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Bodbyn Mendfoot (a.k.a. Bobdyn the Healer)

Bodbyn is the resident healer of Polis.

Physical Description

Body Features

Bodbyn's form is old and frail, though she carries herself with purpose.

Apparel & Accessories

She always wears her medic's tunic. On rare occasion, she can be seen in a blue robe.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bobdyn was raised in a small village to the far west. Her village was in constant turmoil due to their proximity to the wastelands. Given their small stature, her parents were healers and assisted in the coming wounded whenever the village was under attack. One day, they came in numbers and burned the village to the ground, Bobdyn and her family were some of very few survivors.
They moved to X and began their lives anew, with a larger city bringing plagues, and sickness plenty, Bobdyn and her family were never far from healing others. When Bobdyn became of age, her parents encouraged her to seek out more knowledge at the University. They worked to pay for the tuition for years, and knew that they had taught her everything that they could. If Bobdyn wanted to became the great healer that she always talked about, she was going to learn more.
Bobdyn spent nearly 30 years at the university, learning every aspect of the healing arts that she could. When she was approached to become a teacher, she jumped at the opportunity to work with others. She spent another 10 years teaching. But she soon became bored with her work, and knowing that her great healing skills were being wasted. She wanted to be in the fray again, she wanted to help people directly, instead of from afar. So she retired from teaching, and used her great savings to adventure.
Bobdyn would travel from town to town, seeking out injured people, towns stricken with the plague, and following rumors for her next big adventure. Once her savings ran out, she began charging people, only for the cost of materials, and what they could afford beyond that. Any extra money she made went into getting more supplies. Bobdyn became quite famous in the town of Longshore, one town in particular honoring her with great feasts whenever she came into town.
Bobdyn's own body started to betray her, as she aged, and she decided to finally settle down. She found herself in Polis on a particularly pleasant afternoon, where she met with an old friend Kudun, whom she had traveled with before. Seeing that she was growing weary, he suggested that she stay in Polis, and assist them in the reconstruction of the once great city. Bodbyn agreed and setup her clinic in the center of town. Bodbyn's reception wasn't a pleasant one at first, and she was nearly run out of town along with Kundun. Bodbyn was able to show her prowess for the healing arts and was able to convince the majority of the village to allow her to stay.


Bodbyn went to the university and is a trained medical professional, she is also an accomplished Divine Soul Sorcerer.

Personality Characteristics


Bodbyn truly cares for all living things, and wants to reach out to everyone she can to keep them from death's door.



Old Friend and protector (Vital)

Towards Bodbyn




Old friend and provider (Vital)

Towards Kivik



Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and aged
Quotes & Catchphrases
Easy for a rookie to miss.
Known Languages
Elvish, Dwarven, Draconic, Undercommon.
Ruled Locations

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