The Trysdalian Alliance Organization in Eradalis | World Anvil

The Trysdalian Alliance

Before the humans arrived, the elves created this alliance to broker peace between their people. The Okatashi of the Western Redwoods, fierce warriors and protectors of the woodland spirits, the Sa'Yeliah of the Eastern Forests, powerful channelers of Light and healing, and the Marizoku, powerful individuals born with a close connection to the Moon Goddess, S'Eyllyn.   Together, these noble elven races united their strengths and knowledge to face common threats and safeguard their lands. The Red Elves, skilled archers and trackers, brought their expertise in forest warfare and their affinity for the natural world. They navigated through dense woodlands with ease, striking their enemies with unmatched precision. The Sun Elves, with their mastery of celestial powers and ancient wisdom, contributed their magical prowess to the alliance. They harnessed the power of the Sun to cast potent spells and create enchantments that protected their people and bolstered their forces.  

The Soul Tree

The capital city of the Okatashi Tribes, is centered around a magical Moon Tree, called Nathu'iki, which means the "Heart of S'Eyllyn" which the elves believe contains all the memories of their ancestors. Many elves of tribes from all over will make a pilgrimage to visit their long dead ancestors and gain insight or some other form of clairvoyance from their past relatives.   Moon Trees are majestic, with silvery bark that glimmers softly in the moonlight. Their leaves have a luminescent glow, resembling the gentle shimmer of moonbeams. These trees are known to grow tall and slender, reaching towards the sky, symbolizing the connection between the mortal and the celestial realm of the world.   Specific rituals performed around Moon Trees are centered on honoring the lunar cycles of both Moons and the blessings it brings. During their Full Moon Ceremonies, the elves gather beneath the Moon Trees to express gratitude, offer prayers, and seek guidance. They believe that their ancestor's energy infuses the trees, imbuing them with wisdom and harmony. In these rituals, the elves engage in various activities such as singing enchanting melodies, dancing gracefully, and meditating under the Moon Trees. It is a time for reflection, seeking inner balance, and communing with nature.


The Okatashi

The Okatashi are often referred to by men as "Red Elves" due to their copper-colored complexion. They have black hair and almond shaped eyes. They live in the Trysdale Redwood Forest, near a sacred grove, coming down from the western slopes of The Eternal Spires, and covering much of the western half of the continent. Their chosen deity is S'Eyllyn, and unlike their cousins, the Sun Elves, the Okatashi are traditionally more standoffish. Most Okatashi spend their lives high in the trees, in large cities built on walkways and bridges from treehouse to treehouse, hunting and traveling the forests.  

The Sa'Yeliah

The Sa'Yeliah are lighter skinned and have bright blonde and golden colored hair. They are called "Sun Elves" by the men and other races. Unlike the other elves, they worship Aére like the humans and believe they must "Light the Way". They travel in large families or clans, to protect the darkness lurking in the forests. They are friendly with the humans and travel often aiding other travelers on the roads near their homes.  

The Marizoku

The Marizoku are powerful beings born from either clan with an exceptional ability to read the future and commune with the divine. They have a close connection to the Moons, and are thorized to be born when it is full.
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