Green leaves


  • 80 % forest elves
  • 20 % other Fey folks


Cooperation after group decisions. If you do not like the choice the group makes you either adapt or leave.   In case of war there is a clear chain of command.   The founder and leader of the group is Silina and she is also the warleader. She spends her days scouting the area and keeping it clean of the goblin tribes. She doesn¨t want them to find the location of the settlement. Although few of the elves are specialised in anything and spend theri days doing different things, she has chosen four other elves to alway be scouts and patrol the land. This is a military decision she has made without the groups consent as they are located in more or less hostile lands.


The village is very well camouflaged and there are no vital buildings on the ground. If the village where to be invaded the inhabitants would retreat to the trees where they would use their bows against the invaders. A small number of the inhabitants would stay on the ground and start a guerilla war on the invaders, and they have several prepared caches with arrows and other material needed to keep fighting.   Also there are a some very powerful mages within the community who could summon elements as aids, as well as the inhabitants of the forest. The dryads close by is very powerful as well.   In short anyone invading the village would have to fight the surrounding nature as well as the village.

Industry & Trade

There is no need for trade for the settlement but they have made a choice to be open for trade for the Zorakian settlements close by. Their reason is more diplomatic rather than wealth accumulation. They do not reach out and leave the settlement to trade but wait for traders to reach them. They have a small building set aside for trade where they store the goods they are willing to offer. As such they have learnt the value of coins and accept them as trade, but prefer to barter for goods.   A few member have developed a taste for Zorakian wine and they are willing to offer much to get it.


Leadning to the village from from the lands of Zorakin there is a road made up from two sets of wagon trails. The elves patrol it constantly to keep it safe from goblins. They do not care to keep it safe from other beasts.   Within the village there is clearing and paths on the ground including a few smaller buildings for guests. But all the inhabitants live in their tree houses.


There is a large cooperation between the members and the settlement is more or less self sustained. But there is a small trade between them and the closest Zorakian settlements. Therefore they are making bown and arrows to "sell" as well as herbs and tinctures.   In one of their clearing the two Pegasi the village have access to make their home. The Pegasi joined the village from Goiana to make sure there is a way of communication between them and Goiana.


The settlement where suggested and started by the wood elf Silina of Waterbreak from Goiana. She had for a long time investigated the Brynhildur forest and realised that there were more Lady of the forests present than would be expected. She suggested to the rulers of Goiana that they needed to solve the mystery and if possible end it.    The rulers of Goina agreed for several reasons. Of course they understood the need to investigate the Lady of the forests but they also needed a base close to Zorakin, who could speak for them more easily. The Green leaves were also to start investigate the Toril forest and in the end gather aid from Zorakin to retake the forests from the black bloods as the spirits within it is going corrupt.


Everything is made from living tree.


The village is situated in The Brynhildur forest within a days travel from the closest human settlement. It is also located close to an ancient Oak tree with a strong Dryad spirit attached to it.   Very close to village is a very small clear spring which is the main source of water for the villagers.

Natural Resources

They have access to wood and herbs, but also game that they hunt. They lack the ability to mine and forge steel, which is a problem as they need steel weapons against the goblins.
Founding Date
576 A.O.
Approximatly 50 inhabitants
Location under
Characters in Location