
Luksilo is an ancient Jori word for people working together, which is a very good description of an ordinary Luksiler. Luksiler is a sub group of the Legerdians people from which they split a long time ago. When the Legerdin development of communal farms started to disband and transform into single farms, the Legerdians of the north eastern part of Indar choosed another path. Their communal farms started to work together instead and banded together beneath a chieftan.   As the soil weren't as fertile as in the western part of Indre and there were more forests, the people who were to become Luksiler weren't as dedicated to farming as the Legerdians. Instead they maintained the contact with dwarves, and initiated contacts with the elves and the Dalcs of the island Caddo. The Luksilos became a dynamic people which easily adapted to external forces and focused on trade and crafts. Around 100 Before Odo they struck a deal with the elves in "Nordberga" forest where they traded grain against timbre. And later with the dwarves in the north east where they traded grain against metal. As the Dalcs of Caddo lacked metal and timbre the trade flourished for the Luksilan people.   When the Lindskiarni war erupted the Luksilo were in all reality an independent kingdom, called the kingdom of Luksilo. To the Luksilians the Lindskiarni wars were far away so they hardly noticed it, and were thoroughly surprised when the Zorakian king claimed their subjucation and their land for Zorakin. A demand they of course rejected, as Pendonne where far away and the Zorkian armies where tired and not very well supplied.   The tension between Zorakin and Luksilo were on the brink of total war for a long time, with several small skirmishes between local Zoraki noblemen and the kingdom of Luksilo. Until 140 After Odo when a local skirmish led to the King of Zorakin demanding the subjugation of Luksilo to the Zoraki crown. Caddo who were an ally and major trading partner of Luksilo misjudged the situation and made a serious miscalculation. Caddo had for a long time been dissatisfied with the placement of the Luksilian capitol, which they had been a part of financing. They were also dissatisfied with the kingdom of Zorakin for not granting them access to Pharynx, which they had been promised over a century earlier. Caddo believed that the Luksiler in the end would follow their old tribe Legerdians and become loyal to Zorakin, and abandoned them. If Caddo instead would have supported the Luksilans they probably would have went to war to preserve their independence. But as the Luksilian economy fell apart the people felt that they would be better off in the Zoraki community, in return Zorakin gave them a strong independence. As a part of the peace process many of the local Luksilian aristocrats and leaders became Zoraki nobles and where granted land and titles.   The Luksiler is an independant people who consider themselves better than the Legerdians whom they consider weak and gullible as they accept the Penner as the rulers without question. A common trait amongst Luksiler is negotiation skill, which in conjection with their good self confidence makes many to consider them arrogant and self absorbed. The relationship with the Penner have improved during the years, but many Luksiles still considers them as cold machines which only follows laws without questions. They accept the king and the Shining Path as it doesn't really matter to them who actually rules.


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage

Having affairs outside of marrige is not a large scandal, as long as it is handled discreetly. Even if the father suspects that it is not his child, he seldom makes a fuzz about it. As he might have other children he do not know about. There is an acceptanse within the Luksilians that the individual whom have raised you as their father is your father.   A noble from Luksilian breed are usually trained in horse and lance, but lacks experience in it. They prefer using lighter swords and a buckler in personal combat. They also dress in shorters tunics and thighter pants that shows the legs. Large codpieces are all the rage at the time.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

A common trait of Luksilians is to make a good deal, in all endeavours. For them a good deal is a win win for all parts, rather than that just one part gains.

Coming of Age Rites

As a Luksilian comes to age, it is custom to give them what is theirs. Even if it is just equipment. Mostly the parents and extended family tries to give them things they might need as adults. It is common for a family to have several small huts on the farm where the adult children lives.


Relationship Ideals

Marriage is seldom about love between two individuals but rather a deal between two families, where resources are exchanged. But almost no parents would wed their child away into a marriage which they would be misarable in.

Major organizations

The kingdom of Zorakin
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations