
Hunters are specially skilled people who use their natural abilities or special equipment to handle and dispatch Daevahs, and in some extreme cases, Voidseeds or even Lightwardens. They're very well praised on Eon due to protecting citizens and in some cases being able to enforce law on people as well.   Hunters are actually more of a recent thing, having to happen within the last 100 years as the massive technological boom of the 1900s proving lucrative work for the people of Eon. Inhabitants of the planet were sick and tired of being forced to watch their love ones and friends be eaten or killed, and took up arms to deal with the problem on their own terms. The only issue there being, that it was illegal to interact with Daevahs for the longest time, and many early hunters found themselves in a jail cell rather than back home and celebrating with family. At the time, the president of Magnesia had no idea on how this could be handled; while the idea of adding more people to the taskforce to kill Daevahs would be nice, random people jumping in to do the work would cause obvious problems, and would perhaps result in lawsuits or other drastic settlements for damage.   So, the President, meeting with the other leaders of Terrandt in a highly televised event viewed almost everywhere, signed into law the start of the Mercenaries of the Western Kingdom, a specialized division for people to join in to get the license to hunt down Daevahs but with the contract specifying the added risk of death and serious injury to avoid problems. Hunters are recognized by law across all of Terrandt, and had special rights compared to citizens so that they may accomplish their job in an efficient and safe manner.   Hunters are easily pointed out in the crowd by wearing a hunter uniform of their choice, which is an armored outfit that they choose the appearance of. Some like to wear exposed outfits for sexual appeal, while others are heavily armored and ike the added protection against Daevah damage. The uniforms are the only thing that the government doesn't have as strong of regulation on, only that the hunters have to have a working uniorm with some sort of armor - everything else is in the person's hands.   Even with the law signed into effect, the process of signing up for it, the fees, and taxes that went into becoming a hunter scared off a lot of potential people who were capable of helping for the greater good. Famous hunters like Amun-Ra, Pangaea, The Duchess, and Biste paved way for the thousands and even tens of thousands that would follow in their footsteps. They also revolutionized the way of fighting with magic to kill Daevahs, making it easier for scientists to research the ways that people with natural magick arts are able to inflict more damage and make a clean kill without the cost of property damage or more deaths.   Hunters work with people through an appointment made in a safe location to discuss the Daevah issue. Another hunter may be writing down the information to keep on hand so that they may look back on it when they go back to their agency, if the threat isn't that large. Once the payment and options for it have been discussed and made, the threat s assessed from how serious the information was given, and usually hunters dispatch immediately to take care of it. Sometimes there can be a grace period depending on the efficiency of the job.



In order to be a hunter, an interested person has to show they're qualified in a sort of fighting skill and being able to wield 2 types of weapons at minimum. This can be shown to a scout or a recruiter at specific buildings. An appointment can be made and the pre-hunter will be taken to a training room outfitted with various weapons and various types of targets for weapon showcase or magical showcase. The room is also supplied with a healthy amount of food for replenishing energy. Recruiters are also very strict, though some of them may vary on the levels of strictness.    Regardless, the recruiter will send the person home with their scoreboard and either tell them that they were rejected or accepted. The acceptance rate for hunters is usually 45; much higher than previous years due to the advancement of technology and more serious interest in hunting. Once a person gets accepted, it's 2 years of training and education, with the first year spent training with one weapon and the second year, the second weapon. However, it's much more common for people to go for more education classes, and some training for skilled hunters may take up to 10 years between their hunting as well.   Teenagers who are interested in hunting need to have their parents approve it first, which was the case for the disasters Calamity and Catastrophe. The minimum required age is 15, and the educational classes can be taken alongside their high school classes until graduation so that they may get a "headstart" to begin proper hunting at age 18. In this case, Cat signed up at 15, and a year later, Cal followed him and began attending the same school he was in. The schools that high schoolers enroll in have to be properly accredited for pre-hunter license, and has to follow up to code restrictions and rules in place for the children's safety while also not interfering with their normal schooling. One of the schools on Oro is Fayhill Highschool, which is the one the two attended and graduated from. It's located in Faylight, and about 15 minutes away from the ILIAD Headquarters.   There is a maximum limit to age for hunters, which is 62 years old. All hunters that age and older are required to retire legally and accept a pension in order not to cause harm to themselves.

Career Progression

Hunters are usually given stars (1-3 per ranking) for the recognition of their skill and their past work. These stars not only are an indicator of how good they are as a hunter, but how close they are to being promoted to a higher level.   The rankings use military order, with lowest to highest hunter ranking shown:
  • Officer
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Guardian
A person is promoted by being given their "fourth" star, and this is usually done in graduations. Hunters first starting off as Officers are always thrown graduation parties, especially if a high number of people were accepted into the job through a recruiter.  As time goes on, and more hunts are done with succession and submitted to the federal government to report back, the number of stars are increased from how many Daevahs have been killed, the time it took to kill them, and some other qualifications. The Mercenaries of the Western Kingdom organization will then give the option to send stars through the mail or have it as optional pickup at a pre-determined location. The stars can be pinned onto the uniforms that hunters wear, along with a special nametag that comes with them where the stars are pinned onto, though this is entirely optional.   After a hunter surpasses Sergeant, they're automatically given police officer recognition and can have further extended responsibilities, such as detaining criminals. Though a special kind of process is required for this to be acknowledged and legally done, it's not very common for hunters to deviate or go into police work, as their primary job is hunting Daevahs. This option was included within the last 20 years for a way for people to back out if the job is too intense.   Guardian Hunters are revered as being the most excellent huntsmen of their craft, and come with a lot more benefits than their lower classmen. They're usually able to retire even earlier than others, and a small numbers of recruiters are either Captains or Guardians.

Payment & Reimbursement

Hunters are paid for their jobs through and through. How they are paid is usually different per organization or single hunter, but its very typical for hunters to accept payment for the job before they take on the task and kill the Daevah.    Payment options are very wide, with some hunters offering credit or debit, cash directly or even payment plans if they can't afford them but need to have a serious issue handled. If people miss their payment plans however... They may end up receiving massive backlash from the government, or even the hunter(s) themself(ves).   The pay that hunters get for their work is excellent. Skilled hunters that are apart of very recognize organizations could easily make up to $10,000 SLV for each job alone, and if not, at least for that month. Some can even make up to $100,000 a month if they desire it, depending on the job they take and how much they'll charge for it.

Other Benefits

There are many benefits to becoming a hunter but the most common one is fame and recognition. Many hunters that began their careers in the 2100s have enjoyed the road to fame they've claimed, as mentioned before most of them paved the way for many young hunters to go into their jobs. Being recognized as a hunter nowadays is pretty common place, with some places even offering special discounts, promotions or even things for free for applicable people.    Depending on the amount of star power, it's also pretty common for hunters or ex-hunters to be apart of the arts - that is, becoming actors or actresses, taking up art, or even producing music. Some also really like to help other hunters with making sure they're prepared to take on their jobs - Amun-Ra or Aiysha as she's known for, created a monster arena with Cal and Cat's help in order for hunters to train safely by fighting monsters through paying a fee.


Social Status

Anybody can join any hunters organization so as long as they're able to show they're capable of hunting Daevahs in an efficient manner. It is common for poor to middle class to join due to the high pay, though.



Hunters are required by law to be able to wield two weapons of their choice and have some sort of training with the weapons (6 months minimum of handling and standing against battles, Daevah or people).  These weapons can either be carried on their person normally, or they can use storage units (bags, chokers, bands or some sort of holding device that stores the weapon for easy summoning) for easy carrying. Storage units are something that Halcyon Days of the ILIAD created with the help of Sorbet, and has since become widespread for hunters in other organizations to use. Calamity and Catastrophe for example store their weapons inside their chokers and can pull them out from whatever angle to assist in fighting or defending.   Depending on how the the hunter or hunters may have their organization set up, some hunters take on specific jobs that make it much easier to handle their operations.   Another example, the ILIAD is very laid out and organized with their structure due to how many people are within the organization. They have someone to greet people at the door and get them settled into one of the rooms, two people to deal with all technological faults and breakthroughs to be fixed/provided, multiple people to handle with invoicing and all the pesky paperwork thats required for submission to the government. The specific nature of each role apart of the organization then asks for different tools, such as having a high speed computer for sending secure documents, and the right kind of smithing tools for creating new pieces of technology to use for battle.


The workplace for a hunter or group of hunters differentiates case by case. A single hunter usually lives in their own house, provided they have a basement where they can train or store their weapons and other pieces of equipment. Organizations that are created for larger groups of hunters, however, may have mansion sized buildings where the hunters live and can do everything with no restrictions. The ILIAD is more of a rare example of how large the buildings can get, along with Salvation 's AVALON organization as well.   The government does have requirements for buildings that will be legally recognized as a headquarters for hunters; the workplace for larger organizations usually have rooms for clients to sit in and have safe appointments in regard to their Daevah issue, and a training room for the agent to use as well. Optionally, there may also be a kitchen with a hired chef to put out food for a buffet (this is something the ILIAD does), or having actual bedrooms for the agents to stay in.   As long as the requirements for the government are met, the buildings can then include any enrichment, entertainment or source of fun so as long as it doesn't get in the way of their job and task of completing things.
Alternative Names
Huntsman/Huntswoman, Trapper, Slayer
A massive necessity
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions