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Ecclesia of Soul

A religious organization composed of the followers of Jul Cassan, God of Death and Battle and one of the Prime Three. It is present all over Erde as all races recognize Jul Cassan as one of the three creators of the world, and worshippers of the cycle of death have existed since the dawn of time.  


It is believed that Jul Cassan would guide the souls of the deceased to reside in their home plane of Kamacheus. They would spend some time being renewed and cleansed before being brought to the Bridge of Souls, where Anka would meet them to guide them into a new life. Followers of the Soulbearer understood that death was part of life and was not the ultimate end of one's journey. Instead, it was a step in continuing to the next life.   The clergy was bidden to help people to meet their deaths at their proper time and not before. They believed in the balance of life and death and did not seek to wreak devastation and leave death in their wake. They opposed those who extended their lifespans beyond the natural cycle, such as through necromancy and supernatural means.   Teachings of Jul Cassan included the writ that no one who died of natural causes should pass on without knowing that they would be guided to Kamacheus and would be judged fairly and with mercy. The Ecclesia of Soul believed that the undead should be destroyed as an abomination whenever possible, as well as those who actively sought to extend their lives, such as liches.  


Reapers were generally the missionaries of the Ecclesia. They were tasked with eradicating undead and those who practiced necromancy. They often traveled Erde, sometimes with adventuring companies and caravans, aiding them with hunting the unnaturally alive.   They would also act as couriers between temples and provide aid and rites to those in need while traveling. They also would spread the doctrine of the afterlife and the other teachings of Jul Cassan.   Mainine
The Mainine are priests who specialize in funerary rites. Their name translates from ancient Elven to mean 'Death Rite". Their primary duties were providing burial rituals in concordance with local customs and consecrating graves. The highest-ranked Mainine in a temple was generally known as a Soulkeeper.   Other
Various other members included caretakers, who would maintain burial grounds and temples, and soulguards, who protected temples and priests.    

Holy Days and Rituals

The Ecclesia of Soul performs most rituals privately with the individuals involved with passing into the next life. Funerary customs are generally followed, with blessings to Jul Cassan performed over the dead or dying individual and prayers for safe passage to Kamacheus.   Morning rituals at holy sites include gatherings at cemeteries to perform songs and prayers in memory of the departed and cleanse their grave in hopes that their time in Kamacheus will be quickened. For Reapers, morning rituals would include a remembrance for those who had been slain in their travels and a prayer for the power to free the souls of their enemies to the afterlife.   In the evening, the clergy of the temples of Jul Cassan would hold a ceremony to strengthen their purpose. The Soulkeeper would provide blessings and favors from Jul Cassan to their most devout and offer holy missions to Reapers and other traveling priests.   New Year's Eve is a night that the Ecclesia of Soul considers holy, as it signifies the cycle of one year is complete and a new one has begun. On this day, the sun is the lowest in the sky, with the new year bringing a rebirth with the slow return of the sun.  


There are 12 major temples to Jul Cassan scattered about Erde:
Religious, Organised Religion


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