Crocodile - Aidne

InAidnes warm swamplands a specie of crocodile lives. By the people living there it is jus tcalled Crocodile, but the Scholars who knows of several different species of Crocodiles adds Aidne to it.   When grown up they seldom becomes longer than 2 meters and are often thinner and less muluscular than other kinds of crocodiles. They might still be a danger to a grown up human, but they would have to be very hungry to attack a full grown human. There have been known instances though when they have taken a child bathing in the wrong places.   The Aidne crocodile prefer to attack by speed and agility from an ambush, and can easily come close to a prey by swimming slowly close to the bottom.   In ancient times the local tribes worshipped the crocodile and that relationship can still be found in some folklore. Especially amongst settlement close to swamps where they are prominent. There are also some folklore where crocodiles are insinuationg being stupid offsprings of dragons.   STY: 7, STO: 7, FYS 11, SMI: 13, INT: 1, PSY: 7, KP: 9, Move: L6, ABS skin 3, 1 Bite (FV 10, 1T6), 2 claws (6 , 1T4) Sense danger 5, Hide 10., Stealth 10

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The crocodile lays about 20 eggs in a hollow twice a year, and stay with the young ones for a month. Then the motherinstice quickly subsides and she starts seeing them as prey.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are born mobile and with hunting instincts. The first week they live of small insects and spoils of the mothers catches. Within a month they can handle themselves and hunt their weaker siblings.

Ecology and Habitats

Warm and slowmoving freshwater. They are mostly found in swamplands, but can be found in rivers and occacionatly lakes.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are predators and feed mostly on fish and mammals who come to eat. But they are known to be cannibals if they get a chance.


They are coldblooded and can often be found on beaches warming in the sun. Otherwise they spend their days still in the water waiting for food to come to them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are lone predators who guard their territory violently, and do not hesitate to eat their offspring. They come together to mate and to eat if there is an abundance of prey.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their skin is hard and used as leather in areas where they exist.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Aiden crocodile is only found in the Aidne peninsula
Max 40 years
Average Length
160 centimeters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The hard skinned body is mostly green in a very matte colourisation.
Geographic Distribution