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5E Classes in Eorde

This article will help you find a place for your character in the world on Eorde by showing where each class might be found and some of the setting specific requirements.    


Artificers are skilled craftsmen who can create many marvelous items and wonders. In Erode there are two breakdowns for Artificers, magical and non magical. This breakdown has no impact on skills of there ability to play the game but is merely flavor to fit in with different parts of the world. Artificiers can be found mostly in either Alteria or Vestonia.  


An alchemist is one who attempts to create various potions mystical effects by combining regents. They can be found mostly in Vestonia but there are some in Aleteria as well. In alteria however, they are called Chemists.  


Artillerists focus their skill on creating either magical or non-magical ways of hurling energy, explosions, or projectiles across the battlefield. As all Artificers these can be found in either Alteria or Vestonia. in the same way all that changes is the flavor but artillerists from Alteria find non-magical ways of creating their effects.  

Battle Smith

A battle smith is an artificer who works on the battlefield as a defender and protector of those around them. As all Artificers these can be found in either Alteria or Vestonia. in the same way all that changes is the flavor but artillerists from Alteria find non-magical ways of creating their effects.  


Barbarians usually hail from nomadic tribal peoples but this is not always the case. A barbarian's rage in Eorde is often times less connected with anger and fury and more with some other unbridled fighting style. In some this rage can be thought of as some outside force taking over.    

Totem Barbarians

These barbarians are the most similar to those in other official settings. Barbarians of this archetype usually come from nomadic peoples in Sozar , the Highlands , or other parts of the more world outside of the bigger civilizations. These people have a stronger connection with nature and with the beats that dwell there. As always this is not absolutely true for all Totem barbarians but for the majority it is.  

Ancestral Guardian

These barbarians can be found mostly in only two places. There is a an order of warriors who practice this connection with their ancestors to improve their fighting that is based in Tralkan as well as an order of religious monks in Snowsheart whose connection with those of the past allows them to improve their fighting. While these are the two main place one might find an Ancestral barbarian they are not the only places. Anyone who finds a strong connection with the warriors of their past might become one.  


Battleragers are one of the only classes with a restriction in the world of Eorde. The Battleragers are a fierce and infamous band of warriors raised and schooled on the island continent of Sozar. On the Snow Dwarves practice this style of fighting and it is against their ancestral laws to teach it to outsiders.  


One of the most dangerous archetypes of barbarians to the civilized places of Eorde. unless something magical has occurred these types of barbarians are nearly always from tribes outside of the major countries. These barbarians don't just give in to their rage and fury, they become the living embodiment of rage.  

Storm Herald

Storm Heralds are warriors who have either learned to channel their rage into primal energy allowing them to access magic connected within the land itself or they are warriors who have been blessed by a member of the Seelie Court to fight for nature within the material plane. Either way, these barbarians have a deeper connection with nature than other archetypes.  


These barbarians don't usually come from nomadic tribes outside of civilization but rather from anywhere that has a strong religious presence. They can be found all over the world but most commonly in places strong with divine magic. Zealot barbarians themselves are rare as the devotion needed to go down this path is beyond most means. A Zealot barbarian need not be a priest or a learned member of the church but simply have an unbridled devotion to their god. Often times it is the laymen who become these divine warriors rather than the priests themselves.  


Bard colleges can be found in many of the major cities. Most of these however are just places to learn music. While there are numerous mistrals and orators throughout the world few of them are bards in the magical sense. One does not usually attempt to become a bard. If a person has the talent the bards of the collage will find them. The only place in th western world where the bard colleges are known to operate fully is in Vestonia. Bards use the magic within words and music to open small gates to the paths to bring forth their magic. This innate ability lies in every creature in Eorde but only those who are particularly skilled and foster this ability might see themselves one day becoming bards.  


Lore bards are the most common of the bardic colleges. These bards can be found in many cities as advisors to the rulers. They might use their skills in performance to entertain guests to a king while also giving information about the family history of each of the guests to their lord. They could be powerful orators giving announcements to their lord's subject. They are valued first for their knowledge and second for their ability to perform. The Lore college is actually a part of the Church of Eotrix. The The Keepers themselves are more cloistered with their information and o they created the branch of Lore Bards in order to make sure the rulers of the word from tiny villages up to kings and emperors would have knowledge of the history, religion, and magic.  


Valor bards tell the tales of historic battles from ages past. Of gallant and brave heroes facing incredible odds against devilish foes. These bards can be found anywhere but the most famous are the Skalds from Sozar. This college is the most informal and has no set location. Every no and then they gather together for the Thing where they exchange stories of battles they have seen.  


The rarest of the bardic colleges, Glamour bards most commonly come from a connection to the Seelie court. There are exceptions but in general a bard who becomes a glamour bard will have had some contact or deal made with a member of the Seelie court giving them their Fey magic.  


These bards focus not on music or oration but on performances of skill and dexterity with the sword. They can be found all throughout Eorde and Aside from Lore bards are the only ones to have a set location for their school. There are two distinct styles in the western part of Eorde. the more common school is found in Clearwater and focuses more on the performance aspect of the college while the other school is in Snowsheart. The monks of Snowsheart have adapted their martial arts into an art in and of itself.  


The bardic college of Whispers is the most secretive of all the colleges. Very few even know of existence. While kings and lords may have the aid of Lore bards as advisors they often turn to these secretive bards for information on their enemies they might use in secret. Most of these bards have no idea if an actual college of Whispers even exists. They view these bards as those who are simply using their powers as spies. Still, rumors persist of the infamous college of Whispers.  


Clerics are persons of power beyond that of the normal priest. While a church might have thousands of priests clerics are a much less common. While most people in Eorde are polytheistic and worship every god in one way or another, a cleric is one who has devoted their life to the worship of a single god. They still acknowledge and worship the other gods but they view their god has a more important place in the multiverse than the others. Clerics can be found in every part of Eorde. Most clerics have a domain that connects with their god. The table below denotes which domains connect with each of the gods.
God Main Domain Sub Domains Disallowed Domains
The Old One Arcana All others
Eotrix Knowledge All others
Haxion Order All others
Sankal Forge All others
The Shade Death, Grave All others
Fenrir, Varaha, Dawon War All others
Larathien Life All others
Nir Arcana Life All others
Yashva Life All others
Luxalla Light Life All others
Otashan Arcana Forge, Light All others
Melzi Arcana All others
Tharzidun Shadow(Homebrew) Twighlight, Grave All others
Hood Arcana All others
Fortuna Tempest All others
Queen of Shadows Twilight All others
Loki Trickery All others
Terra Arcana Nature, Forge All others
Sovena Nature All others
Tuamat Nature Dragon(Homebrew) All others


  Druids are masters of magic in the natural world. They can be found in every country and continent throughout Eorde but there are two main variations. Some druids live amongst society and are researchers of the natural world. These are most common in Vestonia where they are a part of the mages guild. They may not seem like druids in the sense of other official settings as they harbor no ill will towards civilization and their connection with nature is more of an academic or persona passion. There are however, some druids who live out their lives among nature and take on many of the aspects of other official settings. These druids are loosely group together in circles but for the most part no organization of druids exists. Most of these druids have some connection with the Seelie court.      


The Circle of Dreams represents those druids with an especially strong connection with the Seelie Court. These druids might be inhabitants of the Feywild or they might merely be mortals who have lived close enough to it to have their lives affected strongly by its magic. They do not take well to civilization and prefer to live apart in forests near to spots where the Feywild seeps int the material plane.  


Druids of the land are the most common type of druid and can be found nearly every where in the world. These druids could be researchers in large cities or mystic shaman in isolated villages. They come in all shapes and ideologies. One might live out her life as a hermit in the mountains while another could prefer studying the alchemical properties of certain plants. The reason they both can be called druids is by the fact that their magic comes from the land itself.  


Moon druids are one of the only druid circles to actually have an organization. These druids much prefer living out among nature but rather than being hermits they usually prefer to live in small clans of like minded druids. Their focus on shapeshifting has also made them them more likely to be adventurers as they attempt to find more animals they might shift into.  


Shepherd druids also have a strong connection with the Feywild. These druids have such a strong desire to protect the material plane. They have an especially strong desire to protect the small and helpless creatures and fey that live within the world. They are almost always found living in nature. They are peaceful to those who enter their domain until their charges are threatened.  


Spore druids are the least common of the druidic circles. They can only be found among small clans or people who live within the deep caverns and mountains of Eorde. Deep within these mountain caves where sunlight doesn't see, the mushrooms take the place of trees and plants. These druidslive their lives in the glow of these massive fungi have turned their reverence into almost a religion. The shaman of these villages are all members of this druidic circle,  


Wildfire druids are similar to land druids but found only on the continent of Tralkan where bush fires are seen as cleansing and a sign of renewal.  


  Fighters can be found anywhere in Eorde. Whether they be seasoned warriors in the Alterian Army or brutal fighters among the Sozarian Dwarves, fighters are one of the most common types of adventurers. For the most part there are no special flavor restriction to fighters are their archetypes. A few of them do however have restrictions. Champions, Battlemasters, and Arcane Archers(with a flavor change akin to the Artificier) can be found anywhere in the world. The following however have special locations  


While in other settings these are often members of the nobility or leaders in Eorde a cavalier refers to one of the horse masters of either the Highlands or the deserts of Tralkan. There are other regions where this is not the case such as in the lizardfolk empires or the kingdoms to the east these have not been fleshed out enough for current campaigns to take place there.  

Eldritch knights

These fighters can be found anywhere in the world except Alteria. Most common in Vestonia and Ziti-Orna they are strong and often members of the guard.  


The only place where a samurai thought of as a traditional historical warrior is found in Eorde is in Snowsheart. Other than that they can be found anywhere in the world.  

Purple Dragon Knight

These knights can be found in Alteria as the official honor guard to the king or in Clearwater as leaders and masters of the mercenary armies there. They can also be found in the Lizardfolk empires and other countries to the east. The current groups a Purple Dragon knight might come from are the following
  • Knights of Hadras in the lizardfolk empire
  • Purple Dragon Knights honor guard in Alteria
  • Wyvren Lords in Clearwater


Monks in Erorde come in two main forms. The first being monastic orders similar to what are found in Asian cultures in the real world. The other are shamanistic or spiritualistic clans of people. However, the greatest thing about monks is that they can flavored very easily to be anything. So while these are the two main ways monks appear in Eorde players do not need to feel bound by having their monk be a "monk" in the world.    

