
In general halflings are peaceful and prefer living in houses whom are dug out from small hills, preferably beneath a large tree. Mostly they live of the land which they cultivate to produce grain, vegetables and other produce. They keep livestock and are great beekeepers as well. Most halflings prefer to tend to their gardens as well. They prefer to live within their own villages in areas where the large folks are few and far between. But there are many halflings whom have adapted to the large cities of humans as well, living a life far from their rural cousins.    STY: 2T6, STO: 1T3+2, FYS: 2T6+6, SMI: 4T6, INT:3T6, PSY: 2T6+6, KAR: 3T6

Basic Information


Halflings are clearly of humanoid stock and resembles humans in many ways. The feet are way larger proportinally than humans, and they are always hairy as well. The head is proportionally a little larger than human heads would be.

Genetics and Reproduction

Halflings reproduce sexually in the same ways as humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Halflings prefer living in warm climate but with the right tools they can survive and prosper in almost all climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They can eat meat but prefer vegetables and fruits.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Halflings prefer to live in isolated villages and regions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most halflings are found on the Aidne peninsula but have spread over most of Ereb. There are no known halfling villages in the Kard region.

Average Intelligence

They are within the same reach as humans, but in general have a stronger willpower.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their perceptions are within the same range as humans.   They have an uncanny ability to sense if some one intend to do them harm. If they roll INT*5 on 1T100.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Halfling have never created their own civlizations, but prefer to live isolated within other species realms.

Courtship Ideals

Most courting rituals revolves around food and flowers and gift givings.

Relationship Ideals

They prefer two parents with several children.
80 to 110 years
Average Height
Around 1 meter there are very few who reach 120 centimeters.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations