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Zephos Dewarm

Sir Zephos Dewarm (a.k.a. Sword Slicer/Golden Thunder)

Physical Description

Body Features

Many scars were gained on his body throughout his time travelling.

Facial Features

There is a scar at the bottom of his left cheek, assumed to be a birthmark as he doesn't remember its origin.

Physical quirks

He is left-handed after a serious injury with his right hand.

Special abilities

Has Thunder magic but doesn't use it until he's 38 (25 Earth years).
Has a soul mutation that makes him get physically stronger the more damage he's taken.

Specialized Equipment

Sword Slicer, Mythril's Bane

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zephos was born on a pirate ship off the coast of Ithon, and raised as a pirate until he was 20 (13 Earth years), where he met Daerel Foremaul who he noticed had sneaked off the ship. He cornered Daerel with his cutlass but wasn't mentally prepared to attack him, so they talked and became friends. During his time as a pirate he never learnt how to read or how to socially interact, instead he remembers all the tales the pirates told him. Sailing grew boring and he wanted to have freedom, so he joined Daerel to travel to Ricusa City.  

Vex Encounter

2 years later, in 1520 PA, Daerel and Zephos ventured into Ricusa Mine to clear out the skeleton infestation for reward money, during so they witnessed Adela Downshard - a knight of Ithon - be punctured through the stomach by a skeleton Vex's tendrils, killing her instantly. They ran out and stayed in Old Tom's barn for the night. In the morning, they walked to the city. They found a tavern where they first met the Holy Knight, asking him for help. The Holy Knight accepted.   Back in the mines, the Holy Knight cleared it out. They saw Adela's corpse and Zephos felt sick, while the Holy Knight found the Leorigina Vexun Bauble, and not knowing what it was, gifted it to Zephos.  

Journey to Ithon

The day after, a criminal called Reyner Coldtrap alerted the Guild Hall of Zephos being part of the Brúthaj Raiders and, with his corrupt guards, created the belief that he was highly dangerous. Zephos - now 22 years old (14 Earth years) - began their 3 year journey to Redvalley in Ithon to return the bauble and to escape Anglon with Daerel. A day in, they stumbled into the Nameless Moorlands and found a cottage with a sickly Bathan, the King of Ricusa who disappeared 4 years ago, however they did not know this fact. The day after, Zephos fell into a peat bog and was saved by Daerel using a rope.   After being chased out by the Things of the Moors, he and Daerel wandered through Gravalid Grove, ate some tomato berries, and were ambushed during the night by Thistlemouths. Zephos sustained clean cuts from their claws on his right arm, but they were all ultimately chased away by a bear. In the morning, they found a bridge over a river and two passerbys told of Ryare's poisoning. The passerbys' eyes were been seen through by Zythra, who alerted Reyner of the boys' location.  

First Defeat

Just 6 days into their travel, they lost to Reyner the Twilight Slasher in the Sinking Plains, and were rescued by Asteria Pridestone, who brought them back to her mansion in Stillgarde - Anglon, where Tillota Pridestone - her parental figure - healed their wounds. During the fight, Zephos' right hand was almost cut off, and was the first instance where Zephos' soul mutation took effect, making him throw a strong punch at Reyner which unfortunately missed and he fainted. Zephos took 5 days to wake up and heal while Daerel only took 2. After the events, he could no longer use his right arm for sword combat and had to relearn with his left hand.  

Helping Lovers

13 days since the journey began, they met a user of moonflare magic called William Cinderhelm, who joined them in their journey. They stopped off in a town called Lolon, where they met Rawkin. Zephos offered to see Bella, who was hiding due to the town thinking she burned down her hometown with shadow magic, while Rawkin was performing a song in the town square. When they opened the door to Bella's room, she shot out a bolt of light that stuck to the door frame, and with this they realised Bella wasn't the one with shadow magic, it was Rawkin. After Rawkin and Bella got together, Daerel, Zephos, and William continued their journey.   6 months after, in 1521 PA, Laroune 6th, William sacrificed his life to stop a curse from befalling Lighthelm - Don Anglon.  

