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2-1 The Wiezdan Aftermath

General Summary

Following Etzsa's betrayal at The Lost City of Wiezda, the party found themselves in the small fortress of Candlekeep. Frustrated and emotionally fractured, Runaway and Vitalite focused on improving and training themselves, whether through arcane secrets buried in the library of Candlekeep, or pummeling the poor guardsmen to vent emotions. During this time, one of the party left to return to the Sunset Mountains, in a hope to provide reconnaissance on activities of the Yuan-Ti and the vain hope of safeguarding his home.   The party was gathered together by the Harpers and introduced to their two new compatriots. Tucker! a kobold ship captain of The Retiny and Aidoneus, a minotaur cleric. After watching an argument between Karsus and Sylvira Savikas between what would be the best course of action, either going to the Shadowfell and searching for an ancient movable city, or going to Chult to restore the connection between Ubtao and his people.   Choosing to go to the Chultan peninsula, the group set sail, meeting Azolinone at the docks before setting sail. The travel was not too eventful, aside from a brush with pirates and an encounter with a whirlpool. Finally, by the time they reached the Bay of Chult, they had a run in with the Dragon Turtle Arameg.   Coming into Port Nyanzaru, the party headed straight to the Thunderous Lizard in search of a guide to lead them to the Tabaxi Tribes. They encountered a few different potentials, Calimshite catfolk called River Mist and Flask of Wine, a Dwarf named Hew, and a Chultan local by the name of Shago, deciding to stick with Shago. While they were doing so, they met a local woman by the name of Eku. She provided a location to the three talking to her of the Tabaxi tribes in the Mistcliff mountains, however put some of the party off.   Finally, the party met with Shago and agreed upon a price and a time to set off the next day. They set out to go sleep, while Runaway and Vitalite set out to purchase important equipment (and a triceratops).

Rewards Granted

Ioun Stone (reserve) Potion of Speed 8250gp 1100pp
Report Date
30 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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