors when she was younger. Her height is best described as about average for a Hueme woman, if not a little taller than average.   Hearken keeps her hair short, with it being styled to be longer on one side than the other. It's black in color, seeing as both of her parents have it and they passed it on to her.

Facial Features

Being mixed, Hearken has facial features from both races that can be identified. Since her father is Kangsunese, her eyes have more pronounced epicanthal folds, and she inherited his brown eyes. Her mother being Magnesian is evident in her stronger facial features that still carry a decent amount of noticeable femininity.

Special abilities

Though she doesn't do so very often, Hearken is capable of using lightning magic. This comes from her father's side, as he descends from a long line of warriors and monks in Zioda's service. She somehow also seems to have a much higher athletic prowess by default than many Huemes. On top of that, Hearken demonstrates the extremely uncanny ability to predict the twists and turns a battle might take in general and adapt to them with ease, as well as what her opponent's next move will be in some cases. She has no explanations for anything other than her lightning magic, however, having never been able to figure it out.

Apparel & Accessories

Hearken's wardrobe is full of a wide variety of outfits that lean to each side of the spectrum of masculine and feminine. She owns numerous t-shirts, pairs of jeans and shorts, sneakers and boots, and jackets which all can be considered masculine, as well as having more than her fair share of skirts, dresses, stockings and long socks, high heels, flats, and Mary Janes that are blatantly feminine. What she wears depends entirely on her mood for the day, as well as whatever's planned. She also wears simple earrings, one in each ear, as well as two pairs of bridge piercings in her nose.   Her VANGUARD uniform is that of a kunoichi, a female ninja. The style originates from Kangsu, though Hearken has given it her own personal flair. The outfit itself is equal parts sexy and functional, and incredibly well-suited for her to engage in stealth missions. She also wears an oni mask that was designed by Tera with the capability for the top half to fold away and become hair accessories, with the bottom half being easily removed in a manual fashion. It also allows her to see in night vision, infrared, x-ray, and even functions as a Geiger counter.

Specialized Equipment

When out on missions for the VANGUARD, Hearken typically takes several tools and weapons to help her in her endeavors. The most prominent of these is her pair of sai, known as Resistance & Rebellion. These daggers are easily capable of being used for combat, though Hearken usually uses their ability to magnetize to surfaces to be able to maneuver more swiftly and efficiently. This helps her swing faster and, in some cases, quieter, making infiltration and stealth much easier.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hearken was born Reagan Sinclair Nakamura to Mitsurugi and Tina Nakamura, a Kangsunese man and Magnesian woman. From a very early age, she showed a fiery spirit and natural talent for gymnastics. Her parents had extremely lofty expectations and goals in mind for her, leading them to be extremely overbearing and unrealistic. They controlled every single aspect of her life, from how things went at home to what she ate to her schoolwork and extracurricular activies. While she was more accepting of this control as a child, she began to resent it as she got older, leading to her developing a more rebellious streak in middle school. She would sometimes flunk a test on purpose, or eat a meal that was substantially different from what was expected of her.   Once she entered high school, her rebellion hit its full stride, and she would be blatantly disrespectful to and dismissive of her parents. She would skip school, nearly fail classes until the very end of the semester (where she would make it all up all at once), and began to eat only what she wanted. She made it known on a consistent basis that she resented how her parents controlled her life, which was only compounded by the fact that they weren't even around most of the time. It was absolutely insufferable to her, and she vowed to break free from this oppression once she graduated.   High school wasn't entirely bad, however, as she met Calamity when they were freshmen. They had an instant connection, especially because Hearken initiated their friendship by sticking up for Cal when the latter was being teased by some other girls. Hearken made sure Cal was okay and introduced herself, and then she took her out to get bubble tea. From then on, Hearken would come to her friend's defense whenever she needed it, and, moreover, did her best to spend every moment with her that she could. She was even there for her after the incident in which Ollestin went missing while defending both the Levahn and Matsumoto families from a Daevah. She was extremely disappointed when Cal decided to go to Kangsu for a while after the event, but she still kept in very close, constant contact with her while she was gone.   After graduation, Hearken immediately left home, rejecting her parents' wishes - and demands - that she go to college. She took all the prize money she had saved up from all of the gymnastics competitions that she'd won throughout high school and found herself a cheap apartment somewhere in Dross. To help herself get by, she also took up a job at the local Cosmic Bros, as she loved their food and they were offering a wage which made living relatively easy. It wasn't exactly a fulfilling way to live for many people, but Hearken relished it simply for the fact that she no longer had to live under her parents' thumbs.   When Calamity decided that she wanted to join longtime friend Catastrophe in being a bounty hunter, Hearken jumped at the opportunity to do the same. She enrolled right alongside Calamity and underwent training with her. She showcased her gymnastics abilities, which immediately put her into consideration for stealth missions once she received enough training. She chose her codename as a bit of irony directed at her parents, referencing her refusal to listen to their demands once she hit a certain age.

