
The town of Boronne is the main settlement of the county Fort la nord. It is surrounded by a lush and open landscape with small scattered farms.   Boronne is a bustling town where merchants haggle in the central market square while artistans bustle in the streets. It is defended by a thick and large wall with round towers spread amongst its length. There are two large city gates, where the city toll is collected. Boronne is built upon a large hill slowly reaching its peak where the castle Fort la nord is spread out. Even though the angles seldom are steep there are very few places where the ground is truly flat.   Most buildings are made of stone and plastered with white limestone. It is common to leave the wood beams visible and painted in a dark blue colour. The most common roof is tiles made of reddish clay, making the city filled with colour.   A couple of years ago (609 A.D.) the Count tore down buildings leading from the main gate to the central market square. Instead of the houses he built a broad and straight road with a heavy foundation made to handle the weight of the merchants carts. The road is wide enough for three carts being able to pass each other at the same time and still have some space for pedestriants. When the Count ordered the houses tore down there where many protesters. But now most have accepted that it was an improvement, and there are actually voices demanding the Count to do the same to the other gate as well. Most inns and tavernas are placed along the roads towards the main square. The Count do not allow for shops along these streets and have demanded that all trade of goods is to be done at the market square. There are a few exceptions to this law, but it is mostly allowed to merchants who only deal in bulk goods.   Not far from the market square the Cathedral of the Eternal Light are located. It is the second largest building in the town. A few of the houses surrounding it are part of the cathedral and contains living space and warehouses for the clergy. The buildings are quite opulent where the largest are three stories and contains large dining halls and much luxuries.   Close to the castle there is a walled compound with a large house. It is the mages guild of Boronnes charter house. After you enter the gate to the right there is a small house which is the reception where guest announce why they have come. It also functions as a small shop where the members of the guild can sell things they do not want any more. There are usually a few scrolls or potions available, as well as some small magical trinkets.    The poor people within the town lives in small houses close to the wall. They are mostly built of stone, but stones in sizes to fit catapults. In case of a siege they will be torn down and become part of the city defense.


Boronne is mainly a human city and as such they are the most common of the sapient species. Amongst them the Zoraki ethnicity Raxorians is the most common of them. But Legerdians and Penner are common as well. There is a large populance dwarves in the town as well. Most of them live in the same area making them more common in that area of the town. There are some Erebosians and Kardians whom live permanently in the town as well.
  • Human - Penner 10%,
  • Human - Raxorians 60%
  • Human - Legerdians 15%,
  • Dwarves 5%,
  • Others 10%
  • Government

    The count rules Boronne directly but uses a mayor to handle the day to day issues. The mayor are suggested by the burghers of the city and holds the role for three years, unless the baron decides otherwise.   The mayor is Lady Arienne Damonne whom own a large estate just outside the city and a house within. She is not of noble birth but her wealth makes her a very important member of the city. She has invested her fortune in several stores and merchants, making sure that apart from her own income, she gets money from several individuals in the surrounding area. She isn´t a popular person, but she is respected for her common sense and keen insight in trade.   Guilliam Birrix is the captain of the guard and also the taxcollector. He is a large and imposing man who spent most of his adult life in the kings guard. Guilliam were born in Boronne and when he retired he moved back home.


    Boronne is surrounded by a 3 meter deep moat which is not water filled. The only way to pass is through the two gates where a (fallbro) is the only way to pass it. The gate houses are large and apart from the heavy wooden gates they are also equipped with portcullises. Boronne is walled in by a crenelated stone wall which is up to 8 meters high. Along the wall there are a few round towers as well, upon which there is arbalests mounted and manned at all time. The arbalests are mounted in such a way they can cover the sky and repelled flying opponents as well.   The city guard is a proffessional force led by Guilliam Birrix. They are up to 100 men strong and they man the gates and walls, and patrol the streets as well. In peace time they are equipped with a studded leather jerkin and a shield for protection. They are armed with a handweapon of choice, and most of them wear a falchion or handaxe. They are also provided with a short spear by the town which they are regulary trained with. In each tower there are a armoury and in those there are enough crossbows and quarrels for those stationed there. The city guard have their barracks in the towers and gatehouses, but some of them sleep in their own houses with their families. The city guard have a training ground which they share with the counts forces, and friendly competition between the two are common.   In case of war there all able men and women are supposed to do their part in the defence as part of the militia. It has never been tried as Boronne haven´t been attacked for a long time.

