
Walter Jorge Levahn (a.k.a. Wallie/Ollie)

Walter Levahn is the biological father to Catastrophe and Carter , and currently has been missing for over a decade. He is 1/2 Taurvros , his father, Hesdane, being Hooved and his mother, Catalina, being Hueme. Walter is Coraxol 's grandson through Hesdane.     Walter was a fighter, going from a small time hunter to becoming the youngest Queen's Lance in history and later retiring to small hunter work once more. Partnered up with Pangaea, the two were forces of nature that had criminals shaking, and Daevahs weary. While he was a Queen's Lancer, he was apart of a sting operation that overturned a massive human trafficking ring where he ended up meeting his future wife, Manila. It resulted in him rescuing her and her siblings, and the two marrying.   Currently, Walter is missing, after a Daevah attack that wounded his friend Valenn, and nearly killed his wife. He destroyed the Daevah before any more damage was done but once the mist had cleared, Walter was gone. By the time the story line begins, Walter has been missing for over 10 years.

Physical Description

Body Features

Walter is described as being really muscular and very tall - very common and noticeable traits among Taurvros men, both Flatfoot and Hooved. However, he's also very cury, which is distinct compared to the hulking mass that most of the men tend to be. This gives him a more feminine silhouette and look, something his eldest son also has taken from him in overall physique.   Another dinstiction of Walter is his piercings, something that most Taurvros men also have as jewelry is a very fit style and fashion statement. He enjoys wearing makeup, though the most he may put on is dark eyeshadow.   At the time of his disappearance, he wore his septum piercing, representing his marriage to Manila, and wore a necklace shaped like a locket - Manila wore the other half, the key to it, until he went missing. That key is now worn by his youngest son, Carter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Walter was born into a lap of wealthy status due to his mother making it huge in the music industry, though she began to slow down her production in order to devote her time to taking care of her son and hoping to extend her family with her husband. Walter was the one of the few children the two had at the time, which meant he got a lot of attention and was taught/given many values his parents had about family and being true to oneself. Thus, Walter grew up very humble, and appreciated many things. He learned to love the outdoors and was looked at as being weird compared to the other rich kids in the neighborhood, who wanted to throw extravagant parties and show off their wealth in the form of new technology. The flatfoot preferred going outside and camping, and could be entertained by walking down to the pond or large lake and playing around there, or fishing.   As Walter got older, he started to notice how hard it was for other races of his species to find employment or even get respect. His mother's popularity and highly media-centralized marriage with a Hooved Taurvros improved relations other species (namely Hueme) had with them, but it wasn't enough and didn't have as much of an impact. So instead, he sought out to make the impact himself. By becoming a hunter.   Due to being the grandson of the goddess of space, Walter ended up inheriting her reality magic and could create singularities or use his gravity to crush enemies. He became a great hunter due to this, and preferred using a sniper weapon for long range, and a great sword for short range attacks. His hunting lead to him becoming a Queen's Lance and being recognized by the Western Kingdom for his valor and bravado with taking down targets. Pangaea became his partner, to which the two were unstoppable and did amazing work. They're known as legends among the Queen's Lance because of this.   One of his operations he was required to do led to him going to Hefunet with his team and securing a target that they believed was trading secrets and operating apart of a terrorist oerganization. While that nightmare became true, he faced it head on and esxpecially made it personal when he met and fell in love with a young slave made to dance callled Manila. He managed to save her and her sisters from it, which resulted in Manila falling in love and staying by his side.   Walter and Manila married and Manila gave birth to 2 healthy boys, 2 years apart. They were both overjoyed and made sure to make their childhoods impactful.   10 years later, late at night, a Daeah attack ripped the family asunder and resulted in Walter going missing, which rattled the Levahn family. Walter going missing resulted in his eldest son becoming a hunter and hoping to find him someday.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Took down a human trafficking/sex trafficking ring in a large sting, ensuring the safety of generations in Hefunet.
  • Hunted down Daevahs as a hunter and Queen's Lance member, keeping the Western Kingdom much more safe.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Gummy candy
  • Prickly pear juice
  • Hot weather
  • Sweaters
  • Socializing with other Taurvros


  • Daevahs
  • Bitter foods
  • Taurvros mistreatment
  • Racism or prejudice



Father (Vital)

Towards Carter




Son (Vital)

Towards Walter




Son (Vital)

Towards Walter




Father (Vital)

Towards Catastrophe




Literal father figure, Walter has always been behind his son and is very protective and loving over him. Cat in turn is a respectable son to his father and misses him terribly.

Nicknames & Petnames

Ollie used to call Cat "Nino", sometimes "Damiancito" when he's feeling playful.


spouse (Vital)

Towards Manila




spouse (Vital)

Towards Walter



Date of Birth
3rd of Febar
Pellegno, Espasol
Manila (spouse)
Current Residence
Dark blue
Black, usually tied up in a braid
7'6 or 2.286m
Known Languages
  • Abilonian (English)
  • Vocem
  • Espasolian (Spanish)