Second Defeat

Midway through Zephos' & Daerel's journey, they encountered mountain sentinels on the mountain path between Silverwood Forest and the Ravencrag Mountains, where they were defeated with ease. Daerel was flung into Silverwood Forest by the sentinel, while Zephos was saved by someone who took him into his hideout. Zephos was trained by Draven Dewarm, his uncle, in their hideout and obtained the Sword Slicer.  

Training Arc

After the Mountain Sentinels beat up Zephos, Draven had found him and his group wrapped his face up, hiding the scar on his cheek. Draven says to do whatever with him, so they put Zephos in their secret colosseum which Draven runs that pits criminals to the death against each other. He enters the colosseum and first fights a criminal known as the Stick Bandit - named by how lanky he is, and the colosseum always starts off with a dual against the 2 weakest people. Zephos, still bandaged up, kills the bandit reluctantly after realising there was no other way out. Eventually, the colosseum champion appeared, who takes on every competitor still alive. His extreme strength makes the fight a death sentence.   In the meantime Draven is at his desk and gets some pages out a drawer and notices a portrait of him and a baby Zephos, he has a double-take because he felt the scar on the baby's cheek was familiar, then realises the boy had the same scar when he first found him. He rushed to the colessuem and stopped it just in time and asks Zephos' name. After he answered, Draven announces to the crowd that this is his cousin. Afterwards, they train together.   The training took 9 months and they reunited at the mountain path to continue their journey. During their training, Daerel learned shadow magic and Zephos strengthened his soul to toughen his body.  

War of Redvalley

3 years later, Zephos (age 25/16) and Daerel (age 26/17) had reached Redvalley. Reyner was there, and accidentally started the war by destroying the bauble. Ithonic soldiers fought against an army of Fallen who had awoken from their icy graves, with the two participating. Throughout this, the Demigod of Light - Who happened to be there at the time - shattered for the 4th time after he mysteriously lost his power. It would later be discovered the reason for this was because of what happened a few days before Zephos & Daerel began the journey: A void orb was found in Ricusa's mines which shattered, corrupting what can only be assumed to be God.  

Journey to Erellon

Now the Demigod of Light, Zephos, and Daerel decided to travel to Erellon, where the Demigod knew they could learn about the Void Orb. during that time, they encountered Vantorus. Him and the Holy Knight fought in another dimension for 5 days, with Holy Knight winning.  

Toxic Love

After the 3 reached Arrgath Capital, the capital of Erellon, Zephos fell in love with a lady and slowly became disconnected to everyone else. The lady abused his love of her to convince him to stay with her and they fell into a toxic relationship which led to Zephos feeling depressed but refused to leave her. The lady turned out to be a stray succubus disguised as a human that a news board in the city warned of. Daerel came to this conclusion almost too late, and Holy Knight was busy talking to King Terberis about the Void Orb. Zephos was taken back to an abandoned house where the succubus consumed the soul from his body, trapping it within her mind to be dissipated and absorbed into her own. Within the succubus' mindscape, Zephos's soul was in shock, unable to comprehend the danger it was in, but as it almost faded, its thoughts automatically was drawn to Daerel, and he experienced his life in a faction of a second. Because of this and partly due to the soul mutation, he had a surge of will that burst from him, unleashing his element - Thunder - around him, killing the mind's demons that devoured him. He ran to face a cliff, he climbed, and climbed, as his will grew, the cliff shifted to become the floor, and so he ran, until he leaped and flew through the mindscape, dodging the illusions of succubi that inhabited it, until he had broken through the succubus' conscious. Once his soul fused back into his body, a surge of lightning erupted from him, shocking the succubus. He escaped with Daerel who had entered the house, and met up with the Holy Knight, who was alerted of the succubus' whereabouts and swiftly killed it.  


Meanwhile the Demigod found out the Void Orb was an ancient artifact that was created to contain the Last False God's corruption, and that the corrupted God is beatable only through purification of her emotions. A year later, the corrupted God made all living beings including Zephos & Daerel vanish from Epidotra, all that was left was the 4 Demigods and God's Servant, who was a gifted mortal. This event was called The Shattering of All Life . 4 months after the corrupted God made all life vanish, Zephos & Daerel, along with every other living being was brought back. The Demigod of Light gave them a run-down of what happened, saying the corruption was destroyed.  