    Industry & Trade

    Although there are many craftsmen and one man productions in the town and surrounding area, Boronnes main industry is woodworking and transforming logs into planks for export. The sawmills are located outside of the citywalls and the logistics is bustling.   Most of the inhabitants do not have kitchens in their home so they cant cook which means that there are many small taverns who sells fast food. In the market there are many stalls which sells food and drink for the artistans and other workers who spend their days in the city.  

    The Market

      The market is a bustling place during day time. It is built upon several plateaus with stairs amongst them. There are many stalls as it the only place where trade is allowed in the cuty. As such it is hard to move along and always filled to the brim with stalls and people.
    • One days worth of fresh local food (goatcheese, bread or pie, a small piece of sausages and some fruit) 8 sm
    • One days traveling rations (goatcheese, dry bread, dried meat) 8 sm
    • One litre of local wine (refill), 4sm
    • One litre of southern wine (refill), 25 sm
    • One litre of Caddian wine (refill), 50 sm
    • One litre of beer (refill) 4 sm
    • One litre lampoil (refill), 5 sm
    • Oillamp (6 hours/ 0,5 L), 40 sm
    • Torch ( 1 hour) 5 sm
    • Flint & steel 15 sm


    From the main gate a broad street heads towards the city centre. The main street is paved with cobblestone. Otherwise the streets are dirt roads which becomes quite muddy when it rains. As there is only two gates and many people entering and exists there is often a long line to pass, which have a tendency to reate irritation and unrest. The city guard do their best to keep order but fisticuffs between merchants who want the best market place are not uncommon.   The main trade market is large and built in terraces to make up for the elevation change. There are many stairs spread out amongst the terraces and all the ground is laid with cobblestone.   The mayor pays a few poor people to keep the main street clean, the carbage they collect ends up in the Stirpaz river. Often they work in two, with one carrying a large basket on the back, and the companion picking up the trash and throwing it in the basket. It is common to give them a copper coin if they clean outside your house and you happen to be there. They are often given something to drink when they pass an tavern as well.   There are no sewers in Boronne and all trash end up on the street. As it is built on a hill the trash are washed away by the rain and end up in the Stirpiz river. Some richer members pay poor folk for removing trash when they cant stand it anymore, but there is no organised trash removal.


    Mages guild: Close to the northern gate there is a walled compound with a large house. It is the mages guild of Boronnes charter house. After you enter the gate to the right there is a small house which is the reception where guest announce why they have come. One of the apprentices are there during the day. During the night the doors to the compound and public houses are locked. The reception also functions as a small shop where the members of the guild can sell things they do not want any more. There are usually a few scrolls or potions available, as well as some small magical trinkets. A perfect example of a trinket would be a magical ring which can cast a light spell.
    • Scroll of Light E1 - 800 sm
    • Scroll of Enhance weapon E1 - 400 sm
    • Scroll of Cure hangover E1 - 150 sm
    • Potion of Healing E1 - 2000 sm
    • Potion of See in darkness E1 - 800 sm
      Cathedral: Not far from the market square the Cathedral of the Eternal Light are located. It is the second largest building in the town. A few of the houses surrounding it are part of the cathedral and contains living space and warehouses for the clergy. The buildings are quite opulent where the largest are three stories and contains large dining halls and much luxuries. In many places the banner of the church hangs to make sure every can see which houses are the churches houses, and to make sure the importance of the church is visible. The district patrolled by templars and soldiers from the Order of the Sun located just outside the city. The church have many laymen clerks running about and many interests in the economics of the city. In the cellar of the main administrative building they have their vault which is always guarded, as all the entrances to the house as well. It is clear that the house is well protected.   Dwarves quarter: Although it is called dwarves quarters in public, it is far from true. Lots of humans lives in the quarter as well and they are the most common of species. But the dwarves have built a few houses which are clearly made for dwarves with a clear dwarven architecture in the district. When they built the houses they also constructed very deep cellars. The rooms are built for dwarves making it hard for any person over 180 cm to walk straight in the buildings.   The harbour: The harbour is located outside of Boronne and it takes a few minutes to walk to it. It has a large pier for docking smaller ships such as the very common flood barge and the one masted fishing boat. The barges with logs are moored in the northern part of the dock where the warehouses and sawmills are. To the south the vast majority of the local fishermen have their wooden piers, and small fishing huts. No one lives here but they keep their tools and guarddogs here overnight. The harbour do not have any real defences but the city guard patrol the area. There are no taverns allowed, but some food and drink vendors are allowed to have their wagons on site. It is the harbourmaster who chooses which are allowed. Mostly it is the ones who pays him the most, and the payment is considered a part of his salary.



