Damonnes trade house

Damonnes trade house is a local trade house in the county of Fort la Nord in the Zoraki duchy of Saittlebeaux. They follow a trade route which starts and ens in Boronne. The route incorporates all larger settlements in the county and several smaller as well. The caravans are well known and respected by the inhabitants by the region. Apart from goods they also spread information and rumors. Many who need to send a small parcel or letter where speed is of no issue, usually pay a smll fee to the caravan who takes it with them on the route.


The trade house is led by Arienne Damonne and her husband Beren. Each caravan is led by a caravan master who is an employe who have worked with them for a long time. Each member of the caravan team are chosen by the caravan master, and appoved by Arienne or Beren. Each mercenary who serves as caravan guards are chosen and employed by Beren, Arinnes husband and an former mercenary and noble bastard.

Public Agenda

Gaining more wealth through good and secure trades.


The estate outside Boronne where they her the cattle and serve the wagons.    Three caravans with three heavy wagons in each. Usually three mercenaries serving as guards.