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Caerdsdryl (Cay-erds-dril)

The capital city of Caerdsdryl is a sanctuary city, a hub of knowledge known as the Gem of the North. People from far and wide travel to this great city to learn the arts of magic and might from the two respective hubs of learning, the Leras Academy and the Magesworn Keep. It sits on the Numera Strait in the north.




Corallys - Western side, near the ports
Vendra - Trade district
Haggleton - Halfling district


After Tashe Leras defeated the Lich Caerd over the powerful ruins of Iondor and sealed him away, he founded the city of Caerdsdryl (Caerd's Fall) to prevent the Lich from ever returning.   Leras Academy was formed to teach new generations of wizards to protect the city, and Leras decreed that an Archmage shall always rule the city.   Leras then split his soul into four elements, binding them to his four most trusted companions, who swore an oath to always stand by his side and watch over the city.  Whenever one of the elemental Generals passed away, there was always someone to take his place, and the magic of Leras' soul continued to protect even after he was no longer there.  The ritual was passed on to his brightest student, who ruled Caerdsdryl in his stead and continued the tradition of passing the pieces of Leras' soul to each of the Generals.

Points of interest

Leras Academy
Mageguard Keep
Tower of the Grand Archmage
Founding Date
546 RC
Alternative Name(s)
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location

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