Silina of Waterbreak

Silina is a woodelf who leads the settlement called Green leaves in the forest of Brynhildur, north of Zorakin. She is quite common looking for a elf and do not stand out in any special way.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

She is always dressed in green and brown clothes made for the forest. On patrols she adorns her leaather jacket as protection.

Specialized Equipment

She is always armed with her elven longbow and a quiver filled with arrows. 5 of them are magical and she saves them for when really needed. She always have her shortsword of clearly elven design by her waist, as well as a dagger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Silina was born in small village in Goina called waterbreak, where she spent the first hundred years of her life. As all woodelfs she where taught to survive in the forest in her young years, and became quite renowned for her hunting skills even amongst the woodelves. She have been part of the defence force of Goiana several times when Blackbloods have invaded or raided her homeland, often leading squads of scouts and rangers.   When she passed a hundred years of age she became a wanderer in Ereb Altors forests, always shunning human society. She quite dislikes humanity and their cities, but accept them as a part of nature.   After spending some time i the forest of Brynhildur she realised there where to many Lady of the forests, and decided to investigate the mystery. She managed to convince important people in Goiana to give her support in investigating the phenomenon.


She consider sex a natural part of nature and have no problem with hers or others sexuality. She is not sexually drawn to other species than elves, and consider it unnaturally for those who are.


Siliana have no formal scholary education, but have learned alot during her years. She have no interest in academia as such, but her knowledge of how the nature works in practise is very high.

Accomplishments & Achievements

In Goiana she is well known as a sound tactician and fighter who have many time eradicated forces greater than hers. She is a natural choice for leading troops in defense of Goina.

Morality & Philosophy

She lives by the tenents of nature. You do not make uneccessery kills, but there is no taboo against killing. If she has to kill kill someone and they do not die, she could very well leave them to die. It is the way nature works. She might do a mercy kill but could also decide to heal them if she sees any advantage in it.    She isn´t bothererd about humans cutting down trees, but if she see them cutting down a tree with a dryad attached, she will try to convince them to stop. If they don´t she will kill them. Perhaps she will spare the children if there are any.

Personality Characteristics


She is on a quest to find out why the forest of Brynhildur have so many Lady of the forests, compared to other areas she has visited. She intend to stop it as she truly believe they are spirits of trees whom have gotten lost when they moved from the spiritual world to the mundane world. She is no scholars and as such she works with them by doing the leg work and lead the small village she has founded.   She's adamant about the security of the village and patrols the surrounding continually.

Likes & Dislikes

Like most elves she hates Blackbloods and will do her best to kill them, but not to the point where other in her care would be placed in uneneccessary danger.    She likes singing, music and hanging out by the campfire with a group of friends.


Religious Views

She is devout believer of the elven religious system.

Hobbies & Pets

She have a mountain cat which is tied to her as a friend and pet. It still roams free but comes to her at her beckoning and follows her on her journies.


She prefers to communicate in short sentences when she is focused on hunting or scouting. But at night by the campfire she hold long monolouges about different things.
Current Location
Year of Birth
242 A.O. 370 Years old
The settlement waterbreak in Goiana
Current Residence
Green leaves
Intense brown
Long plain and brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Her skin is soft and pale and never develops any sun tan.
162 cm
50 kg
Known Languages
She only speak elvish languages.