
The Satyr looks like a combination of a human and a goat. The upper part of a satyr is that of a male human with small horns. usually they have facial hairs and heavy hairs on the body as well. The lower part of the satyr is that of the back end of a goat complete with a small tail.   Satyrs exists is in many ways a spirit made solid as they enters our universe. Most of them return to spirit form within a short time. But some of them remains in the natural world as they love the sensations of flesh. As such they indulge in almost all vices such as revelry, sex and drugs. But also singing, dancing and loving. They seem to love life. A satyr that have just passed into the material realms remembers the spirit world vividly and most of them returns. But those who stays slowly forgets being spirits and the very old Satyrs actually fears becoming spirits again.   There are rumours of Satyrs whom have strayed darker paths in search of sensations and enjoy pain, subjugation and heavy substance abuses.    Satyrs often live with forest elves or other Fey species and it is unheard of them being found in human cities. Satyrs are known for enjoying battle as well and if threatened shown to be ferious warriors as well. They prefer long two handed and broad bladed spears, and most of them can use spells as well.   Almost all Satyrs have a panflute which they use to enchant their listernes with. All spells are cast with E10: SÖVA, FÖRÄLSKELSE, FÖLJE, MASSDANS, PARALYSERAD, HELA. The spells can only be cast once per day.   
17 10 11 14 11 11 8
KP: 10 Stångning (1t8) 5, nävar (1t3) 5, spark (1t6) 5, spjut 8, båge 6, smyga 4, gömma sig 8, upptäcka fara 10, klättra 4, sjunga B4, spela instrument B5 Förflyttning L20

Basic Information


The satyr is a humanoid species with two legs, two arms and one head. It looks like a combination of a human and a goat, with the upper part being human and the lower part being a goat.

Biological Traits

Satyr do not have any gender what so ever but they all look like males. They do not have any genitals but if needed they will reform and create one that fits their mating partners. There are known instances when a Satyr fall in love with a man, and swap gender and become a female Satyr. But it is mostly make up, in all things a Satyr is a spirit made material.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyr reproduce in the spirit plane as spirits, but do not reproduce in their material form as Satyrs.

Growth Rate & Stages

They are created adult.

Ecology and Habitats

In Ereb Altor they are most commonly found in forests in close proximity to forest elves settlements

Dietary Needs and Habits

They can eat all normal foods, but prefer sweet fruits.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are social creatures who prefer to have other around them. Other living individuals are a source of sensation, even if it is hearing, smelling, touching or cuddling.

Facial characteristics

Almost every one is very beatiful but a few prefer to be bland or even ugly. There are rumoured that those who have strayed upon darker paths change their visage to gain predatory teeth and eyes which glows red in dark.

Average Intelligence

As they become material form they are inhibited into the normal ranges of humans. When they are newly created they are much more spirit and their intelligence is superior from humans. But as months pass by they forget more and more of being a spirit and their intelligence becomes constrained.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Satyr do not have any heigthened senses compared to humans. But in general their hearing is very good.
Until they are killed
Average Height
A normal Satyr stands up to approximatly 1,65 meters. But some prefer to be bigger and some prefer to be smaller.
Average Physique
most are fit but a few prefer the pot belly.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fur is brown in different shades up to black. There have been stories of albinos and even black Satyrs.
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