Arinne Damonne

Mayor Arienne Damonne

Arinne Damonne is the Mayor of Boronne. She is in her late thirties even though she does not look like it.   Her parents ran a well maintained shop in Boronne giving her a decent education in order to take over the shop when they died. She was the only child.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She has a quite normal physique and try to maintain it, even though she knows she is getting older.

Facial Features

She could be described as a typical Raxorian in appearance. Her broad nose fits well into her face, and she is quite cute.

Physical quirks

She has a very vivid bodylanguage and use many hand gestures when she talks. She is very conscious off how to use it to build trust in order to manipulate the one she is talking to.

Apparel & Accessories

Even though she is a Raxorian she dresses as a Penner, but never as lavish as a noble.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in Boronne where her parents owned and ran a shop. They were by no means rich but made a decent living and gave her a good upbringing. She quickly discovered how she and her friends were treated in comparisation to how the noble childs were treated, that there were a difference. She resented the difference from early age, but learned to keep quite about it. Arinne were quite intelligent and quickly learned the in and outs of her parents trade, and as she grew older more and more her parents relied on her to manage the business part of the shop, while they maintained the store in itself.   When she was almost eighteen her father fell and broke his leg, which led to an infection witch in the end killed him. Her mother fell into despair and took her own life within two month, leaving Arinne alone in the world. Rather than diving down in despair and grief she committed to the store and made it more prosperous. Amongs other things to secure her supply she started her own caravan trade . As the caravan business grew, more traders and shopkeepers turned to her for supplies, making the caravan trade more profitable than her shop, which she sold in order to focus on the caravans.   A few years after her parents death she employed a small mercenary troop on a longer contract to serve as guards for her caravan trade. The captain of the mercenaries where Beren Damonne, a bastard child of a Kardian noble from the family Damonne. They fell in love and married within a year, a happy but childless marriage.   Her well renowned competence in business and being married to a noble made her a natural choice as a mayor of Boronne. During her time as a mayor she has become a close friend to Esthelle Baugge, the counts wife.


During her upbringing she got a reasonable education in accouting and managment of an establishment. As she grew older and wealthier she have had private tutors broading her knowledge


She grew up in and inherited her parents shop. After their death she started up a caravan trade which became so profitable she sold the shop. Apart from still running the caravans she is also the mayor of Boronne.

Mental Trauma

Her father died from a disease when she was still young, and her mother grieved so hard that she commited suicide leaving Arinne alone in the world. Arinne never forgave her mother and haven't allowed herself to grieve the death of her parents. Instead she focused on work.    Her trauma shows in the fact that she can have a hard time accepting other peoples need to grieve, making her seem cold and hard.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's very intelligent and a quick learner, with an ability to adapt her knowledge to fit a changing situation.

Morality & Philosophy

As she follows The shining path and is Zoraki she follows their morality and philosophical teaching.

Personality Characteristics


She is considering expanding her caravan trade route into the sea as well, but she is aware that she know nothing about the sea. She have no real plans but keep her eyes and ears peaked for interesting rumours. If there is a well traveled sailor/ captain in Boronne and she hears about it, she will make sure to meet him in order to learn as much as possible.   Arinne truly believe the feudalistic system will have to fall. She is certain that Erebos is right and that traders should take the role of the nobles, as the merchant, traders et cetera have a drive to build something new, rather than stick to the stagnating old.   She have accepted that she will never bear her own child, but she wants her and her husbands legacy to keep going, so they are considering adopting.

Likes & Dislikes

She dislikes the feudal system where a persons worth is determined based on his/ hers parents. She tries not to dislike a noble just because he is noble, but mostly she still does. But she is aware of it and always tries to judge everyone, including nobles, based on their actions.

Virtues & Personality perks

She will always try to make a good deal out of every situation.

Vices & Personality flaws

She have a tendency to manipulate or force people into trades or deals they actually don't want.


Contacts & Relations

  • Regular contact with the count and ruler of Boronne as she is the mayor.
  • She is a close friend of the countess.
  • She is a friend and associate to several of the traders and craftsmen of Boronne.
  • Through her husband she have a broad net of contacts within the mercenaries of Zorakin
  • She have business dealings within the surrounding counties.

Family Ties

She has married into the noble family Damonne. Although through a bastard child of the family.

Religious Views

She follows The shining path. But she isn't very religious

Social Aptitude

She is well mannered and knows the inns and outs of the etiquette. She has an area of self confidence but can also be percieved as cold and distant.


She uses her body language to get what she wants.

Wealth & Financial state

She owns and maintains some caravans made up of ox driven carts. They follow trade routes within the neighbouring counties. She also have a large storage facility outside the walls of Boronne. This is the headquarter of her trade, and as such there are of course a barn for oxes and support facilities. The area is surrounded by a simple stone wall and patrolled with guards and dogs. Within the walls of Boronne she and her husband resides in a house that also serve as the office of the business.
Neutral good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
As her husband is noble she uses the title Lady.
Year of Birth
574 A.O. 38 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her birth were prolongued and almost killed her mother, making it clear that her mother could never concieve another child.
Current Residence
Long and curly brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
60 kg
Aligned Organization