
  Once the region now known as the elven land Goiana were a Kardian duchy, but as it where invaded by black bloods the humans left the forest. The small elven population could not abandon the defenseless forst and they rallied their forces. Through magical means they called out to the feys of Ereb Altor and they responded. With help from fey people from the surrounding areas, and even further afar, they drove back the black bloods and claimed the forest realm for themselves.   Goiana is a nation created by elves and for the Fey people. It is made up by a thick and lush leaf forest of different kinds of trees and filled with small ponds of water. The power of magic is strong within the forests, and enemies quickly senses that they do not belong there. There are many different kinds of flying bugs which emits light and there are many will-o-wisps as well.


Goiana is a loose knitted society where personal freedom are held in high esteem. But all inhabitants understands, for a country it is important to accept that a few individuals have to shoulder the responsibility of taking decisions which other needs to follow.   The one individual whom have accepted this responsibility is called Autarch and is chosen by all elders until she/ he either dies or chooses to step down from the responsibility. In theory the inhabitants of Goiana could force an Autarch to step down, but since it never have been any need for it there haven't been a discussion on how to do it. Goianas present Autarch is the third since Goianas creation.   There are no large towns or cities in Goiana only villages, in which a tribe make their homes. The size of an village might shrink or grow depending on where the inhabitants choose to go. The leader or leaders of each village are the elder, which is a old inhabitant whom collect all villagers opinion and leads the discussion in order to reach a consensus decision. Some times they might make a decision for the whole of the village if the elder believes most will accept her ruling. As with all positions of respect either the person dies or steps down from the position. Each tribe is autonomous and elects to follow the rulings of the Autarch. The Autarch respects the freedom of the people and seldom interfere in their lives with unneccesary rulings.   The Autarchs responsibilities are amongs other Goianas relations with other realms, the courier system, Goianas overaching defense system and similar systems. To his or her help there are a few individuals who accepts to become Demiarchs and becomes responsible for one of the overaching systems. Demiarchs are chosen by the Autarch and when he or she leaves the post the Demiarchs do the same.


There are many different cultures within the communities, but most of them share a few common grounds. They respect the nature and avoid abusing it. Most individuals respect each others right to do as they wish, as long as they do not threaten the security of Goiana or a kins life.   Very few uses tools that are mere functional, rather everything is handcrafted and very beautiful.

Public Agenda

To stay secure and protect the forests of Goiana against all threats.


Enlil Talanenn - the spirit of the forest. When the country were created Elidana the first Autarchs surveyed Goiana and found it weak and sparsly populated. She realised that if black bloods from the Aidne mountains invaded they would cause great damages. In 429 A.O. she collected as many of Goianas inhabitants as possible in a great ritual. Many traveled deep into the spiritworld to find allies or other kind of help. During the spirit travel a man called Telidor traveled deep into a spiritual forest and found a strong spirit, bound to the power of life. The spirit have been driven from its home by necromantic powers and forced to hide deep in the spirit world. After a long debate where it is rumoured that the elven godess Tevanetanu interfered the people of Goiana and the spirit reached a deal. It would make its home in the forests of Goiana and together with its people defend it.   POWERS:
  • Observation - The spirit is aware of everything which moves within its border.
  • Communication - It can communicate with anyone it chooses within its realm. No outsider can hear the communication it only sounds like leaves rattled by the wind.
  • Magi - the spirit can help any animist magician with casting animistic spells. The amount of PSY is halved and the CL are +2 easier.
  • Reclaim PSY points - She can double the speed of PSY regain, but she can also half it is she is displeased.
  • Weathercontrol - The spirit can control the weather within its borders. The weather of Goiana usually are an indicator on how the spirits feel.
  • Signs - The spirit communicates with large populations though signs as clouds et cetera.


  • 405 - 415 After Odo. The Black Tower invades the Kardian province called Goiana and chop down the forests. The knights of Kardien who mounts a counter attack are outmaneuvered within the thick forests and slaughtered. Most humans flee or are killed and the Kardian king loose all influence in the region. The native wood elves call out for help amongst their kin. The forces of Black Tower are driven off as more and more Fey kin gather in the forest.
  • 410 A large influx of wood elves arrives in Goiana from all over Ereb Altor.
  • 424 the kingdom of Goiana are declared. It is accepted by Kardien.
  • 429 The autarch of Goiana (Elindina) makes a deal with a powerful spirit called Enlil Talanenn
  • 457 The Goiana dance academy are created
  • 529 Elendina steps down as autarch and the satyr Kispi are chosen autarch
  • 536 - 540 Black blood tribes from Aidne mountain invades Goiana but in the loose the war and are driven back up the mountains.
  • 539 Kispi falls in battle and are replaced by the wood elf Silon.

Demography and Population

Most sentinent physical inhabitants are wood elves but there are other fey folk as well. Satyrs are common and there is a tribe of centaurs living a nomad life within the forest. There are many najads and their sisters found within the forest realm. Along the shores there are several gatherings of mermaids and sirens, making it a shore most mortals avoid. The land based fey folk seem content to keep it that way.


East of the river Goida and west river Firkax.


There is no formal army in Goiana and it is defended by a militia made up of all living fey people in the realm. Each adult are decreed to learn how to fight with bow, spear and shield and accepting that in event of war the demiark musters and lead the militia. The elven strategy is based on guerilla warfare where the elves use their superior knowledge of the land and the powers of Enlil Talannens powers to launch devastating attacks. the goal is to force the enemy to loose the will to fight. On the other hand Goiana lacks the ability to wage invasion wars and would have problems waging war in enemy territories.


There is no formal religion in Goiana but as most are elves follow the elven religion.

Foreign Relations

The elves lives very isolated in the deep forests of Goiana and are uninterested in the politics of their shortlived neighbours. But they realizes the need for at least have cordial relations with the surrounding powers, in order to have allies if The Black Tower chooses to launch an full scale invasion.   Everytime a new king are anoited in Kardien Goiana makes sure to send lavish gifts and attend the ritual.


There are no real laws in the way humans and other civilised species defines law. But all revolves around, do not do anything which threatens Goiana or its inhabitants.

Agriculture & Industry

There is little real agriculture as they mostly are hunter and gatherers. They also use their magic to make the trees and bushes produce fruit and berries daily.   There is no industry as crafting are based on need or lust rather than profit. They do produce some extra which are giftes or sometime traded. There is a small trade with shortlived people, but it is actually made more for fun and meeting people rather than a need.

Trade & Transport

there is no profit driven trade in Goiana.


There is no formal education system in Goiana and every family teaches their young what they think is necessary. In reality due to the mentality of elves and the longlivety most are very well educated.


The trails between villages are well traveled but in case of war they quickly dissiapeares so no invasion force can use them.

Come in peace

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
There is no official currency in Goiana as there is no trade. But the elves have amassed much coins from all over the world which can be used when foreigners want to trade.
Major Exports
Goiana do not export anything.
Major Imports
Goiana have no need to import anything.
Related Species


Although Goiana once where a part of Kardien, there is no animosity between them. They are on a peaceful level, and during the last Black blood invasion there where some cooperation. Kardien realised during the war how well defended Goiana is. As Goiana is a verry cloesed land and do not need to trade there is of course a large level of suspicious folklore from the Kardians, and the church are not pleased with a heretical realm so close by. But still the friendship between the realms persist.