
  The Raxorian people lives in what once upon a time was the Lindskiarni realm of Pharynx. Raxorians are not as strong and powerfula as they once were as they took quite a beating during the Lindskiarn war, from which they never really recovered. Still the Raxorians are a good natured people who really doesn't want much to do with the rest of the world, which probably stems from a deep distrust grown since the lindskiarns time. The Raxorians tries to keep to themselves and strangers are met kindly but with a clear distant. They are very social between themselves and prefer cooperation before working alone. But they try to contain their contacts with other people to trade. The nobles whom have tried to opress Raxorians have met with large problems as they think of themselves as a free people. But nobles whom have respect them and have been met with great appriciation. The Raxorians have a great respect for the king and are amongst the most ardent supporters of the king. All Raxorians hate Orcs and goblins with a burning intense as they have warred against each other for generations. Raxorians dress in leather and fur, and if they can afford it they wear copper and bronxe jewellery. Although they confess to the Shining Path they are not as religious as most of the ethnicities of Zorakin.   The raxorian people are declining as the Legerdians spread out within the Zorakian realms.   It is common for Raxorians to be a little shorter than Penner or Legerdians, but their harsh uppbrining usually gives them a more outstanding endurance. Their hair is often black or dark brown and worn with braids, preferably with copper threads inlayed. The eyes are commonly brown as well.   Rules: STO -1 FYS +1

Naming Traditions

Family names



Major language groups and dialects

The Raxorian are part of the Jori family and as such their dialect are a Jori dialect.

Culture and cultural heritage

There are a few of the old noble families still present, which also are considered nobles of Zorakin. They have not fully adapted towards the knight on a horse with a lance. Just as their common brethener they prefer to fight with an axe, and on foot. They can fight from horseback and use a lance, but prefer not to and you seldom see them attend jousts. They prefer their old feasts with their kin in their ancestral homes.

Common Dress code

The Raxories usually wear clothes of leather and fur as they live in hilly mountains. The clothes are often rugged and functional rather than fancy cut. If they can afford it they wear jewellery made from copper and bronze.   Having a leather armor made of Wyvyern skin indicates that the person wearing it is a great hunter or a strong warrior.

Art & Architecture

Stoneworking is a common expression of art amongst the Raxorian.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Raxorian creamates their dead with only the closests family attending. The deads friends wait in the communal house until the family return, and stay over night drinking and talking about the deads life and whom he or she was as a person.

Common Myths and Legends

Even before the coming of the Jorpagna empire the Raxorians were a organized a independent kingdom. After a short war against the well organized Jorpagnian armies, they accepted to become a part of the Jorpagna empire as a vassal kingdom. As the Jorpagnian empire fell during the conflux, they again assumed independence, protecting their borders.   After the Lindskiarni wars the Raxorian kingdom were weakened.   Their last king were Vallandix DeCloch, whom according to the legends were murdered by the King of the Penner people as a part of taking over and subjucate the Raxorian people into the Zorakian kingdom. The Penner king needed the Raxorian royal regals in order to strengthen his claims on superiority towards the Raxorians. But Vallandix had hid them and refused to give up where. The Penner king killed him in a fit of rage and buried him in a unmarked shallow grave in the wilderness. According to the legends Vallandix became a ghost, bound to his grave.

Historical figures

Bemar Galophix: A famous warrior and adventurer who died 498 AO. He slayed several dangerous beasts and saved many villages.


Beauty Ideals

The men usually have long hair worn in braids. Having a long moustach with no beard is a common sight. Women have their hair braided. They have the hair in one long braid commonly, but if they try to impress someone or if their is a festivity they usually have several small braids instead.

Gender Ideals

Men are suppost to be stoic and silent.