Black Blood belief systems

The belief system of the Black bloods is unstructured and chaotic. The reason is the lack of writing language and mental aptitude to tell or listen to long and complicated oral traditions. The conclution of this is the fact that Black bloods in general aren´t very interested or affected by religion. Of course there is exceptions to this, but is general it is true.   The Gods included in the religion are the following:
  • Ogrok
  • Ylkaur the Black
  • Baawk the Wulf tamer
  • Weltauk the weak
  • Kraukh
  • Rekkaumer
  • Graawk the shrewd.
  Baawk the Wulf tamer: Baawk are often described as a Goblin like creature who are followed by a huge shadowlike wulf with red eyes. When Baawk speaks the words comes from both the Goblin and the wulf. The goblin pitch is high and squeekish, while the wulves is deep and growling. Baawk is a God of hunting, pecking order and the group/ pack. In many ways Baawk is the less evil of the Black blood Gods, as he isn´t uneccessary cruel. The Wulf hunt and kill, and if it plays with its prey it is to make the meat tender. The pecking within the tribe is necessary to make sure the strongest can lead the pack. On the other hand there is no mercy for the weak and sick pack members are a liability.   Kraukh: Kraukh is a God of orcs and the Kraukh orcs often consider him to be the head God of all the Black bloods. The bone men describes him as a chaotic being who would prioritize his own fun even if it causes others misery. In many ways he finds fun in others misery.  Kraukh is depicted as a large and muscular Orc with glowing red eyes and whose breath is fire and smoke. He is as quick to violence as he is to laughter. He holds a large club which is drenched in blood and drinks alcohol from the skull of his enemies. Kraukh is the God of orcs, alcohol, violence and fun.   Ylkaur the black: Ylkaur are sometimes refered to as the big brother of Kraukh. He is always described as a vicious but goal oriented God. His followers describe Ylk as a fully armed and armoured orc with black skin and in many stories he wades through enemies and civilians with glee. The only joy he finds is in bloodshed, and the more innocent the victims, the more joy he finds. Mercy is an alien concept and the only reaason not to kill is to enslave. Enslavement or death are the only options for those to weak to protect themselves in the Eyes of Ylkaur. Ylkaur is a God of killing, battle and bloodthirst.


There is no overaching churches of the religion. Each tribe or group handles it religious belief in their own ways. The interpreters of the Gods are usully called bonemen and are more aching to uncivilized species shamans.


Black bloods are not very consistent in their beliefs and anything they do not understand can be incorporated into their belief system. And other things might be forgotten or ignored. As such false Gods and prophets can easily became a part of the religion for a while until their followers are defeated. But the eight Gods mention in their creation myths have always been part of the religion. As Black bloods in general aren´t educated and very seldom knew the basic tenets of their religion they can easily become fooled to follow a powerful mage user and believe he is a god. But as Black blood in general are very egoistical and their logic very short sighted it is not common for them to become fanatics. Almost all Black bloods are superstitious and their belief system are filled with good and bad omens dictating what their gods wants. They also believe in spirits and lesser deities, apart from the Gods they know. In order to appese or scare of spirits the Black bloods use totems, and their settlement are covered with them. in general they are not very well made and fall apart, but they always put up a new one. Most black bloods also carries totems with them, and take a small part of a fallen enemy to tie his or hers power to the black blood.

Mythology & Lore

As Gods created life and different species, Raukkchim the God of weapons and combat looked upon them with envy. He decided that he too wanted a creation whom worshipped him and his powers. After creating the first black blood he was filled with pride and showed the other Gods his creation. The other Gods ridiculed his work and him, and in anger he crushed his work and forgot about it. Seven lesser Gods whom lacked the power to create life, didn´t forget the creation, but ushered it away to their realms in order to create their own followers. The lesser Gods were:
  • Ogrok
  • Ylkaur the Black
  • Baawk the Wulf tamer
  • Weltauk the weak
  • Kraukh
  • Rekkaumer
  • Graawk the shrewd.
The lesser Gods managed to re-mold Raukkchim creation into their own vision of the perfect species. The first of the Gods to "perfect" his creation were Weltauk. A pitiful small and weak creature which looked like it had been crampled together. The creature is called "svartnisse". Ogrok created a creature based on himself, a large and burly creature who could stand for a lot of abuse and still fight. The creature were also dimwitted, and according to the myths so were Ogrok. The creature became known as Ogre amongst other intelligent species. Baawk created a small and agile species who fitted well on the back of his wulves. His creatures were tenacious and quick in their thinking, although not very smart. They became known as Goblins. Rekkaumer created a large and strong breed which he called Trolls. Just as him they regenerated quick and where creatures of the moon and stars, who had to hide from the sun. Although he were pleased with his work he still choose to create several different kinds of Trolls. The two Gods Ylkaur and Krauk decided to cooperate as their visions were alike. But as they came close to be finished with their work it became clear that they were different ethnisitices.   Building upon his knowledge Graawk created a species whom became known as Varak-ki "Illvättar".

Divine Origins

It is unclear when the religion in is present form evolved as the Black bloods do not write. But by puzzling together old scriptures from other species and civilisations it is theorised that it is an ever evolving and devolving religion. But the eight gods mention in their creation myth has always been present, but sometimes with different names. The present names and creation myths started to become more concrete around a thousand years ago, but it is unclear why.

Cosmological Views

The cosmology of the religion is very simple. There is this world we live and die in and when you are dead you are dead. The gods and spirits are present in this world. There is no more than this world. The gods are powerful and should be feared. The spirits are powerful and should be avoided or appesed. Don´t meddle in the business of gods and spirits. Have a drink.

Tenets of Faith

Fight and be happy.


The priesthood of the religion are called bonemen (Ugranob-Etreet in orcish) and as can be understood from the word, bones are common religious token for them. They usually have a bone punched through their nose walls, as well as other parts of their bodies. Some of the more intelligent of bonemen even have them carved with "magic" runes before inserting them.   Bonemen come from both sexes and are very respected, or preferably feared, by all other Black bloods. Their words are taken serious as they speak for the gods of the Black bloods and can wield powerful magic. In reality very few of the bonemen can wield magic or are in connection with the gods, or even believe in gods. Many become bonemen because they are good with words can think in longer sentences and realise that they will get a good life if other belive they are in connections with the gods.   Bonemen lead the religious orgies and festivities. They conduct the sacrifies and reads the gods wills in the entrails. The warlords of the tribes make sure to get advice from the bonemen before making serious decisions. And that they get a good proportion of the loot as well.


The Cult of Ylkaur: It comes as no surprise that most of the followers of this cult is the Ylc orcs. Ylkaur is an evil and dark God and it shows in the cult. The "priesthood" is small but strong and vicious. They do their best to spred the cult and eradicate followers of all other Gods of the Black blood belief system. Compared to other Black blood beliefs the cult is quite organized and have a structured system of belief. Blood sacrifise to Ylkaur is common in their orgies. The symbol of the cult is a Black sphere with black flames surrounding it. Sometimes a an eye is placed in the middle of the sphere, but no one knows why. As Ylkaur revels in war, the cults Bonemen tries to make sure the Ylkaur tribes are in war all the time. The Bonemen whom travels between tribes usually surround themselves with powerful warriors.   The followers of Baawk: Baawk is the God of the goblins and Wulves. The goblins whom follow him instead of the generic belief system are convinced Baawk talks to them through the Wulves. Usually the followers wear dead wolves and wulves fur and bones to honour them and to come closer to them. Although a few tribes are commited to Baawk his followers are more common a handful in a larger tribe. They separete themselves from and become a cluster by themselves within the tribes structure. If they are lucky a Goblin bonemen become a follower of Baawk as well. The symbol of the cult is a black Wulf and their rituals are often simple and surrounds the hunt and feasting on the prey. Baawk is a god of hunt and the pack, which becomes important to the followers as well. It is not unknown for fanatic followers of Baawk to only eat raw meat, and to start the feast before the prey is dead.   The Cult of Phlegmion: Phlegmion or the Demon prince as he is also known are worshipped with fervent fanatiscm by most Varak-ki. The book of blood which are the religious scripture of the religion, are kept deep in the underworld in the Varak-ki stronghold usurped by Berook Drimeritru Daggerclaw. It is the highest wish of each Varak-ki to travel to the stronghold at least once in his life. The society are led by the priests and all live by it scripture. Those who do not are sacrified to Phlegmion on an altar of blood. The other species of Ereb Altor do not know much about Phlegmion but there are theories that he is not a true god, but a demonic prince from the realm called Untroxh, which sometimes visit this world to secure his followers belief in him. It is rumoured that he is horrible to see and those whom have have gone mad or died from terror. It is also said that he radiates a sense of power, glory and evil which can subverse the most pure of creatures.

Fighting is good.

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