
Land of the dragons is a popular saying when it comes to the kingdom of Kardien. In many ways it is true as everywhere you go in the country there is something dragon related to be found. It could be a knights scalemail or the wood carving of a peasants cup.   The kingdom of Kardien is a united kingdom with lots of diversity within it. The land is in itself divided by the outskirts of the Aidne mountain range which separates the fertile southern part from the more rocky and unhospitable north.   Kardien is ruled by a king to whom all noble have sworn an oath of loyalty. In exchange of loyalty each noble are granted total control over their fiefs. Although there is a feudal system in the country, it is much looser than their counterpart Zorakin. Unlike Zorakin a nobleman do not pay taxes to their superior and each noble have to support themselves on their own piece of land. As such only the oldest male inherite their father and all other children must make their own fortune.   Unlike Zorakin the nobles of Kardien are not allowed by law to wage war against each others, instead they must take their grievances to their closest ruler to judge in the cause.


The Kardian feudal structures is inspired by the Zorakian feudal structure, but there are differences between the two systems. The hierical structure of Kardien are led by an absolute king whom have divided the land into ten duchies. The dukes are the kings closest advisors and makes up the kings counsil, whose role it is to advice the king. The king are the one whom makes the decision for the country and every one within it are obliged to follow his decision.   Each duchy have around 8 to 10 counties. The counties are divided into baronies. All swear fealty to his or hers closest lord, but also to the King. The pledge to the King take presedecense from all other fealties sworn. All Lords or Ladies of the land rule supreme on their granted lands and instead of paying tax, they are expected to defend their realms and if their Lord call, come with their men.   10 Duchies
  • Noortmark (Nordmark - north)
  • Widelreich (Videlrike - north)
  • Inmark - middle: Far up in the Aidne mountains lives the infamous Baron Drachensthaal.
  • Darenfelt (Darenslätt - south)
  • Havsmanland - south
  • Greinfara - south
  • Rittenmark - (Ridmark - south)
  • Satsherin - south
  • Hapereich (Haperike - south)
  • Philmark (south): Philmark share border with Zorakin along the Stirpaz river. It is divided into two large counties, and the Duke have kept the land surrounding the city Fil as his/ her own land. By controling the main trade route into and out of the Duchy and the taxes, the duke is very powerful and wealthy. Philmark is also closest to the Witchmaster in the Aidne mountains and are often the target of raids.
  Feudalism and war: Within the realm there is only one person who has the right to declare war, and that is the king. The local nobles are not allowed to solve grieveances on the field of battle. Of course the nobles have a right to protect their own land and holdings against attacks from bandits and raiders, but they are not allowed to move their soldiers outside their own borders without approval from the king. This is a serious tension within the realm as bandits can move between borders and get away from justice. There are also a few known dishonorable knights whom make their living from robbing serfs. Sometimes the local nobles whose tempers boils over lead their forces against each other, but it never leads to sieges as it would in Zorakin. When this small bushfires happens and are not quickly settled, the King will appoint the lords close by to muster their armies and end the war.


The Dragon is an important part of the lore and soul of Kardien. It is the beast to slay as it represent all that is evil, but also worthy of respect as it is a worthy foe. The dragon is common in the heraldry of the noble families. Many knights would choose to wear a scale mail instead of the chaimail.   As the capital of Kardien is the home to the Excark of The shining path, the Kardians is a pious people.   Echter make up the noble class of Kardien with no exceptions, not all echter are noble but all noble are echter. They seldom marry outside the Ecther and if they do, the offspring are not allowed to inherit. Also the oldest child of a family inherits everything, keeping the estates large and powerful.   A oath or pledge of honor are to be kept and any true Kardian would rather die than not fullfill his/ hers word. On the other hand a oath made to an honorless person are worthless.   The colours red and yellow are very common in clothes and heraldry.

Public Agenda

To destroy Caddo and their version of The shining path. Also to destroy the Witchmaster of the Aidne mountains.


Kardien is a fertile land, but unlike Zorakin it has large parts which are influented by the cold winds from the oceans. As such it is more focused on cattle breeding than crop raising. As such it produces much leather and fur.   Metal, Timber


Before the last conflux the lands whom were to become Kardien was a colony of the old Jorpagna Empire. Although there were people living in the southern parts of Kardien they were swept aside as the Jorpagnian empire colonised the lands. As the colony was about as far away from the Jorpagnian capitol as possible to, it became very thight knit society with lot of independence. Being far from the prying eyes of the emperor it became a known haven for magic, with a large populace of wizards. They thrived in Kardien as they were left alone and as time passed by, many smaller academies flourished.   As the Conflux raged Kardien were heavily depleted of people and livestock, but still came out in better shape than most other regions. Still there were strife and a power vacuum as they lost contact with the empire. In the power vacuum a civil war erupted within the southern and most populous part of Kardien. On one side stood the former Jorpagnian general Jegher and on the other side a young female lawyer named Dirivin. The war took a heavy toll on the peasants whom have already survived the hardship of the last conflux. After three years of heavy fighting a young warrior named Valentin Echte whom have made a name for himself as a dragon slayer, decided to bring the war to an end. He set up a meeting between Dirivina and Jegher on the premise that he had secret information about the other combatant. Surprisingly they both fell for the ruse and attended the meeting. Valentin captured both combatant and had them exiled to a uninhabitatet island far from the shores to live out their last days together. Their fates are unknown. The fighting subsided after the two combatant were exiled and the villages started to grow again.

Demography and Population

1 600 000 inhabitants.
  • Humans 90%
  • Halflings 2%
  • Elves 1%
  • Other 7%
  • Territories

    Kardien are located on the western part of the Aidne peninsula and where the colony furthest to to west of the Jorpagnian Empire.   The Stirpaz river divides Kardien from Zorakin and were the objective for many battles throughout history, until the battle of the thirty heroes. Rolling west from the Stirpaz river the plain of Divra creates an open landscape. Divra plain is fertile and the mild weather makes it possible to have up to three harvests per year. The land rolls lesiurly onwards with smaller patches of forests scattered throughout the landscape. Divra plain is heavily cultivated and you will not travel far without seeing signs of habitation and farming.   The large and slow flowing Grinde river is a large transportation node tying several settlements together. It is also rich with fish making the river well traveled. There are a few stories of piracy on the river, but the local nobles are swift to interfere and put the bandits to the sword.   Further north the Aidne mountains cut the southern part of Kardien from the north. The Aidne mountains stretches into the lands all the way to the sea, and becomes a significant part of the terrain. This part of Kardien is called Inmark and it is less densly populated by humans than the plains of Divra. Inmark is home to large tribes of blackbloods, mainly Orcs. The mountain range is also infested with monsters and a problem for most nobles in the area. Most of the human population in the area lives along the coasts of the sea and Phalto river. The human settlements are heavily fortified and its people are a hardy lot.   The northern part of Kardien are poor and settlements are far between. It is estimated that only 15 % of the population of Kardien lives in the north. One of the most significant landmark of the north is the large Inmarka lake. The area surrounding the lake are orc and monster infested and all tries to settle the area have failed.


    The knights of the realm are the core and elite of the army. They are heavy cavalry which are very well trained and disciplined. It is almost unheard of knights of Kardien falling in panic, they would rather be slaughtered to a man than for this to happen. One large problem with the knight is that they are very undisciplined and it is hard to order them around. Most knights have a tendency to abide by honour and glory rather than what is best for Kardien.   The knights of Kardien disdain infantry and archers but still realise their value, as they have fought many battles in the Aidne mountains.   Unlike Zorakin the Kardian navy is strong but small, it seldom operates within the copper sea as Kardian trade is aimed mostly to the north. Also Ransard and Jorduashur are considered a larger threat than morelvidyian pirates. As the Losdrivian people whom make up a large portion of the Kardian people are a seafaring people, the naval traditions and knowledge is strong. They make up a large portion of the crews of the ship and understand the sea well. Unfortunatly the officers are of the Echter ethnicity whom do not have a natural connection to the sea. The navy tactics is based around the Cog shiptype and fights with arbalests and long range archery. The main goal is to sink the other ship, not trying to capture it. This tactics have made many enemies to think that the Kardian navy do not know how to fight in close combat. If a Kardian ship is boarded the boarders are in for a surprise as most officers on board are well trained knights in full armour. As the Kardian trade to the north and the northerns lord have recognised an increase of raids they have had an insight that their navy isn't up to date. There is a faction of nobles pushing for a remake of the navy. The king himself have sent delegations of nobles and shipbuilders to Erebos to study their ships. A few nobles have on their own behalf traveled to Felicien to study their ships and naval tactics as they see their tactics of boarding and close combat fighting as better for the Kardian way. Some noblemen whose lands are located by the sea have invested in ships of their own to be used for defense or transportation.

    Technological Level

    The country is considered conservative and backwards when it comes to technology and learning.


    Oakenburg is the home of the Exark of The shining path on the mainland.   Kardien is a heavily religious people and the Shining path is visible everywhere.

