BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



Tesha (a.k.a. Tes)

Character’s name:


Role in Story:

Point of View Character. She can see the future and often gives warnings/

Physical description:

Tesha is quite small for her age and has always been quite frail. She is completely mute and communicates using sign language. Despite her struggles she is still a bright and bouncy girl who has a very cheeky smile. She has pale hair and lavender tinted eyes.


32 human years - equivalent to 16 for an elf.


What is their greatest fear?

Seeing something happen to someone she cares about and being helpless to stop it.

What is their misbelief about the world?

That the future is already written and she is powerless to stop it.

What is the best thing in their life?

Spending time with her family. Her mother and father both died when she was young so she lives with her uncles, along with her older brother (Ronan) and the daughter of her uncles friends (Aife ). Spending time with them is her favourite thing.

What is the worst thing in their life?

When people try to ignore her, when they turn their backs so they can’t see what she is trying to tell them. She finds this cruel. She also dislikes her own illness, the headaches, seizures and inability to speak that it causes can be extremely irritating.

What do they most often look down on people for?

What was said above. People who will deliberately or maliciously ignore others.

What makes their heart feel alive?

Being with her brother, he is a few years older than her and always looks after her. They go exploring together and sometimes Aife e goes with them but not always. Often when they are out like this he will tell her about their parents, especially their mother who she never really knew.

What makes them feel loved and who was the last person to make them feel that way?

People wanting to understand her and making an effort to do so is what makes her feel loved. The last people to make her feel loved that way where the people she lives with because ever since they knew that she could not speak they made an effort to learn how to understand and communicate with her.

Top three things they value in life.

Eating with, and generally spending time with her family. Honesty between people. Compassion for others, trying to understand them and their struggles.


What is their favourite book?

Anything historical, both fiction and fact. It’s almost ironic, she can see the future but is enamoured by the past.

Is there an object they can’t bear to part with? Why?

Her necklace, it has her name engraved on it and it was a gift from her father, he gave it to her just before he left for the last time. It was made by her uncle and includes a stone from her mother’s wedding ring. It is a matched set with one her brother wears.

Describe a typical outfit for them from top to bottom.

Usually a long floaty dress, she really goes for the whole oracle look. For shoes she often boots.

What nicknames have they been called in throughout their life?

Not many, Tesha is quite a short name as it is so most people just call her that. An exception is her brother who often calls her Tes.

What is their weapon of choice?

She can be quite sarcastic but other than that she tries to avoid hurting people.

Describe their daily routine.

She doesn’t really stick to a routine because her visions can get very disruptive. Loosely though, she will get up, get dressed, and eat breakfast with her family. When everyone is at home she will go out with Ronan and sometimes Aife or she will watch them training. When they are away, she will sit inside reading or watching her Uncle Egan create and work on new weapons and objects of beauty.

What is their go-to cure for a bad day?

It depends on how you define a bad day. On a day when she is sad she will go sit by herself and read for hours, away from everyone else. If it is a bad day with her illness she will stay at home with her family, they know that when it is bad she just needs company in silence.


How is the character dissatisfied with their life?

She hates her illness, the visions restrict her life and make her fearful of what they could mean constantly.

What do they believe will bring them true happiness?

Being able to understand and get rid of her illness, that would make her more free in her life.

What actionable steps could they take to turn their dream into reality?

She tries to read as much as she can to try and find out about others with similar conditions to hers but she hasn’t found anything yet. She could also go out into the world and try to find answers there.

How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?

She feels like it would be dangerous for her to go out into the world on her own. She would also be afraid that while she was gone she would see something happen to someone she loves and be unable to say goodbye.

What would it take for your character to finally make the decision to pursue their goal?

Losing her brother and her uncle and then Aife coming to see her gives her the courage to leave with her and help her in her quest to save the world.

How does your character feel they can accomplish their goal while steering clear of their fear?

She hardly sleeps to avoid the dreams and whenever she sees anything she tries to ignore it.


Scene summary.

When Tesha was four, her father left her and Ronan with his brother while he was going on a mission (he was an assassin). Before he left she had a dream/vision about him not coming back, she tried to stop him but he went anyway and didn’t return.

What does the character go into this scene believing and how are they surprised by the outcome?

She went into this scene believing that she was just having bad dreams, after she realised that there might be more to it than that.

How does the character struggle to hold on to their old beliefs?

She tried to convince herself that it was all a coincidence, the dream and what happened to her father. After time went on it got more and more difficult as several other coincidences also took place.

What is their conclusion and new belief?

Her conclusion was that she could see the future in some way but that she couldn’t do anything so stop what was going to happen.

Scenes where they act on the new belief.

  • She tries to ignore her visions as much as possible, often to the extent that she hardly sleeps for fear of her dreams.
  • She tries not to discuss what she sees because she doesn’t want to worry them.
  • When she sees that people will get hurt, especially the ones she loves, she tries to make them feel loved before that happens.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has always been small for her age and appears very frail because of her illnesses as a child. Despite her struggles she is still a bright and bouncy girl with a bright smile.



Friend (Vital)

Towards Tesha




Friend (Important)

Towards Aife



Tesha - means survivor.


Like a sister to Aife
Year of Birth
6000 32 Years old
Pale lavender eyes
Long, white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Very pale, almost translucent
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