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Chapter 4: The Treasure at Last

Plot points/Scenes

Bosh, Ka'uhane and Knuckles awoke to find themselves bound in a room clearly meant for torture. Bosh, is arms and legs tied by great iron chains, found that even he could not break his bonds. Ka'uhane lay on a table arms and legs spread wide while Knuckles hung hog tied and gagged in a corner of the room. After a while three cultists entered the room and the leader told them how Lord Casselanter had used the stone to find the treasure. He alluded to its location as near the clock tower on the main bridge. He started to attempt to torture Ka'uhane but was stopped when a rapier pierced through his chest and he fell gurgling to the stone floor. One of the other cultist dropped as Diaz revealed himself.   Diaz mentioned how there was a secret underground river in this complex that lead to the Tolen River . Being the much faster route the group decided to try and find this passage. They began to explore the underground tunnels they lay underneath the Casselanter estate. They came across two cultist who happened to be scouts standing on a large balcony overlooking a massive room. the room below filled with around 30 or so cultists. having altered everyone to their location the group decided to make a defensive position in the tight hallway and proceeded to eliminate all of the cultist. Bosh was knocked unconscious but Ka'uhane was quick to bring him back up. They finished the fight by Bosh once again crushing his target, this time the Lady Casselanter, when he dropped from the balcony to the room below.   they found that the Casselanters had been not only harboring the cult of Loki but also worshiping a devil Asmodeus. They destroyed his statue and purified the place. One of the ghosts of the old Casselanter dynasty led them to his tomb where he gifted them with his mace.   The group then quickly left through the river passage and made their way to the clock tower. After traveling down to the basement and then through a secret passage then found themselves deep underneath the city of Rivenlock . There they met Lord Casselanter once again surrounded by three cultists. He was talking with a dward and they party quickly went from discussion into "we killed your wife". As such, Casselanter began to attack. after a short battle the group came out on top. then they decided to speak with the dwarf who they found was the guardian of the treasure. They convinced him to let them have the treasure since they were working with the grandson of the man who put him in charge. they also found out that this dwarf who called himself Arthinax was actually a gold dragon. He decoded that since he would no longer be needing to guard the treasure he would travel the world once again.   The party then decided to hold up both of their deals. They met with the Duchess, Annabelle Hawthorne and the pirate Hassan individually and tol them where the treasure was. A bloody battle ensued and Hassan made off with a little bit of the treasure. The duchess gave the group a finder's fee of 10% for delivering the treasure back to the proper authorities and her guards delivered 50,000gp worth of coins to them over then next few days.   Bosh, Diaz, and Ka'uhane then had some unfinished business with the Southern Ghosts . They had completed their mission to get rid of the Crocodile Posse and so they decided to cut all contact with bandits and turn over the Ghosts to the Rivenlock military. They led a contingent of the Alterian military to the Southern Ghost's hideout and quickly eliminated most of the members. Ebenezer One Eye surrendered quickly and was taken away to await punishment. The party convinced the Alterian captain that Sal was part of their group and thus Sal was spared.   Having no ties left to the region aside from their tavern, and a large amount of money to spend the group began thinking of the future and their thoughts turned toward the Silent Isle...   Meanwhile, Knuckles McGruff wakes up hog tied in the basement of the Casselanter estate. He wriggles his way free of his bonds and staggers back to the Oakwood Tavern . He drinks his fill and passes out behind the counter. When he awakes the party is gone. He decides to move on back to his life as a sailor and signs up for a trip bringing supplies to the Silent Isle...
Plot type

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