    1. Chickens roost: A small cozy tavern run by an old woman. The food is pleasantly good and the beds are clean. She has three rooms with four bunk beds.
    2. Travelers bunk: a small tavern who is known for its shady clientel and watered down beer. There are a few beds in the old barn, none of them are private. Theft is quite unknown since the clientel are suspicious and often dangerous. Travelers bunk is owned and run by an old dwarf.
    3. Calaines guesthouse: situated close to the marketplace this is a large and well renowned tavern with a few private and group rooms for hire. The food and entertainment are very good and the count has been known to drop by sometimes.
    4. Woodsmans axe: The tavern were started by an old logger from the north. He keeps his old axes on the wall behind the counter.


      Kelen Dark: A weaponsmith with 3 apprentices and a workshop. He usually keeps a few ready made swords and others weapons in store, all made by his apprentices and of reasonable quality. All sales are made at his permanent stand on the city square. Any special orders are made by him, and there is a waiting period of at least a week before he can start making the ordered weapons. He also keeps a few chainmails in store whom can be adapted to the buyer during a day, as he keeps the materials ready. His business are making good money, and he spends more time in his fineries than in his working clothes. Of the weapons and armour listed below he usually have 1D4 finished and sold in his stall. If the roll is 4 one of them is made by Kelen and considered of fine quality.
    • Dagger - 70 sm
    • Broadsword - 1000 sm
    • Falchion - 500 sm
    • Handaxe - 60 sm
    • Broadaxe - 350 sm
    • Battleaxe - 450 sm
    • Two handed axe (only one available and it is made by Kelen) - 1900 sm
    • Hunting spear - 800 sm
    • Short spear - 90 sm
    • Long spear - 300 sm
    • Lance - 650 sm
    • Glaive - 1600 sm
    • Partisan - 1400 sm
    • Knights shield - 850 sm
    • Teardrop shield - 900 sm
    • Chainmail hood - 300 sm
    • Open helmet (kettle variant) - 500 sm
    • Chainmail shirt (only one) - 2100 sm
      A blacksmith, Warthin Moor, who do not make arms or armour, but almost everything else.
    • Many nails - 75 sm
    • Pickaxe - 125 sm
    • Knife - 50 sm
    • Handaxe -
    • Woodcutters axe - 125 sm
    • Hammer - 18 sm
    • Saw - 60 sm
    • Sledgehammer - 40 sm
    • Sickle - 40 sm
    • Shovel - 75 sm
      Faradoux the smelter: Faradoux buys broken items of metal which he melts, and then sells the metal bars to craftsmen. He always have a selection of bars of different quality of the metal. But he is always honest about the grade of the metal he sells allowing the craftsmen to buy the right quality for the intended use. Faradoux also have a reputation for not being as selective from the one he buys from, and to have connections with the shadier side of the town.  


      Mercedes Beauix is a well known tailor in the town. She is neither the best nor the cheapest, but for travelers she is well known for her sturdy clothes. She cooperates with other craftsmens such as leather workers to make clothes made for people who spend much time on the road. Therefore she also has blankets, and a small selection of cutlery and camping gear. She makes a good living as there are many people making a living as foresters in the county, and also her reputation have started to spread in the Duchy. At her stand she sells most of the generic clothings, but if the buyer want something special, she sets up a meeting in her workshop.   Solomon Fallinx is a tailor specialising on the rich merchants of the town. He keeps an eye on the nobles and try to make dresses who looks like them but not as opulant. Many of the those who can´t afford one of his new dresses try to find hand me downs.  


    A few different stores, amongst them a general store that sells supplies needed for travel.   (Fletcher) Cilleagh the Fletcher: Cilleagh is a half-elf who have chosen to settle in Boronne after many years of adventuring. He dosn´t flaunt any wealth but it is rumoured that he has a large stash of money in his home. There have been a few attempts to rob or burgle him, but after he killed a famous ruffian it seems to have stopped. Cilleagh is an excellent fletcher and makes all kinds of arrows as well as bolts. He collaborates with Kelen Dark whom he buys arrowheads from. In his store there usually are a large collection of arrows for all the common type of bows and crossbows used in the region. But he also have a collection of very well made arrows and bolts as well.  

