
Luksilo where founded by the Luksilian tribes 154 B.O. as a place to trade with the Dalks. The Dalks helped the Luksilians to build the city, and even today still shows signs of their arcitecthure. Luksilo is a port city and the proximity to both Caddo and Erebos turns it into a place where the traders from both countries can make business with each other. Even if it has to happen with proximity agents. There is a spy war going on in the city between agents from Erebos and Caddo, and finding bodies in the harbour isn´t unknown.


  • Humans 80% (Luksilians 60%, Legerdians 20%, Penner 5%, Dalks10%, Erebians 5%)
  • Other 20%


Even though it is owned by the duke, the city govern itself as long as it pays its taxes and don´t go against Zoraki laws.   The city is governed by a council and led by a mayor. The mayor are the only one who is allowed to suggest a case, and the counsil consisting of twenty persons vote for it. If there is a tie the mayor cast a vote to break the tie. Is the suggestions pass the mayor are to enable it.  
  • Mayor: Volmar BeChenelle
  • Captain of the City Guard: Boro Telemann
  • City councilour of defences: Alithin DeVoor.


The city has large crenelated walls with several towers. There are catapults and arbalests spread out on the wall. Within the city there are strategical courtyards, whom in case of war will have Trebuchets mounted.   The city watch consists of approximatly 70 individuals whom are trained to patrol the streets and keep the peace. To some extent they are trained in investigations, but only to a very crude level. Pound a few heads and ask a few questions level of investigation. The city watch are equipped with a chainmail vest and open helmet. They are armed with a club and a buckler. In case of war their armory have enough maces to exchange the clubs.

Industry & Trade

Trade is a predominant part of Luksilo. It is the main trade hub of Indar and a place where Erebian and Dalkian trades can do business.


  • Harbor: Luksilo have a large and deep harbour witch can support many ships. A small part of it is set a side for the Zoraki navy, but it is most often empty. Strangely enough the warehouses connected to it sees a lot of business.
  • Although the trade is large and there often are ships wearing flags of Erebos or Caddo in the harbour, the most common vessels are local fishermens. There is a large local deep sea fishers in the port.
  • Shipyard: The Luksilian shipyard can repair and maintain larger shipgoing vessels, but do not have the capacity to build them. They can build smaller ships and specialises in larger fishing vessels.


  • The military academy of Luksilo: The academy where founded thirty years ago as a part of remaking the military of the duchy. It focuses on infantry tactics and strategy as well as how to use a fleet as part of mobility warfare. A large proportion of lecturers are hired from Erebos and Caddo, and the academy have started to achieve a good reputation within those states. In Zorakin it is mostly unheard of or considered a joke. The academy is all theoretichal and there are no room for practical training.

Guilds and Factions

There are two major thieves guilds in the city. One of Luksilian heritage and one of Caddian heritage.


The Luksilian tribes where approached by Dalkian traders as early as 300 B.O. The trade between them grew larger and larger and eventually they came to the conclution that they needed to build a real port to handle the trade. The Dalkian twhom had more experience promised to assist with their competence if the Luksilians payed for it. Together the two people build the port and city of Luksilo. The Dalkian arcitecthure where clearly visible and still remains today.


Although it is not as dominant as it used to be the Dalkian arcitecthure is clearly influencing the city of Luksilo. Most houses are two stories with the lower part made of stone and the upper story made of timbre.


The port and city where founded in a natural harbour. The landscape where plain and hard making the construction easy. From the highest buildings you can see very far, making it hard to launch a surprise attack on the city.

Natural Resources

The city is founded on natural underground water reservoires making fresh water a non problem in case of siege. The banks off shore is ripe with fish.
Founding Date
154 BO
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization