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Kivik is a gentle giant, he is also a well-known adventurer from a former life. He spent many years adventuring with Virma Dastor, Kudun, and Bodbyn. He now spends most of his time in Bodbyn's clinic doing the heavy lifting, and protecting Bodbyn and her patients.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the wild lands to the north of Er Arda, Kivik's father was their clans leader, and his mother died during his birth. Kivik's father always blamed his son for his beloved wife's death. Kivik's father was coming to the age of retirement, and the only heir he had was Kivik. Rather than give up the clan to his own son, his own father turned the clan against him as Kivik was coming of age to take control of the clan. Instead of attempting to take the seat of power from his father, he decided to leave. He left in the middle of the night, taking nothing but his club, and a pack of food.   He went to a city on the southern coast, of the continent. There he attempted to board a ship, but they refused him due to his size, and lack of money. It would cost him nearly 500 gold to get to the mainland, and with no money to speak of he was left stranded and alone in a city too small to accommodate him. He made camp outside of the city to contemplate what do next. One night, while getting ready to sleep in his make shift tent, a young woman approached him, in her hand was a writ of death for Kivik. He was surprised by her presence and defenseless, before Kivik could go for his weapon, she started talking.   She explained that the writ was given to her by his father, and that for once she didn't feel right about taking a contract. Instead they sat and talked all night, this was the first person that Kivik could call a friend. Long after the sun came up, Virma stood up and insisted that Kivik come with her, that she would get him to the mainland. But she needed his club for proof of his death to his former clan. Kivik agreed, and Virma left for Kivik's home. When she returned, she had 700 gold with her, and paid for both of their passage.   This was the start of their new adventuring group. (additional information to be written)   Once the adventuring was done, and Virma and Kivik retired to the Ardent, and together they began the farm that she always dreamed of. Though the dream was short lived, after 5 years, barely enough time to learn the soil, Virma passed. Kivik, who was still young, traveled back to his clan, get closure with his father.   When he got back to the savage lands, he walked into the clans village square, and stood in the middle. Out of the clan leaders hut came a mighty Firbolg, Kivik's father. Kivik stood proud as his father approached him eyes wide with amazement. From behind his father, he saw 2 Firbolg younglings behind him, bearing a striking resemblance to his father. Kivik first felt anger, that his father spent a large sum of money to have Kivik killed, and now here he is raising new children. Kivik then realized the one thing that that he learned in his travels, everyone makes mistakes, and he realized that it was that fact that kept Virma from killing him. Kivik set down his mighty sword, and Kivik, who was always known to be quiet, and sometimes a mute, he spoke to his father. He spoke to him of the great deeds he had done, and what he accomplished with his years away. When he was done, his father did something that Kivik never expected, he invited Kivik into his home, to meet his step-mother, and step-siblings.   He stayed with them for a week, and with a new found respect for himself, he left. He had heard that his old friends, Bodbyn and Kudun had taken residence in Polis, and were reviving the old ruins to their former glory. When he walked in, he met with Bodbyn, who was having trouble with the locals. Lets just say he "convinced" them to accept her.   Kivik can still be found in Polis today, helping guard the clinic from ruffians, and assisting Bodbyn with the heavy lifting.



Old Friend (Important)

Towards Kudun




Old Friend (Important)

Towards Kivik




Old Friend and protector (Vital)

Towards Bodbyn




Old friend and provider (Vital)

Towards Kivik



Neutral Good
Current Location
Current Residence
Polis Clinic
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
7' 10"

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