    Food suppliers

    (Butcher) Ravon Médeliere: Ravon is a very influental man in the society as he owns the largest butchery in Boronne. He, his wife and their children works in the butchery located a short walk outside of the city walls. They also operates a shop by the market where they sell the finished produce. Ravon delivers to the rich and wealthy as well. All in all the operations have approximatly twenty employees apart from the Médeliere family. The centre of the operation is the butchery which takes up a large piece of land as it is surrounded by meadows where cattle waiting to be butchered are grazing. The land is rented from the baron and is paid for by a constant supply of the best meat. The most common way for Ravon to aquire the animals is from the local farmers which delivers them to Ravon, who pays for them in silver coins. But his sister and her family are consantly traversing the county visiting farms and buying cattle for the operations. Making the the family even more influental, not only in Boronne but in the whole county. Ravon is known to be a fair but hard businessman.   (Miller) Nia Faurin: Nia Faurin inhereted a windmill and its operations from her husband and have run it together with her childres for some years. She is doing well and have recently wed her oldest daughter to a good man in Pendonne. It is well accepted in the populance that Nia herself wont remarry.   (Baker) Tobin Bergon: Tobin is one of the many bakers in Boronne. He has five apprentices, three of them is his children, and sells his wares on the market. His bakery is off the main street and as such there is no official sales going on in the local. He bakes all kind of bread and buys a lot of flour from Nia. His wife are his main purchaser who spends time securing things like milk, butter and spices which Tobin needs for baking.

    Guilds and Factions

    House Hypon which is one of the merchant houses from Erebos have opened up a small trading house in the town. Their main location is still Fil-Tofia but they consider it worth to have a local bransch in Boronne as well. They buy logs and planks that are used in shipbuilding, while they sell small trinkets and jewellery made in Erebor. The local guild leader is Vincenzo Bartini and his family. He also have two guards and servants from Erebos who handle security and man their small stall at the market. Otherwise they use mercenaries and local servants. In their stall they usually have a few jewelleries of erebosian design with a sunstone gem. Vincenzo can usually be found in the docks trying to get a good deal on planks and logs. They have small warehouse and office in the docks.
    • Silver ring with sunstone - 450 sm
    • Gold ring with sunstone - 750 sm
    • Silver brooch with sunstone - 350 sm
    • Gold brooch with sunstone - 500 sm
    • Silver necklace with sunstone - 1000 sm
    • Gold necklace with sunstone - 1500 sm
      The stonemasons guild are strong in the town and involved with a long term dispute with the cities dwarves whom also sell their services as stonemasons. The counts armes forces and the citywatch keeps the dispute in check, and prevent it from escalating towards violence. The leader of the stonemasons is Arrthon Winix   The mages guild of Boronne is a small but influental guild within Boronne and the county.
    • Dorron Solvix - an aging animist with two young apprentices (Elon and Eloise) whom are twins.
    • Gurthum Stonehammer - an dwarf elementalist specialising on earth. He has an dwarven apprentice whom he plan on making a wizard soon.
    • Davion Alloure - An elementalist with one apprentice.


    It is unclear when the foundation of the city Boronne took place, but it is known that when the Raxorian kingdom lay the foundation to the castle Fort de Nord there where a settlement already. As the castle grew and became more important people flocked to it and trade become more profilic.   549 A.O. The city is subjected to a vicious siege by the forces of The Witchmaster.


    Most houses are two or three storey houses made of stone and timber. Only a few of the largest and richest houses have a cellar, the rest only have a foundation. The town have grown during the ages with very little planning what so ever, which shows in narrow and twisting alleys. But a couple of years ago the count tore down a few houses in order to make a broad straight road from the main gate to the town center in order to create easy access for the merchants. It is now broad enough for three large wagons and still have space for pedestrians.


    Boronne is built upon a hill and therefore the ground is seldom truly flat. Newcomer to the town usually comments that it feels like you are always either going up or down. The water is supplied by bored wells which draws from a underground supply of fresh water. It has never dried up, and the people of Boronne do not know how large or deep it is.
    Large town
    approximatly 5000 - 6000
    Location under
    Ruling/Owning Rank
    Owning Organization

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