
North of Berendien within the Landori forest lies the hidden Elven realm Landori. It is the largest of the elven realms of Ereb Altor and as such it has a lot of influence in all other elven settlements. The king of Landori is a wood elf named Pargal whom rules gently together with his queen Ilaine. They have shared approximatly 3200 years together and have sired many children throughout the millenias. Their love have never faltered and neither of them have had any other lover. The entrance to the elven realm of Landori is a well kept secret, guarded by powerful magic. In the forest there is a ancient oak where any individual wanting to enter the realm must speak the secret word. If it is correct a path leading into Landori will reveal itself.   At the centre of Landori is the tree castle wherein the ruler of Landori presides. As Pargal have had the title for so long, many more or less consider it to be his castle. The tree castle is constructed in such a way that it blends into and enhances the natural forest of Landori. Within the castle all walls and ceilings are covered in natural flowers and leaves, which changes as the seasons changes. Within the castle there is feeling of serenity and calmness. Birds sings in compliance with the fey peoples songs. Predators and natural prey linger together or play with elven children. A scent of flowers is common and each room have its own smell.   Within the realm in close proximity to the castle is a beautiful garden, containing a small lake, waterfall all centred around a large silver tree. Many wisps makes their home in the garden.

Public Agenda

Landori is a closed society which seldoms interfer or interact with surrounding countries. The few times in history when Landori have acted it has been to protect itself or its allies. Political scholars usually defines Landori agenda to be; protect ourself and other elves.


The Landori realm is ancient in a way few other countries can concieve, and as such it has amassed great wealth. The coffers are filled to the brim with gold, silver and gems. Within the realm they are considered to be beautiful accessories with no real value, but the elves know full well the power it has on other species.   Almost all inhabitants know how to use the bow and melee weapon, and as such the militia is large and ready to defend the land. There are also many wizards and clerics in Landori who would accompany the forces into battle.   The Land is fertile and fruit, herbs and mushrooms are plentiful, enhanced by the elves and their close relationsship with the spirits. There are many springs and flowing water sources within the land as well.   There are no mines or quarries in Landori and all stone and ore is imported, but the forges runs all of the time spitting out arrrowhead, but mostly tools and jewellery. Fire for the forges are almost always magical, unless the Elf smith wants to cratee something special the natural way.

Demography and Population

Wood elves is the most common inhabitant of Landori, but there are numerous High elves as well. Many different kinds of Fey blood is represented such as Najads and Dryads.


Unlike many other elven kingdoms Landori is keeping a standing military force, made up of a core of proffessional soldiers strengthen by militia who serve in five year stints. During a elven lifetime a militia man/ woman can be in the army several times.   The standing army is made up of light infantry who patrol the borders to keep it secure. But there is also a force of light cavalry whom often patrol away from Landori to spot problems earlier.   The milita when mustered are mostly made up of archers and light infantry.   Although the forces of Landori are a defensive force, there have been occations when they have been embroiled in expiditions afar. Sometimes to quell a threat and sometimes to aid allies.

Foreign Relations

Landori is a isolated kingdom and isnĀ“t interested in having any relations with its neighbours. It have more diplomatic relations with Goiana far to the west than it has with Berendien who is its closest neighbour.

Trade & Transport

There is a small import of ore into Landori which is often payed for in gold. But also delicious wine made of the local fruit. The main trade partner is Berendien.
Alternative Names
The homeland of the elves
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations
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