Mountain orcs

As tribes of Kraukh orcs moves higher into the mountains, thoughout generations the Orcs evolved into a sub-speicies called mountain orcs or Girnackh in orcish. They do not diverge far from the Kraukh but they have evolved a more formidable strength and edurance as their living conditions are more severe. The mountain orcs do not like the lowland and seldom leaves the heights they live on. If it happens it usually depends on the need to move from one mountain top to another. Mountain orcs consider dwarves to be their age old enemy and they respect them as much as they hate them. A dwarf can expect no mercy from a mountain orc, and vice versa. Many mountain orc settlements have been eradicated by the dwarves when they have come to close to their strongholds.   STY: 4T6+1, STO: 2T6+6, FYS: 3T6+1, SMI:3T6, 2T6+1, PSY: 3T6, KAR: 2T6
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