Aidne mountains

Cutting through the Aidne peninsula the Aidne mountain range with its snow covered peaks truly makes an impact on the surrounding countries. The largest peaks are almost always hidden in the clouds, and the thunder storms in the mountain range is legendary. As the snow melts the water turns into several great rives whom run through the surrounding landscapes and fertilises the lands.   The Aidne mountains are home to several clans of Blackbloods who wage war on each other, The witchmaster and the surrounding countries. It is also home to one known great dwarven kingdom. Apart from the Witchmasters and the dwarven realm the mountain range is uncivilised wilderness.   The range is home to several monsters but also ordinary beasts and animals.   The mountain range is home to several known dragons, but they are young and does not constitute any real threat to the surrounding realms. And as their lairs are unknown they are left alone. Of course some expeditions led by local heroes have searched for them, but none have returned.   Upon the mountain called "Giantshome" there is a few settlements of giants. They live upon the mountain and herd their goats and cattles. When food run scarce they hunt blackbloods as well. It has happened that the giants have raided Zorakin as well but it was long ago and far between. Mostly the giants is a story to scare the children with.   Where the Aidne mountains meets the Northenhill forest there is a few valleys where there are a few settlements of Hillgiants (Swe: Giganter). They live a peacful life and generally stay away from the little people. A task made easy as a large forest separates them. Their perception of all little people are more or less based on the fact that they generally only encounter orcs and goblins. but amongst the Blackbloods only Ogres and Trolls are an actual threat to them.

Fauna & Flora

Mammals   Herbivores The most common mammal is the mountain goat. It is found both wild and domesticated. the goat is the main diet for many larger predators, such as the Hippogriff or bears.   On the lower levels of the mountains or the dales, there are several smaller game mammals such as rabbits, mountain hares and different sizes of rodents.   Predators On the lower levels of the mountain where there still is much forest the brown bears is one of the main predators of the mountains. As you ascend upwards the Cave bear becomes more common. Both bears co-exists and the territory disputes can become violent.   Large packs of wolves hunt the forests and dales of the lower levels of the mountain range. They are not common in the higher level of mountain range as the wolves way of hunting isnĀ“t adapted for climbing.   The mountain lion is the only feline predator to make its home on the higher levels of the Aidne mountains. Its ability to climb cliffs and attack from above makes it a superb hunter.   Reptiles Within the mountain range there are several different reptiles ranging from very small to very large, not including dragons. Amongst the smaller there are a few whom are venomonous and which would make a human very sick. A well known is the Aidne rock lizard whom are put into stew by most blackbloods as they think it adds to the flavour. The largest of reptiles is the Flying lizard. They are apex predators and compete with hippogriffs for territory.   Monsters The mountain range is a well known home for Hippogriffs, which hunts anything smaller than themselves.

Natural Resources

The mountain range is rich in minerals. There are large veins of gold and silver. There is large deposits of gemstones. But it is most famouse for its high level iron ore.
Mountain Range
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