Grindnu peninsula

The Grindnu peninsula is considered to be the origin of the Zorakin kingdom and as such home of the Penner people. It is the western part of the Kongdom and the duchies of Saittlebeaux, Dravioauxe, Amittefeux, Litherinne and Pharynx are located in the lands.   To the west the river of Stirpiz is the border of the peninsula at to the north it is the Aidne mountain. The eastern border is made up by some of the river of Joste. But it is not as clear cut as the Stirpiz river.


The peninsula is very diverse in the landscape as it rolls down from the height Aidne mountains to the plains surrounding the bay of Pendonne. The northern part is mostly hilly and covered in forests making the land hard to cultivate, while on the other hand the southern part is very plain and fertile. The central part if the peninsula are made up by the Toril forests.
  • Stirpiz river
  • River of Joste
  • Forest of Brynhildur
  • Torilforest
  • Grimmani swamp

Fauna & Flora

The larger mammals to be found and hunted is Vicents, different kind of deer animals and boars. The more common predators is fox and bears (brown- and grizzly-) but pack of wolves are not uncommon. There are few Wulf packs as well, but they are far from common.   The forests whom are not large enough to be named are mostly made up of Oaktrees, stone pine and larch.

Natural Resources

The southern land of Grindnu is very fertile and can deliver two and sometimes three harvests every year. The northern parts of Grindnu are rich in trees good for lumber as well as herbs. The north also have good stone and the ore is good if not in abundance. Gold have been found in the Stirpiz river but no veins have ever been located.

Articles under Grindnu peninsula