
Klomellien is not a unified country but rather it is made up of eleven autonomous citystates, which unite against externat threats. The unity comes from tradition and necessity rather than any resemblance of coherency. The city states are consistently trying to dominate each other so small bush wars are a regular thing.
  • Mercana: Mercana is at present the largest and most influental of the city states. Its power comes from its location on the outflow of the river Maure, close to Magilre. All trade from the upstream the river and out to the rest of the world must pass through Mercana. Mercana are ruled by a trade council in which the nine most influental families are represented.
  • Hamur: Large silver mine and minor gemstones.
  • New Arno: Oligarky. Follows The shining path from Caddo, but do not condemn magic.
  • Addaskia: Monarchy. Pearl fishing. The shining path. The king is the sole ruler.
  • Yolev: Monarchy. The shining path. The oldest city, founded by the old Imperium Jorpagnia. No trade with the other city states, but also no wars with any of them.
  • Triska: Oligarki. Aesir. Constant internal power strife.
  • Sanzas: No religion. Mayor and council. Vote every five years. Many halflings.
  Klomulles: Huge turtles who are domesticated and used for various things. The navy uses them with large towers on the shell.


Salt is so abundant that few are poor in Klomellien. If times are hard you can always get a cask and collect salt which can be sold.


The first humans in Klomellien where Jori colonisators from Magilre. They made their homes close to the shores and traded richly with their siblings in Magilre. After the third conflux they where left alone and had to fend for themselves agains black blood and barbarians.    The country Klomellien have had no real impact on the international stage as they have a hard time keeping peace amongst themselves.


to the west of Klomellien is the Bay of Gryppa which is quite sheltered and rich in resources. The plains that makes up the most of the country is not very fertile and the soil is thin. The country is surrounded by mountain ranges. In the north is the Klomellian mountains and to the east and south is the Melashe mountains enveloping the land. From the northern city Mercana the mighty river Maure flows from the huge lake Jaggerack in the centre of the land. The lake connects with the southern city Borza which makes it possible to travel by boat from the south to the north.   The forest Ize is a source of wood for the inhabitants of Klomellien.


There is no formal Klomellian army as each city state upholds it own army. The ally if there is an external threat, but are used against each other sometimes.


Several different. The shining path is represented.
Geopolitical, Country
Power Structure
Economic System
Major Exports
  • Timber
  • Salt
  • Iron
  • Craft
  • Pearls
Major Imports
  • Cloth
  • Food
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


Kardien and Klomellien have a strong relationship with much trade.

Strained peace.

The two countries have a long history of wars, but also trade when in peace.