Thamas LaBasilaar

Duke of Gredelmaux Thamas LaBasilaar

The duke of Gredelmaux

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to a illness a couple of years ago, the general physical condition is weak. He uses a cane to walk and seldom walks or stand up for long.

Physical quirks

He limps and walks slowly.

Apparel & Accessories

He dresses very modern and his clothing are very clearly inspired by Erebosian fashion. He prefers very short tunics and thight leggings. He have also adapted a very large cloth filled basque, where the top is long enough to be used as a scarf.

Specialized Equipment

All the old duke regalia and armour is now used as showpieces. He have ordered new arms and armour which are more up to date in his vies. Amongs them is his long and thin long sword which is ornate and have a basket hilt in golded steel. It is still aknights sword but it implies a new way in fencing where technique is more valued than strength.

Mental characteristics


Thamas have had the best educators possible. Some of them from Caddo and Erebos.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In his youth he ran the family owned bank and made it new fortunes.

Failures & Embarrassments

He led a small force to fight of pirates, and his force got wiped out.

Mental Trauma

His illness have made him afraid to get sick again.

Personality Characteristics


Thamas wants to restore the kingdom of Luksilo and everything he does aims for that goal. He builds the wealth of his duchy and tries to build up allies.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes the Erebosian culture and way of thinking.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is willing to do what it takes to restore the kingdom of Luksilo, even murder. He does not belive in fair figths and would have no qualms about using poison. As such he has despatched agents to Erebos to gain contacts and be trained in real espionage.

Personality Quirks

He is slowly turning paranoid as he is playing a dangerous game.


Contacts & Relations

Many contaacts within the Erebosian realms.

Family Ties

As part of the highest noble families in Zorakin he is family to an extend with many powerful figures.

Religious Views

Thamas is not a very religious man, but makes sure he is percieved as one.

Social Aptitude

Thamas is very eloquent and have an arrogant disposition.


Very hold back with small gestures. Doesnt drink or eat anything which havent been tasted by some one else first. Preferably by his own trusted staff. He is very careful with his wording.

Hobbies & Pets

He enjoys riding and have many horses.

Wealth & Financial state

Even for a duke he is very rich. Apart from his income as a duke he owns a large portion of his families bank. He has also invested in merchant houses from Erebos and Caddo.
Year of Birth
579 A.O. 33 Years old
Clear brown eyes whom seem to pierce whomever he speaks to.
Black hair which is very short cut.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark from the sun.
173 cm
68 kg
The shining path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Jori Dalcoi Erebi Ancient Jori
Ruled Locations