    Foreign Relations

    Although they are formally at peace there is no contact between Caddo and Kardien. The animosity between them is too large and as both countries claim to be the home of the correct version of The shining path, war is always on the brink. Kardien do not allow traders from Caddo on their shores as they are heretics, all trade between traders from both countries are usually concluded in Zorakin.   There is a formal and cordial acceptance of Erebos, although Erebosians must tread a delicate path. The nobles of Kardians are less forgiving against affronts to their honor than Zorakian noblemen tend to be. More than one Erbeosian trader have been killed in a duel after talking too much, too fast and accidently saying something a Echter noble found dishonorable.   Kardia have an understanding with Goina and if either of the countries are attacked by Blackbloods or the Witchmaster the other will come to their aid.   Zorakin were once up on a time an enemy, but today they are Kardiens closest ally and trade partner.

    Agriculture & Industry

    The southern part of Kardien have a climate and soil perfect for agriculture and om a normal year produce two harvests. On a really good year they can produce up to three harvests. The large rivers and coasts are filled with fish making fishing a common way of living within Kardien.   Boatbuildning is a large industry in the south west of Kardien for which they are well known in the Aidne region. Although their largest ships are preserved for the nobles and the king, their large fishing boats are bought sold internationally. Their Muletas are very distinctive and well developed for fishing in the deep Western sea.   Kardian wine, especially made by their halfling population are famous within the Aidne region, and sold to almost all countries. It can even be found on Caddo, but it is unknown how it finds its way there.   Apart from these examples the industry are not very developed within the land for several reasons. One of them is that the serfs of Kardien are more or less considered a property to their noble masters. They are unable to move where there might be an industry and as such it is unable to grow and compete. Also Kardien is a land where trade is not important as most areas are self sufficient.

    Trade & Transport

    As Kardien is a feudal realm all trade is founded in the needs and whims of the nobles, and most nobles considers trade beneath them. The serfs of the nobles are to poor to create a real demand, and they are more or less self sustained on their lords lands. In most villages there are no traders present, as there is no need. But instead traveling merchants are often seen upon the road on their trade routes between the villages.   Within the borders of Kardien the Kings road is the main trade hub as it is well maintained and secure. There are other roads in the kingdom but most of them are at best graveled roads, at worst a pair of tracks. the rivers are major trade routes.   Trade between Zorakin and Kardien and is well developed and happens on a daily basis. the main problem is that both countries productions are the same and as such not really necessary.   The merchant fleet of Kardien is small and rather weak, letting other countries, like Erebor, handling the overseas logistics. In Ekeborg there is a old merchant house named Noordtradi. It is made up of several merchants who have set up trade with the Jorduashur people. They are amongst the few who have a stable trade with the northern barbarians. They mostly import Ember from the Jordu people and export grain and food. Mostly coins are not used and as such the merchants are well drilled in bartering. Still there are losses each year as the sea to the north are dangerous, and both Jord and Ransardian raiders attack the traders.   The country is closed to traders from Caddo and while some Kardian tradehouses trade with Caddians through Zorakin. But some of the trade houses closely tied to the church are involved in tradewars against the Caddian heretics. A trade war which costs them much, but as they are geting funds from boh the church and rich nobles they can sustain it.   The trade north to Klomellia, Magilre and Trakorien have suffered from increased raids from Ransard and Jorduashur.


    The nobles are educated to a high standard, while most peasants gets no education at all.


    The kings road ties all the large cities together.

    For Etin and the King.

    Founding Date
    Geopolitical, Country
    Predecessor Organization
    Leader Title
    Head of State
    Head of Government
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Feudal state
    Economic System
    Kardian Kopparmark Kardian Silvermark Kardiermark (Gold)   10 kopparmark = 1 silvermark, 5 silvermark = 1 kardiermark.
    Major Exports
    Kardien exports fur, metal and lumber but not in large numbers.
    Major Imports
    As Kardien is self sufficient in agriculture, metal and wood there are few imports. Also the peasants are very poor and therefore not open for trade in any larger scale, the import is small but expensive. Mainly it is luxury items like cloth and spices for the nobles.
    Legislative Body
    The king rules supreme in the land of Kardien and he institutes all the laws for the kingdom. It is a great power which is seldom used as too many laws would undermine the delicate power balance between the nobles and the king. Within their own relams each noble creates the laws for the burghers and peasants whom they rule.
    Judicial Body
    Each noble enforce the law of their land and rule supreme within it. The defendant seldom have anyone speaking for them, making the ruling fast and simple.
    Official State Religion
    Official Languages
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Controlled Territories
    Notable Members
    Related Species
    Related Ethnicities

    Articles under Kardien