The creation of the world and Eran Continent (Originally known as the Eren Continent)
Technological Era. Extends into 1123 for the Underground Region.
The creation of the world and Eran Continent (Originally known as the Eren Continent)
The gradual but devastating endangerment of the Mythos species.
The Division of the Aboveground and Underground peoples to their respective domains.
The Advanced Technological Era for the Aboveground
"Oh, yeah, that one time Kari got herself kidnapped and kept in a tiny bottle for a hundred years!" -Grandmother Yveli ("GRANDMA! I SAID DON'T MENTION IT TO ANYONE!" -Kari)
The Era that began after the Aboveground and Underground came back together
A glowing line appeared, leading from Adecthelion to an unknown place through the ocean.