
The people who are called Faltrakians make up the majority of the people of Kardien. Faltrakians in general are a jovile and content people who make their living as fishermen or farmers. Although they enjoy communities they seldom gather in villages larger than 50 people. A trait which makes it easier for the less numerous Ecther to rule them.   Once upon a time the Faltrakians were a kingdom of their own in the northern part of Kardien. They were in good standing with the Echter and were expanding eastwards into the Goiana forest.   When Goiana become a kingdom of its own the ruling class of the Faltrakians seemed to loose interest in ruling and the kingdom slowly falled into infighting and division. in the end the Echter interfered and in agreement with representants of the Faltrakians they assumed control of the Faltrakian kingdom, creating the kingdom of Kardien.


Culture and cultural heritage

Obedience to your superior is a common trait and very integrated into the Faltrakian culture. You obey your mother and father whom obeys your noble lord. You also obey the word of Etin as told by your riark. As such making decisions is not a common trait within the Faltrakian culture, but rather they expect someone else to make decision for them.   Working hard is also a valued trait within their culture, and a person is judged by how much they work.

Art & Architecture

Faltrakians are not known for their pieces of art, and their craft is all about function rather than form.

Major organizations

Related Organizations