Gender Identity

Hearken identifies as a woman. However, she presents herself in both masculine and feminine ways through her clothing, having numerous outfits on either side of the spectrum.


Hearken is a biromantic bisexual with no real preference towards one side or the other.


Hearken attended school from preschool all the way through to the end of high school. She's best described as being above average in terms of intelligence, not being on the higher rungs of intelliegence in VANGUARD, but being far from stupid by any means. She can think on her feet and has an uncanny ability to know how to avoid detection and potential blows from opponents.


Hearken is employed by VANGUARD, a group affiliated with the Queen's Lance which specializes in hunting Daevahs and criminals, as well as engaging in various specialized missions.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Has won numerous gymnastics tournaments from a very young age.
  • Got herself out of an extremely oppressive and frankly abusive home on her own, requiring only her own initiative and desire.
  • Has become a talented and seasoned agent of the VANGUARD Organization through exensive training and a myriad of different missions.

Mental Trauma

Hearken has endured a lot of difficult things, mostly at the hands of her parents.
  • She was forced to adhere to a severely strict schedule once she was old enough. Her parents controlled every aspect of her life, right down to when and how she would wake up every single morning.
  • Her confidence - and ego - were built up extremely high by her parents as they groomed her down a certain path in life. This would lead to said ego being shattered once she reached high school and realized that she wasn't as flawless as she'd been led to believe.
  • On the flip side of that, Hearken was often ridiculed, berated, and insulted by her parents whenever she would make a mistake, get a less-than-perfect score on a test, she merely said something they didn't like, and just about any other little thing. This makes her severely afraid of failure.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Hanging out with her best friend, Calamity, and making her laugh
  • Spending time with the other VANGUARD agents in general
  • Doing gymnastics of her own volition, now that she has freedom to choose
  • Cosmic Bros burgers
  • Shitposting at every opportunity
  • Working on and riding her motorcycle
  • Making music for fun
  • Getting high


  • Being forced to do something
  • Failure
  • Oppressive parents
  • People harassing her best friend
  • Being shown up by other people
  • Looking like an idiot
  • Not being able to hang out with Calamity
  • Being hungry and unable to eat

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Extremely devoted to her friends
  • Incredibly skilled in both battle and stealth
  • Very friendly despite her lack of filter
  • Strives for excellence
  • Can make people laugh with her antics
Virtue: Diligence

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Doesn't handle failure very well
  • Copes with negativity with casual sex and eating
  • Can be full of herself
  • Gets high using potions and recreational drugs
  • Incredibly stubborn
Vice: Pride


Social Aptitude

Hearken is one of the funniest people in the entirety of VANGUARD, easily able to make people laugh and entertain them with her out-of-pocket antics. However, she has no filter whatsoever, and so most everything that comes out of her mouth tends to be on the wild side. This isn't even reserved for people she's close to; random people in public can be subject to it, as well. In fact, she's put many people in their place and chased them off when it's been needed for any reason by just letting loose verbally with some degree of physicality.

Hobbies & Pets

Hearken's biggest hobby is being a motorcycle enthusiast. Her love for motorcycles began when she was thirteen, and she vowed to have one of her own when she was old enough and had the money for it. Once she moved out, she began to save up her money whenever she could and worked towards buying one, eventually achieving this within a year. She loves to spend much of her time that isn't spent with Calamity working on and riding her motorcycle, and is always looking for ways to upgrade it even further.   Hearken also dabbles in making music, primarily of the rap genre. She listened to it a lot growing up and developed a fondness for it, especially because her parents disliked it. She's never released a full-on album or anything, but she's made a few songs here and there whenever she was feeling it, largely comedic in nature.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Current Residence
VANGUARD Headquarters
Chocolate brown, almond shape
Black, short, longer on the right side
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.7m (5'7")
65.77kg (145lbs.)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Kangsunese (Japanese)