The black libraries

Amongst the scholars and searchers of knowledge there is a legend of an external plane which is a large library often called the dark library. The library is said to contain not only everything written in Ereb Altor, but also everything written in other planes of existens. It is said to be a place of knowledge and it is possible to travel there in order to find a book or scroll you need. But it is also a dangerous place and many who are said to have traveled there have never returned. Those who have tell tales of undead and ever changing corridors in which you can get lost for an eternity. It is told that you can never go back the same way you came, and must find new ways to return to from where you came. The passages between the bookcases is also said to be a hunting ground for dangerous monsters who might be natural there or who have strayed from other dimensions.   The riarks of The shining path warns its flocks for ever venturing to the Black libraries as it is ruled over by Hemaqiuel, the blackhooved lier and first enemy of Etin. Any who travel there are putting their souls at risk. There is even a passage in the Golden Books which names the Black Library as a twisted and evil place which lures the mind away from the truths of Etin.   Within the Black Library the caretaker and first librarian Jazeriel is told to tending to the books. He is described as a tall and wiry man with great powers. Both physical as well as magical and according to the legends, Jazeriel is evil devil who abides to the laws of the library. He enjoys humilitaing the powerless and ignorant living beings who arrives at the library. Jazeriel often demands that they answer a question to be granted the right to use the library and if the aswer is wrong they will suffer. To aid him he have set of devils called Dark librarians which abides his biddings. But the halls are also said to be home of all different kinds of undead, some who have died there and still roams the halls searching for whatever they once came there to find.


The black library is a dimension which is said to be ruled by Hemaniquel and it is said that everything ever written are stored in the library. It might be visited by mortals but the only things who makes it their home is undead, demons and devils. The black library is mentioned sporadicly in in several of the most influental magical writings, and even in the Golden book of Etin.


The legend of the Black library is not very well known in the general populance but amongst the scholars and magicians it is well known.   The black library is known in cultures that are not in contact with the shining path.

Variations & Mutation

Many scholars who are not followers of the Shining Path says the black library has nothing to do with Hemaiquel, and sugges other deities as its ruler. Their argument is that Hemaniquel does not fit into a deity of knowledge.

Cultural Reception

Within the church of Etin the Black library is a dark and evil place. Those who travel there to find knowledge seldom come back, and the knowledge they have found have not improved their life. And later when they die their souls are forfeit to hemanuqiel.

In Literature

  • Found in scriptures of magic, most often in those who have a basis in the countries where The shining path is located.
  • Mention in the Golden Book.
  • Described in the Black book

In Art

In some paintings and other depiction variants the black library is found. It is often depicted using rows of rows of books. Sometimes skeletons sitting in rows reading books. The colour setting is black and dark grey as the dominant setting. It is meant to descibe a warning and that the library is a dark place.
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