Way of the Open Hand

In Eorde Monks of the open hand are most commonly found in Snowsheart. While they can be found elsewhere the monks that made this fighting style famous originally come from this region. They are religiously minded but nt tied to any particular god. Rather, they are spiritualistic and think of everything having its open spirit. The idea of Ki or Chi is central to their teachings.  

Way of Shadow

Shadow monks are technically not monks in Eorde but rather refer to the fighting style used by a clan specialized in spying. The clan originally came from the Snowsheart region and offered their services to those down in Westreach. Because they come from the same region as those of the Open Hand the people in Westreach call them shadow monks.  

Way of the Four Elements

These monks are unique in that they are the only archetype of monk to not have any presence in Snowsheart. Instead they are most commonly found in Westreach. At some point in history a Nature cleric founded a school in the Atmos mountains that began this style of fighting. It has spread over the centuries and although much influence has been taken from the open hand style they have set themselves up as the main Westreach style of unarmed fighting.  

Way of the Long Death

Monks that follow this path are shunned by most of society. They are seen as too obsessed with death and it is said that they work directly for the Shade. In reality they have a reverence for death and its mysteries. They are found all throughout world but most commonly in Westreach and Snowsheart.  

Way of the Drunken Master

Drunken masters are also not considered monks in Eorde. Rather this style of fighting began in Clearwater after the first master observed the brawls and fighting of the drunken sailors in port. Since its creation it has spread little and has remained connected to the culture of Clearwater and its sailors.  

Way of the Sun Soul

these monks are found almost exclusively in Ziti-Orna. While they can be found elsewhere the original followers of the style are members of a monastic order that follows the God King and his connection with the sun.    


Paladins in Eorde are not bound to the gods. Rather it is the force of their oath which brings out their power and their ability to reach into the paths for magic. A paladin might make an oath to their god or to their king or to themselves but in order for it to take effect and open the paths they must prove themselves worthy of the oath. Scholars are still not sure what about the oath allows the paths to open but most believe that paths and magic itself is the on e to which the oath is sworn to. An oath on a cosmic scale greater than the gods. The paladin oaths are almost the same as in the official settings and they can be found anywhere in the world. Only two oaths have actual organizations that have any flavor effects.  

Oath of the Ancients

Paladins that take an oath to the Ancients are part of an organized group that is dedicated to protecting nature from the those that would destroy it. They have a strong connection with the Seelie Court and the grandmaster of the Order is said to be Queen of the Summer Court.  

Oath of the Watchers

These paladins have sworn to protect the material realm from invaders from other paths. They are the rarest of oaths as most go throughout their whole lives never knowing such a threat even exits. Most think them to be crazy doomsdayers.  


Rangers are the same as in the official settings and can be found anywhere.  


Rogues and their archetypes are the same as the official setting.  


A sorcerer is one who is born with the innate ability to open the paths and call upon the magics within. Unlike wizards who must spent years in study learning how to open the paths or divine casters who who have a god open the oath for them, sorcerers must learn not how to open the paths but how to control their magic.  

Wild Magic

One of the most common types of sorcerers. These casters whether through choice or not are never able to control their magic perfectly. While they can open the paths they don't always do what they want.  

Draconic Bloodline

The second most common type of sorcerer are those with a draconic bloodline. In millennia past when mortals first appeared on Eorde it was the mighty dragons who taught them how to use the paths. Some of these dragons decided to shift themselves to live among mortals and even had offspring. The descendants of these dragons can be found all over the world. While many people might trace their ancestry back to one such dragon it is still rare for the draconic genes to surface allowing the innate connection to the paths.  

Divine Soul

A sorcerer with a divine soul won't be a descendant of an angel or other such being. Rather, such a sorcerer might have been born under a specific star or given a blessing from a powerful cleric. Sometimes the gods themselves might bless a person in such a way after birth as well. Usually it is Yashva the god of healing who grants these blessings  

Shadow Magic

Shadow sorcerers have a strong connection with the Path of Shadow and the Shadowfell. In the same way as a divine soul a sorcerer using shadow magic would have been blessed or given their power by a god of shadow or from a connection with the Shadowfell. Usually it is the Queen of Shadows who grants this blessing.  

Storm Sorcery

Similar to divine souls and shadow sorcerers, a storm sorcerer is one who was blessed by a god of tempest. They might have been born under a certain star as well. These people are also sometimes awakened with power after being struck with lightning or coming close to drowning.  


Warlocks are those who make a pact with an other-worldy and powerful being. Almost always this being is an ascendant of some kind. The pacts are not just limited to what their title says. For example an Archfey warlock could have made a pact with a fey of the Seelie or Unseelie court or they could have made a pact with an ascendant from the paths. The same goes for the other warlock pacts.  


Wizards are the same as in the official setting.

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