A New Life

After the events of the succubus, Zephos was less energetic, in the past he would've accepted whatever a lady wanted him to do, as he believed all were of purity, but now he's realised not all are pure. He became more sceptical of people, and only trusted who he knew he could trust.   Now Zephos - aged 30 (20) - travelled back to Ithon with Daerel and were hired to be bounty hunters in Yln. 4 months later they moved into a peaceful small village called Barewood in Yln, the year being 1528 PA on the 20th day of Werch. They were given the titles Zephos "Sword Slicer" Dewarm, and Daerel "Dark Hunter" Foremaul.   A few months later, Daerel and Zephos find the defeated Edgeblades party in a burial mound with Ethon the Knight King. They stunned Ethon and retrieve the Edgeblades, letting them rest in their house. Once the members woke up, A member of the Blue Reapers teleported into their home, demanding they take Elgas - one of the Edgeblades - with them. Zephos and Daerel refused and fought her. After being victorious, she left and Zephos came with Elgas outside, only to be teleported by another member of the Blue Reapers to their cave lair. Zephos promptly beat them all up and dipped.   After Elgas left Yln, a lady caught Zephos' interest, and he initiated a conversation with her. This was the first time he'd done so since the succubus incident. They got to know each other and bonded, gaining trust in each other. In a year, they got married.   In 1538 PA Laroune 22nd, Zephos - aged 40 (26) - and Daerel fight against Elgas in the Olden Ruins - Khrukol. After the events, Zephos and Daerel were known all across Ithon, Anglon, Erellon, and Gathuram. Their new titles were Zephos "Golden Thunder" Dewarm, and Daerel "Dark Hunter" Foremaul.




Zephos has never learned how to read.


Zephos was a pirate for the majority of his childhood, however at the age of 20 (13 Earth years), he met Daerel Foremaul and escaped from his pirate lifestyle. Since then, he was jobless, until he moved into Barewood Village, Yln - Ithon, where he worked as a bounty hunter.

Mental Trauma

Zephos grew up as a member of the Brúthaj Raiders, a vile group of pirates. He witnessed things they did that no child should see, however these things did not influence his behaviour for the worse. On the contrary, he wished to oppose the seafarers that raised him, rebelling against the overbearing nature of their influence. After escaping from the pirates, he tried to be nice to everyone, his personality calm on most occasions, but this way of acting was merely a way to cope with his trauma. He despised the thought of being like the pirates who raised him, and wishes not to harbour the dark thoughts that he was plagued with.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Favourite colour is orange.
Favourite food is pork.
Favourite animal are bears.


Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet dog while living in Barewood Village.


Zephos Dewarm

Friend (Vital)

Towards Daerel Foremaul



Daerel Foremaul

Friend (Vital)

Towards Zephos Dewarm




Zephos first found Daerel escaping from a pirate ship he was on, afterwards they became friends.

Nicknames & Petnames


Holy Knight

Friend (Important)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Friend (Important)

Towards Holy Knight



Adela Downshard

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Adela Downshard



Reyner Coldtrap

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Enemy (Trivial)

Towards Reyner Coldtrap



Cassy Silvermark

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Cassy Silvermark



Perrin Silvermark

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Perrin Silvermark



Tom Riveroak

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Tom Riveroak



Bella Pemont

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Acquaintance (Trivial)

Towards Bella Pemont



Rawkin Graythorn

Friend (Important)

Towards Zephos Dewarm



Zephos Dewarm

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Rawkin Graythorn



Wealth & Financial state

Before he became a bounty hunter, Zephos was poor while travelling across the domains, only sleeping in camps or inns. After he got a job and moved into a house in Barewood Village, Yln - Ithon, he has since become middle-class with a stable income.
Zephos Portrait
Zephos - Hero Forge
Zephos (Young) - Hero Forge
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bounty Hunter of the Yln'cub Plateaus
Sword Slicer
Golden Thunder
Date of Birth
1498, Terebery 8th
Year of Birth
Somewhere off the coasts of Ithon
Current Residence
Barewood Village, Yln - Ithon
Dark blue
Short, Slicked back, Hazel
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common Anglic, Ihana
by qt833639

Character Portrait image: by qt833639


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