Charles Corvix

Baron Charles Corvix

The Baron of Collinvenn is an imposing character who have a tendensy to scare people off with his brutish manners. He has no need for poetry or art unless it depicts a heroic feat. He is loud and says what he means, he do not mince his words. He knows he is the ultimate law in his land and it goes back several generations, even before the formation of Zorakin. Charles have been known to say that his castle never fell to the Penner kingdom.   He is a staunch defender of the Raxori traditions and is very conservative and follower of old traditions.    
  • Wife: Deidree Corvix: She enjoys twisting the dagger in the wound which is Jo-Sofina. It is a long time since there were any love in the marriage.
  • Son: Herbert Corvix: He tries to be like his father which leads to disputes and heated arguments with his father.
  • Son: Gaulle Corvix: He tries to be a good brother and stand by his brothers side. He is bethroden and just waits for his older brother to wed so he can do it as well. He truly loves his chosen woman. He is actually beginning to be a little irritated he has to wait, but knows it would be a stain on his fathers and brothers honour if he weds first.
  • Daughter: Jo-Sofina Corvix (bastard) ignored by her father but accepted by the rest of the family. Always looking for confirmation or a kind word from her father.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is large and burly.

Facial Features

Although he is bald on the top he still wears his hair long. He has side burns and a long slouch moustach. Most of his hair is grey through age.

Physical quirks

Sometimes when he isn´t paying attention he starts massaging his aching muscles in the neck or arms. If sitting he might do his thights.

Specialized Equipment

He has a magical waraxe which he can wield with a shield, but prefers to wield with two hands.

Mental characteristics


He is illiteral and not very knowledgable in the ways of the scholar. He does not have a deep understanding of the intricates of the Imperium Jorpagnia laws, but he has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He have slayed many beasts and monsters within in his realm and has a well earned reputation as a beast slayer. Few men would go up against him in combat without feeling intimidated.   He is proud of how his sons turned out to be, even if they make him angry now and then.

Failures & Embarrassments

He went to bed with a peasant girl when he was drunk and she got pregnant. And the stain on his honour weren´t better when she gave birth to a girl. He can´t wed his daughter away as no one wants a to wed a bastard, unless a large dowry is given. He really do not see anything positive with his bastard daughter, and if it wasn´t for the rest of the family standing up for her he would have driven her away from the castle.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is set in his way. This is how my ancestors did it so this is how I do it.


Religious Views

He is strongly religious but it contains so much folklore it is verging on heresy.


Year of Birth
561 A.O. 51 Years old
Dark grey
Very long straight dark brown with lots of grey. Hes bald on the top of the head.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin
192 cm
101 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Eleonora died at birth, who knows what she brought with her when she came back."
  • "Eleonora went mad when the Count was murdered. Who knows if she is sane now or if she just plays sane."
The shining path with lots of folklore
Known Languages
Only Zoraki Jori.